Chapter 343
The goal has now been achieved in a small step, and the next step is the second step, which is to expand the planting area.

She provides two carts of vegetables to the supermarket every week. Of course, this cart cannot be her small pickup truck, and she can't satisfy the large box of goods for the time being, so she can only take the average value of the hatchback and find a similar one.

In this way, the two carts are nearly [-] catties of vegetables, and the rest is for the regular customers in the market. The total is almost [-] catties, so it is [-] catties a week.

There is also the fire brigade, after knowing that Sang Wei is selling vegetables, they also put the purchase channel on Sang Wei, and only the vegetables that Sang Wei does not have here will go to other places.

In this way, I weigh nearly 50 kilograms every day.

Although things like eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes are indeed quite stressful, but more than 500 catties a week is just five acres of land. Although there is room to share a little bit, the pressure is still very high.

And in the later stage, it is estimated that some private restaurants and the like will come to her to cooperate, so that the output will be even more in short supply.

So the next second small goal is to expand the planting area, so that the scale will be larger.

Because Sang Wei is well-known, coupled with her status, the government has special preferential policies for her, and there are also some preferential policies for Qiaojia Village, the village where she lives now, so when he rents another 10 acres of land, Qiao Jiwan went through the formalities very happily, and the price was very favorable.

Now almost all the people in the village go out to work, so there are not many people who grow land and grow food, so those lands are either idle or have been planted with fruit trees to occupy the space, and Sang Wei is only renting here, and the rent price is also low. It's reasonable, fuck, many villagers are willing to cooperate with her.

Sang Wei also chose the land adjacent to the previous five acres and rented it out, so that it would be easier to manage.

It is not a small project to manage the whole 15 mu of land, especially the newly rented ones have to be opened in advance, so Sang Wei can't handle it alone, so she asked Qiao Jiwan to help, and the village In the name of the committee, a notice was issued, anyway, the content was to find someone to help mine the land, and then help manage it later.

This is some physical work and farm work. The old men in the village are also used to it. Young people may go out to work hard, but the remaining 50-year-old who do not like to move can choose not to go out.

But now is an opportunity, Sang Wei is required to pay more than 2000 yuan a month, so she can get it if she is not tired from work.

And that is to say, it will be a little tiring at the beginning when the land is sorted out. Later, it is only the task of watering, weeding and weeding. I need help when harvesting. I usually go for a stroll after eating to see if there is anything. The one that gets destroyed will do, so how easy and simple this job is, and the money is as free as it gets.

So when the notice was posted, someone came to the door. Sang Wei carefully selected three people, each responsible for five acres of land, and after getting the land lease contract, they could start work the next day.

As for whether they will ask other people for help?That's their business. If they ask relatives and friends for help, it's just a matter of a meal, and they can relax a little bit.

There were actually more than three people when they came to the door, but Sang Wei only chose these three for her own reasons, just because one of the three people had a relatively poor condition, almost living on the subsistence allowance, and the two families were of good character , there will be no such thing as guarding and stealing, that's why Sang Wei chose them.

How did Sang Wei know?
Simple, it has been almost a year since she came to be the village chief. Although there are some people in the village who don't know each other very well, Sang Wei generally knows their temperament from Liu Shuzhen's mouth. There is a small stone, and when it is free, it will fly out to listen to other people's gossip and come back to tell her, so she still knows these people in the village.

Among the applicants, there are indeed those who are cautious. Sang Wei's vegetables are so valuable, and he grows so much, and he can't tell if they are less. Every time he secretly sells a little, he can't find it.

Little did she know that Sang Wei had already seen through these small thoughts, so she kicked out such people early in the morning.

But this also reminded her that she really had to pay attention to this aspect, maybe she could consider putting a layer of barbed wire around it?

This can also be arranged.

But the barbed wire can only prevent gentlemen, not villains. When Sang Wei's vegetables are ripe, people will come to steal them.

But what Sang Wei didn't expect was that these people would be reported after they stole it and sold it in the market.

Because of Sang Wei's identity and the nutritional value of her dishes, she has been attracting the attention of the outside world, and others have always recognized Sang Wei, and Sang Wei also announced to the outside world that she does not have an agent.

The cooperative unit only has a private restaurant and a supermarket, and there are no other people. What if you see someone buying these vegetables with a small number?Either they are cheating, or they are stealing, and it is not an exaggeration to be reported.

So no one sold it secretly in the later period, but there are still some for eating.

These are things that Sang Wei did not expect.

Things are slowly getting on the right track, Yoyo is also one year old here, and Sang Wei plans to start a medicinal bath for him.

No matter which path he wants to take in the future, having a healthy body is the most important thing. When Yoyo was just born, Sang Wei tested his bones. It was not bad, very suitable for body training, but because he was too young However, Sang Wei was not willing to torment him, so she didn't start until after her first birthday.

Don't look at Yoyo, he is only one year old, but he is very smart, just like a little adult, Sang Wei wants to say hello to him in advance, so when he sits in the dark bathtub, although he is a little timid, but Sang Wei calmed down a little, and Yoyo's mood stabilized.

For the first time, Sang Wei didn’t put much in it, and there was only a little pain on Yo Yo’s side, but it was still bearable. After soaking, Sang Wei taught him the exercises. After a simple explanation, he was able to find the aura of a little mouse under the guidance of Sang Weicai.

Sang Wei decided to start practicing internally first, and wait until the age of three before exercising externally. She was afraid that the child would practice too early, and the bones would not grow, which would harm the child. She didn't want to grow taller in the future.

There are so many exercises in Sang Wei's mind. After so many worlds, she has already integrated these exercises. The exercises are suitable for anyone without any restrictions.

In other words, anyone can practice regardless of their aptitude, and it will be effective after a long time of practice, but the effect depends on the individual's aptitude.

Sang Wei practiced this kind of kung fu after giving birth to Yoyo, and Yoyo is practicing the same kind now, but her physical aptitude is limited, not as good as Yoyo. When Yoyo was five years old, he caught up with her. From time to time, the two had to spar a few times, but every time they lost.

He is just a five-year-old child, and Sang Wei is an old monster who has traveled through many worlds. One can imagine that he has a lot of experience with the enemy.

And she is not conscious of bullying the child at all. In her words, it is for the good of you, to teach him to be a human being.

This is all a later story. At this time, Yoyo just turned one year old and only started taking medicine baths.

(End of this chapter)

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