Chapter 344
Sang Wei has 15 mu of land here. Although she spent a lot of money at the beginning, she will have income after a month or two, and the income is still considerable.

So she picked out two acres of land out of the fifteen acres and prepared to build a greenhouse.

No matter how good the seeds produced in her space are, it is impossible to violate the laws of nature to be green and green in winter, or to bloom and bear fruit, so if you want to have income in winter, you must rely on this greenhouse.

She plans to take the boutique route, so 2 mu of land is enough.

In this way, the income of greenhouse vegetables in one winter alone is more than half a year.

When Yoyo was three years old, she couldn't stay at home anymore and liked to run outside.Sang Wei knows that this is a child's nature. As a doctor who treats autism, she knows what will happen if the child is stopped, and Sang Wei will not stop her.

Anyway, there is Little Mianmian following behind and a little stone protecting him. If there is a car or something on the road, he can take him away, so Sang Wei can rest assured.

But there is one thing that needs to be put on the agenda, and that is swimming.

Children like to play with water, and you don't know why it is even more so, since they are born, they like to take a bath.When he got older, Sang Wei would put a basin of water for him in the yard every summer. He and Little Mianmian could both play for an afternoon. Now that he could run outside, he would be even more cautious when he saw a small river outside. I can't stand my legs anymore.

Sang Wei had already made plans for this when she chose the house on the east side. She would not stop the child from exploring the world, but she had to learn to teach him how to protect himself.

Learning to swim is not difficult, and he is still a three-year-old child. At that time, the mother's memory should still exist in the subconscious mind. Learning to swim will be very fast, so he should float easily when he enters the water.

The teacher is of course Sang Wei's teacher.

On the first day, it was exactly as Sang Wei guessed, and it didn't take long for you to float up.

On the second day, he was able to grab Sang Wei's hand and flutter, and on the third day, he was able to let go.

Sang Wei's main goal here is to teach him how to swim, so it doesn't matter what kind of posture it is, as long as Yoyo can learn it, so she teaches freestyle, but for some reason, Yoyo's favorite movement is dog pawing.

Maybe it's because every time Yoyo learns to swim, Little Cotton follows her?When he was older, when Sang Wei felt that there was nothing wrong with him alone, he went out to play by himself, and at that time the only ones by his side were Little Mianmian and Little Shitou. Jue learned from Little Cotton.

You said that Sanwei can rest assured that Youyou can go swimming alone?

Of course don't worry!
Let's not talk about Little Cotton, it's already more than one meter high and one and a half meters long, so you can easily handle Yoyo by yourself.Don't forget that there is still a small stone, if there is any danger, he just needs to call himself in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he will sense it soon.

So of course she is relieved.

Another point is that she believes in Yoyo, even though he is young now, but he knows it very well, he remembers what Sang Wei said clearly, and he knows everything he can and can't do.

You can play in the water, but you can only do so in shallow water and never go to the middle of the river.

It stands to reason that when Yoyo is three years old, she can go to kindergarten, but Sang Wei doesn't plan to give up, she thinks twice and decides to send it a year later.

The first point is because she is in the village and there is no formal kindergarten. The better ones are a little far away, and she needs to stay there all day.

Although Yoyo is very smart, but when he is too young and still clings to himself, if he cannot see himself all day and is in an unfamiliar environment, it will definitely have a certain impact on his psychological growth.

As for you saying that there are more children playing together?There are many friends in his village, and they have become the king of children, so he doesn't have to worry about no one to play with him.

The second point is that he is still young and cannot take care of himself at all. There is no problem with eating or something, but he needs help when he smells bad. This child has a small problem since he was a child. Otherwise, refuse anyone to help.

And Sang Wei also has time to accompany him now, so she plans to wait until he is five years old before sending him there. At that time, he will be able to take care of himself completely, and his mental age is tending to mature, so it is appropriate to go to kindergarten.

As for knowledge, when Yoyo was two years old, Sang Wei began to enlighten him, starting with Chinese studies, slowly moving to arithmetic, and then foreign languages, with a little guidance, so she didn't worry about this aspect at all.

Combining these reasons, even though Yoyo was still unwilling to leave Sang Wei when she was five years old, Sang Wei still sent him to kindergarten.

Yoyo was unhappy for two days at first, and then every time she had to clamor to go early.

From the kindergarten teacher, I know that Yoyo is also a king of kids in the kindergarten. Both boys and girls like to play with him, and he is very popular.

Sang Wei was lying when she said that she was not lost, but she was only lost for a day or two before she started a happy life. Now she can really appreciate the fun of those parents who put their gods into a cage.

The child is in school, and someone is responsible for the vegetables in the field, and she is not used much, so this is retirement life, which is not bad at all.

Boil a pot of tea, prepare two or three kinds of snacks and dried fruits, sit at the stone table under the grape trellis, do not have to do anything, just like this is very comfortable, Sang Wei often sits alone for an afternoon.

She stays here longer when the grapes are ripe.

Before there was Yoyo, and Sang Wei who had snacks and snacks was worried about his dental problems, so she ate them secretly.

Some people in this village saw that the child was getting older and tired from eating, and they wanted to introduce her to someone, but Sang Wei refused in a few words.

She can do this kind of retirement life alone, and if she finds someone else, should she share it or talk about it?So one person is the best choice.

But the good days only lasted for two years, and it ended when Yoyo was in elementary school.

Sang Wei didn't find any famous school for Yoyo, nor did she put him in the city, but chose a school in the town.

Children are eager to learn, any school will do.

In this case, the school will not be responsible for lunch, so Sang Wei needs to pick her up at noon.

However, this day only lasted for more than a month, and it was announced that it was over after Yoyo figured out the route.

At this time, because he went to school late, he was already 7 years old, and he could go home by himself.

Regardless of the reason, this is a good exercise for him. He is already on the second level of body training at this time, and he can go home in less than 10 minutes for this short distance.

Of course, you have to carry people behind your back.

However, after liberation, Sang Wei did not continue her previous leisurely retirement life, but started to get busy again because she was overwhelmed.

That's right, it's the mountain behind their house.

Of course, it only covered half of the mountain. That mountain was not small, and she really couldn't eat it by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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