Chapter 348
Sang Wei is now very grateful that Yoyo was allowed to train with her back then, and this child has trained well, and now she is no longer his opponent.

All of these are means he can use to save his life.

Yoyo is also very thankful that he has been practicing body training without interruption, and also thankful that when he couldn't persist, Sang Wei used a small stick to force him like a duck, and this is how he is now.

This not only gave him a lot of guarantees for his safety, but also allowed him to save his life at critical moments, and also allowed him to save more people, and at the same time, his teammates also had an extra guarantee.

What is the hardest thing about being a firefighter?One is that people are not rescued, and the other is that they are powerless to watch the suffering of their teammates who live together day and night.

These are Yoyo's personal experience.

Because he's been through it all.

With these guarantees, Yoyo's uninterrupted body training, and the assistance of small stones, if it weren't for the kind of huge wildfires, Yoyo would not be in any danger, but the mother would still worry, this is all Unavoidable.

Although Xiao Shitou would send some news back to her, whenever Sang Wei couldn't get through to Youyou, her heart would be tugged.

This situation continued until Yoyo became the captain, then got married and had children, and then it was not over until the firefighters retired.

At this time, the family property has been handed over to Yoyo, and the children are also taken care of. Sang Wei only started her self-driving tour at this time, but at this time there are only Sang Wei and Xiao Shitou. Time has fallen asleep under the vine.

After that, their family didn't know if it was because the original owner's husband died because of the fire, and this child also became a firefighter. In the next few generations, each generation will have such a person as a firefighter.

However, they have practiced their bodies since they were young, so they have more security than others. Although they are still injured, they are not life-threatening.

Their Qin family has become a veritable fire house.

In this world, because of eating well and playing well, Sang Wei lived very comfortably except for the ten years of fear and fear, so she lived until she was over 90, and the rest of the Qin family also lived because of body training The reason is also very long life.

When she sensed that her time was approaching, she handed over all the things about the original owner that she had sealed up to Yoyo, and asked him to take them. When she left, she would be cremated with this body, and then put the cremated ashes with the body. The husband of the original owner was buried together.

This can be regarded as all of them.

As for Sang Wei?At that time, my consciousness was gone, and I was left with a body. To put it bluntly, that body still belonged to Qin Nan, and it was considered to be returned to the original owner.

Yo Yo Although I don't know why, I still did it.

When Sang Wei woke up in the dream of Li, she was still a little dazed. The scene from childhood to adulthood in the last world was vivid in her mind. This is her first child. If nothing goes wrong, this may be her last child. of a child.

Of course, it's limited to experiencing the world. In Li Dreamland, she still wants to get married and have children. If she still chooses not to marry in Li Dreamland, her father should hammer her with a scepter.

To be honest, when she was about to leave the last world, she was really reluctant, but when Xiao Shitou refined this experience, this feeling gradually faded away, leaving only memories.

This point is particularly important. If the experience is not refined, no matter how powerful the soul is, people will go crazy after traveling through those worlds. You must know that in the world of traveling, not only experience good things, but also experience many negative effects. When the negative influence accumulates to a certain level, this person is either crazy or a demon.

I really don’t know how the protagonists in some novels wear and wear, and continue to wear, how to keep themselves from being crazy or crazy.

Really a god.

The words are a bit far-fetched.

Sang Wei, who was refined through experience, only had faded feelings, but the memory was still there. Thinking that it was not easy to raise children in the previous world, she thought of her father, queen, and queen, and then asked Xiaoshitou to monitor the surroundings and made a lot of them by herself. delicious.

It is said that only by raising children can you know the kindness of your parents. This is true. Only after experiencing it can you have the right to speak.

Sang Wei's parents were very happy to see Sang Wei coming, and they were even happier when they saw that she brought so many delicious food.

The family ate up the food in a lively manner, and joked for a while before Sang Wei left.

Sang's father looked at the back of Sang Wei leaving, and said to Sang's mother with distress: "I don't know what Weiwei has experienced in the experience world, and it feels different from before."

Sang's mother also sighed: "You feel it too? Weiwei is obviously more sensible and has grown up. It must be something in the last world that changed her."

Mama Sang was also a little worried.

"Looking at Weiwei's situation, there shouldn't be any major problems. She should be able to adjust herself. Didn't you forget that we were also like this at that time? As we experienced more and more worlds, our xinxing was tempered, and the photo stone was promoted. Everything Enough."

Sang's father stretched out his hand to hold Sang's mother's hand: "Don't worry, Weiwei is no longer a child."

Mama Sang nodded, and leaned on Papa Sang's shoulder, the atmosphere was very warm for a while.

What Papa Sang said is right, with the increase in the experience of the world, Sang Wei has experienced more, and naturally it will be better.

It just takes a process.

But compared to other main clansmen, Sang Wei is pretty good.

Chi Yan is a fire-type spirit beast, whose aptitude is rare in a hundred years, but her parents were taken away by others since she was a child, so she was not taught by her parents. When she cultivated, she was groping according to the inheritance. I have suffered a lot and gone through many detours.

But because of this, compared to those other spirit beasts who were taught from a young age and have never suffered, his heart is more determined, and he will be more promising in the future.

But everything has an opposite side, and because no one taught him, he didn't know what to do when he was transformed, so he went mad.

By chance, he came to Li Dreamland, and then got the experience of Sang Wei's previous world in a semi-conscious state.

Originally, the Holy Land of Li Dreamland could only be entered by those with great abilities or abilities, and the bargaining chips for exchanging experience were not ordinary things. After all, this is a very precious life experience, but I don’t know why, Chi Yan But I went in, not only went in, but also exchanged experience very smoothly.

And the character he went in to choose was none other than Yoyo's father in that world, the husband of the original owner who had died when Sang Wei was there.

And the node was just the day before the 6.12 fire.

I don't know how different Qin Nan's world is, and how the fate of other people will change.

This forms another parallel world.

And these have nothing to do with Sang Wei, she is preparing for the next new experience trip.

(End of this chapter)

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