Chapter 346 Chapter 36
Fortunately, the 15 mu of land that Sangwei rented happened to be at the foot of the mountain, so there was no need to separate them for unified management.

Although the mountain has been covered, when the time comes, I have made money over the years, and I don't spend much.

Although the identity of Sang Wei's heroic family has been gradually forgotten by the public, the preferential policies belonging to her are still there, and her dishes are still very popular.

Especially those who often eat her food, after several years of conditioning, no dizziness, no blurred vision, no constipation, no acne, no fat, and become more beautiful,
In short, although it is not the kind of effect that can be seen immediately, after a long-term accumulation, changes can still be seen. As for whether it can prolong life?This point needs further observation.

If you think about it, this person will live longer if he is healthy, as long as he doesn't die.

So Sang Wei's dishes are still very popular.

Of course, there must be someone who is interested in analyzing why Sang Wei's dishes have such a high nutritional value?But there was no result. Even if they rented the land next to Sang Wei, planted the same variety of vegetables, and still took good care of them, they still couldn't achieve their results.

So in the end, you can only become our loyal customer of Sang Wei.

What's more, Sang Wei's actions have also boosted the economy of Qiao's Village, especially in terms of growing vegetables. As long as they say that they are produced in Qiao's Village, even if the price is a little higher than vegetables in other places, they are still very popular.

Although this is in the name of Sang Wei, Sang Wei doesn't mind. The only requirement is that she must not use any ripening agents or other medicines.

Only in this way is it not a one-shot deal.

So Sang Wei also indirectly brought up the economy of Qiaojia Village, and many people who were not very good outside came back to grow vegetables
After the mountain is contracted, it is natural to find someone to manage it. She will only produce saplings and the like.

There are a lot of older people in the village, and with the help of Xiao Shitou, Sang Wei selected a few people,
Their side is considered to be in the north, and it is definitely not good to plant fruit trees in the south. Just follow the northern varieties in the space, such as apples, pears, peaches and cherries.After planting the trees, she also built a few small houses on the mountain, and raised some chickens, ducks and geese by the way, scattered them out during the day, and brought them back at night, which can be regarded as an ecological chain.

This requires someone to watch from the mountain, and there happened to be such a person in the village who was more suitable, and Sang Wei chose him.

Qiao Dafu has been living alone since his wife and child died in a car accident a few years ago. He used to do odd jobs with the construction team to help others, but he was accidentally injured at work and his legs were a little lame. After receiving the compensation, he returned to the village. .

Now he belongs to the type that one person is full and the whole family is not hungry. He just makes ends meet every day.

This person was introduced to her by Qiao Jiwan. It is said that Qiao Dafu was a diligent person when his wife and children were still there, and life in the family was prosperous. Since he was left alone in the family and she became lame again, this is the case. Broken cans.

If you don't care about him, this person probably won't have much motivation.

Sang Wei asked Xiaoshitou to observe him secretly for a few days before she confirmed that this person's character was really good. She didn't have much work on the mountain, the most she could do was feed chickens, ducks and geese, release them regularly, When he came back, even if his leg was inconvenient, it would not be too much trouble, so Sang Wei built him a house next to the chicken and duck coop, with all the furniture and electrical appliances in it, and let Qiao Dafu live in it, so he didn't have to come back and forth. Going up the mountain is much more convenient.

As for the houses in the village, you can keep them for the holidays and go back to live in them, or you can rent them out if you want, because their village is developing well now, and there are many people who want to rent houses. The rent is still considerable, which can be regarded as a income.

But Qiao Dafu didn't plan to rent out the house, but went back to clean it every ten days or so and lived there for a day. After all, it was his home, and his wife and children used to live there.

Even though they are gone, the memory is still there. If my wife and children can't find a home when they come back during the holidays, it will be very sad.

And now that he is limping, it is estimated that no one will live with him in the future. Who will he leave the money he earns?At that time, if I kick my legs, I won't get anything.

Didn't you say that?The most tragic thing is that people die and the money is not spent.

But what happens after that is unpredictable.

Who would have thought that a few years later, although Qiao Dafu had no one to live with him, but because he kindly subsidized an orphan to go to school, that child was also a person who knew how to be grateful, so he recognized him as his father, and finally gave him a pension until the end of his life, so that Qiao Daifuku will not end up alone forever.

Of course, this is all for later.

But now Sang Wei didn't know what to do.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take Yoyo to play for a day. If you're worried, you can follow along. If you can't, you can take half a day."

It was Tian Yuan who spoke, this kid has become a lot more mature and stable now, but what he said was still the same as before.

It's the summer vacation of the first grade at this time, Yoyo just happens to be on vacation.

Sang Wei only felt sorry for the beast for two days after it came out of the cage, and then she was so noisy that she couldn't do it anymore. She was going to sign him up for a summer camp, so that she could spend him at leisure.

Yoyo can take care of everything by herself now, she is very capable, and can take care of other children, so Sang Wei is not worried.

But when Tian Yuan followed Lao Qian to fetch food this time, when he learned about this, he actually wanted Yoyo to go to the fire brigade.At that time, I will eat in the cafeteria and live in their house. In his words, I will play with his family's fields for two more days.

Seeing that Sang Wei's complexion is not good, he said that he can play for only one day, half a day is fine.

This Tian Yuan got married and had a son when Yoyo was three years old, now he is four years old, most of them are brought up by grandma, so he is a bit spoiled.

When Tian Yuan and the others came to Qiao's Village before, they brought him here, and it was indeed quite tricky, but Yoyo was able to cure him.

If you don't go to the kindergarten these two days, you will have to break the roof at home. Tian Yuan learned that Yoyo is on vacation, so he wanted to let him go to the compound to scare Tianye.

People from the fire brigade have been keeping in touch with Sang Wei. Even if Zhu Shiwu has been transferred to another area, he will still take time to visit.

So this friendship, especially the one that can be delivered to the back, is the strongest.

But Sang Wei didn't want Yoyo to go, she was worried that Yoyo would choose to be a firefighter after being exposed to that kind of environment.

Although it was Sang Wei who was teaching him, after all, Yoyo has the blood of the original owner's husband, and it is possible that he is interested in firefighting.

So he grew up so big, Sang Wei never talked about this aspect.

Although Sang Wei said before, he can choose which way Yo Yo will go in the future, even if he is at home, in Sang Wei's eyes, it is better than being a fireman.

Don't mention those big righteousness, this is a mother's insistence.


(End of this chapter)

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