Chapter 347
After Tian Yuan got well, he still often went to Qiaojia Village to play, and sometimes Xiaoya would take Tian Ye to play with You Yo, because Sang Wei took care of Tian Ye for half a month, and the relationship between the two became very close.

Tian Ye has experienced the incident of Tian Yuan's injury, and he has matured a lot mentally. Although he is still mischievous at times, he has already reached his limit.

When Tian Yuan came, Yoyo liked to pester him very much, and sometimes he paid special attention to his injuries.

Tian Yuan's injury was not bad, but after healed, a scar was left. The scar only occupied the front of the neck and the front and back of the left ear. The reason why it was dangerous at the beginning was because the injury was on the trachea.

Yoyo, this face control, has changed from his previous appearance. Whenever Tian Yuan comes, he will run up to him and say cautiously:
"Uncle Yuanyuan, are you still in pain?"

"Uncle Yuanyuan, you have to be careful in the future."

"Uncle Yuanyuan, you have a handsome scar."

Sometimes he would pester Tian Yuan to ask about the fire brigade, or whether his father had similar scars on his body. In short, he was full of admiration inside and out.

Yoyo can also be regarded as Tian Yuan's birth, so Tian Yuan is equivalent to Yoyo's half father, he also has a different feeling for Yoyo, of course it is only for Yoyo, his red heart is still towards Yu Xiaoya.

Does it hurt?Of course it hurts, there is no pain in the flesh and blood, are you afraid?Of course I was afraid, but at that time the responsibility on my body was more important than everything else, so I naturally ignored it.

So he will patiently answer Yo Yo's questions, but it's just a matter of fact.

He actually wanted to say something high-sounding, but the other party was only a primary school student. Although he was precocious, he still didn't understand.

And Tian Yuan also clearly realized that Sang Wei didn't want Yoyo to know too much about this.

He understands this very well. Although the captain has been away for seven or eight years, this matter is a lifetime of pain. It doesn't mean that you can get out if you step out, and you can forget if you forget it. Otherwise, sister-in-law wouldn't be alone all the time. .

I don't want my child to understand too much about this aspect, which means I am afraid that the child will go on this road. After all, Yoyo has the same blood as the captain.

So he understood very well that if it was Tian Ye, he would not agree with him to take this path.

That's what being a parent is about.

So when Yoyo asked him questions, he just picked some simple answers.

But what he and Sang Wei didn't expect was that Yoyo had already decided in her heart about her future, and she had decided to become a firefighter in the future.

This child Sang Wei has been free-range since she was a child, so she is very independent, and the things she decides rarely change.

So in the summer vacation of the second year, Youyou persuaded Sang Wei to live in the fire compound for two days, and finally saw the place where his father stayed.

In fact, Sang Wei is also more or less aware of Yoyo's persistence on this point. No matter how well a child hides his thoughts, he is still a child after all, and Sang Wei can naturally see it.

She thought, children are very rebellious now, the more you don't let him do something, the more curious he will be and insist on doing it.Blocking is worse than sparseness, which is why Sang Wei agreed with him to go to the fire brigade.

If he saw that the firefighters usually train very hard, he would probably retreat.

But Sang Wei forgot that Yoyo was the one who taught body exercises since she was 3 years old. Perseverance and other aspects are much better than her peers, so although she sighed about the daily training of firefighters, she didn't feel tired How difficult.

Instead, it made him more confident that he could do well.

This was unexpected by Sang Wei.

After graduating from Yoyo Primary School, Sang Wei's cuisine has begun to spread radially across the country. She has also rented out the other half of the mountain, and her mountain villa has also begun to be put on the agenda.

After a year, the villa was built, and Sang Wei lived in it. It was done by herself, and she felt very comfortable living there.

Her goal is considered accomplished.

Although her vegetables have spread all over the country now, she has not expanded the planting area, because she knows that no matter how much she grows, she will not be able to supply the food tables of the people of the whole country, so she decided to go another way.

That is to freeze-dry the vegetables into dried vegetables and sell them in this form.

In this way, the price can be bought up, and it also solves various problems in the transportation of fresh vegetables, and also promotes the development of the surrounding areas of Qiaojia Village.

Sang Wei knows how to enjoy it completely. She has hired a professional manager to handle all these matters, and she is only responsible for providing seeds.

As for the personalities of the professional people she was looking for, there were still little stones. He only needed to monitor them for a few days, and these people would be invisible, so there were very few mistakes.

Fortunately, Xiaolu is very strong here, and he has saved a lot of seeds before, so it is supplied.

In this way, Sang Wei started the old-age care mode again.

She thought, when Yoyo went to college, she would be free to take a self-driving tour with little rocks and little cotton.

Little Mianmian may have eaten vegetables in space since he was a child, or he was inseparable from Little Stone and has a trace of a beast. Although he is already a teenager, he is still very strong. It is not a problem to live long enough to go to college. Maybe he will get married and have children. possible.

But here comes the problem, as Yoyo grows older and his mind gradually matures, he hides his preferences very well, just waiting for an explosion.

That's right, he went to college normally, and his grades were very good, he was admitted to Capital University and became what other people called "other people's child".

And he graduated with excellent grades.Even if he doesn't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, it's not a problem to enter any state-owned or foreign company. Even if he doesn't want to, he can go home and inherit the villa.But this brat secretly went to take the fire certificate test.

what to do?beat?Can't beat, can't beat!

He is now taller than Sang Wei by half a head, and his kung fu has already surpassed Sang Wei. When Sang Wei was about to worry about him with the soles of his shoes, he just ran away and couldn't even catch up.

Reasonable?It doesn't make sense, but if it makes sense, he won't hold back for so many years and still sneak up to this step.

Sang Wei was so angry that she hadn't eaten for three days, and finally compromised.

But a compromise is a compromise, and Sang Wei made three chapters for Yoyo:
First, we must pay attention to safety and keep our own lives.

Second, keep your own life.

Third, it is still to save your own life.

As long as her life can be saved, no matter how serious the injury is, Sang Wei is not afraid.

And Sang Wei also asked Xiao Shitou to follow Yoyo, he is a fire beast, although his ability has not been developed, it still has effects.

This is the first time Sang Wei has left Xiaoshitou, which shows how important Yoyo is to her.

Then Sang Wei urged Yoyo all the time, she must continue to practice the exercises she taught, and she must not stop.

After thinking about everything she could think of, and ordering everything she could, Sang Wei began to live in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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