Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 349 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 1

Chapter 349 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 1
"Senior Brother Jing Chen, have you come to wake up Uncle Chengde again?"

A naive and lovely female voice sounded outside the door.

"Yes, Junior Sister Jing Xin, I'm here to wake up Master, it's Master's turn to teach in Zhixin Hall today."

It was a gentle voice, speaking at a leisurely pace, and it sounded very pleasing to the ears.

"Brother Jing Chen, why don't I call Uncle Chengde for you? After all, Uncle Chengde is a woman. Even if you are her apprentice, men and women are not close after all. If she is a woman, it will also hurt her reputation."

The female voice sounded again.

There was a moment of silence, and then a male voice said, "Then please trouble Junior Sister Jing Xin."

Sang Wei had already heard the voice of the conversation outside the door, but she just traveled here and was receiving memories here without making a sound.

But just through this short conversation, it can be heard that the woman who spoke is a watch.

But even so, Sang Wei still didn't plan to go out, she wanted to see what this man wanted to do.

It can also be heard from the conversation between these two people that the original owner's status is quite high, and he is also relatively sleepy, which is suitable for the current scene.

Sang Wei has just traveled here, and she has only accepted a little bit of this memory. She only knows that this is a cultivation world. The original owner is the protector and uncle of Xuantianzong, and the current head, Chengxi, is her senior brother.

When Sang Wei learned the names of the two in her memory, she once thought that she had become a man through time travel, and she was relieved after secretly checking.

It's okay, she's a real woman.

The original owner's master who had ascended to the ascension was also fooling around with the name, and the names of the two were obviously reversed.

Cheap Master: At first it was decided by lottery.

Because of the original master of cultivating immortals, he still became a master uncle. This age is definitely not young, even if it is hundreds of years old, it is still young, so this memory cannot be received for a while, and she just wants to accept it quietly. At that time, I heard the conversation outside and had to pause first.

She waited and watched what happened and still lay there, not moving at all, wanting to see what the woman was going to do when she came in.

Jing Xin walked into Sang Wei's cave quietly, and saw that Sang Wei was still lying on the jade bed breathing steadily, she curled her mouth in disdain, and muttered: "This old woman is really, taking up such a good resource and not cultivating well, but I'm sleeping soundly, since I like to sleep, I should give up this cave and this jade bed."

"It can be said in the novel that this blessed land of Chengde was built on the spiritual veins of Xuantianzong, and this jade bed was brought back from a certain fairyland by Xuantian Patriarch (Master Cheap). The function of calming the mind, practicing on it will not produce inner demons. Now it is taken over by this old woman, since she is willing to sleep, why not go to sleep with the disciples of the outer sect, no one will care if she sleeps to death."

Jing Xin's words were full of malice, if these words could attack people, Sang Wei would probably become a sieve.

"And the most important point is that this old woman is actually Senior Brother Jing Chen's master. How can my handsome and angry Senior Brother Jing Chen come in and wake up this old woman in person! And what's more, this old woman actually told me to wake up!" Brother Jing Chen became a Taoist couple and took him to the ascension! No, no, no, no, no, no, since I have traveled through this book and know what will happen in the future, then I am the heroine, this blessed land, this jade bed , and Senior Brother Jingchen are mine, as for this old woman, just stay cool and stay."

Jing Xin murmured, getting more irritable as she spoke, while approaching the bed, unconsciously channeling her spiritual power in her hand to make a move, she happened to meet Sang Wei's opened eyes.

Jing Xin took two steps back in fright, and her spiritual power was forced to stop. She coughed twice to calm down her beating heart slightly: "Master... Uncle Shi, are you awake? I... came in, I came to wake you up , the lectures in Zhixin Hall are about to begin."

Sang Wei's pretty phoenix eyes stared at her, and Jing Xin's heart was trembling when she saw it. After about a minute, Sang Wei said: "Oh."

According to the identity of the original owner and her habits, it is estimated that she is late every time she teaches, so Sang Wei's reaction is normal.

"I know that, you can step back."

Sang Wei didn't immediately expose the woman's actions just now. Through what the person said just now, Sang Wei knew that this person had traveled through time. According to the time-travel theorem, this person is not the protagonist but also a very important supporting role. If you do it suddenly, if you don't cut the weeds and root out the roots, you might be bitten back, but she remembered this one and will return it to her in the future.

And she could see that this man suffered a lot of backlash just now, enough for her to drink a pot.

There is also the most important point, that is, since I crossed over, none of the exercises have been coherent, and I can't kill with one blow, so let her dance for a few days for the time being.

Sang Wei remembered that she still had tasks to do, so she decided to go to Zhixintang to have a look.When she came to Xuantianzong, she didn't know what the outside looked like, so she just took the opportunity to go out for a stroll.

She quickly recalled everything about Zhixintang in her mind, and digested it as quickly as possible.

Seeing Jing Xin coming out of the cave, Jing Chen took a step forward and asked with his eyes. Jing Xin held back the blood rushing to his throat, and said to Jing Chen, "Xin did not disgrace his mission. Uncle Chengde has already woken up. I'm still going to the sister's side." If you want Baicaoyuan to do a sect mission, I will take my leave first."

She ran away quickly without waiting for Jing Chen's reaction. She was afraid that if she delayed any longer, she would not be able to help spurting out blood. Although the screaming blood might arouse pity, it was too unbeautiful. In front of Jing Chen, he would lose his adulthood.

Jing Chen's eyebrows moved when he looked at the person who ran away in an instant as if he had been chased by a rabbit.

It's good that this person didn't stop him from talking nonsense today.

By the way, when the master woke up, it was time for him to take the master to Zhixin Hall, so he hurried forward a few steps and waited at the entrance of the cave.

Who would have thought that Fairy Chengde, who is well-known in the cultivation world, is a road idiot, even in her own sect, she would get lost.

Jing Chen saw Sang Wei coming out, and stepped forward to salute: "Master, do you want to go to Zhixintang now?"

"Well, let's go." With limited memory, Sang Wei still doesn't know what kind of temperament the original owner is, so she simply doesn't say much, and it's wrong to say more.

Jing Chen just thought it was Master who was unwilling to be woken up, and didn't take it seriously, and continued: "The disciple will take Master there."

As he said that, he walked half a step ahead of Sang Wei.

Sang Wei is still wondering, as an apprentice, shouldn't he lag behind his master?Why are you walking ahead?
But she also asks you to get to the bottom of it.

She just took advantage of this time to accept the memory in this area and what content to teach, so as not to cause trouble when the time comes.

When she reached the gate of Zhixin Hall, Sang Wei realized that the original owner was Lu Chi.

He is still a big road idiot, even after staying in Xuantianzong for more than 1000 years, he still doesn't remember the road.

You said you can set up a teleportation array?

But here comes the problem, there is no such thing as a teleportation array in this realm of comprehension, and everyone goes to a certain place with a sword or a flying boat.

So there is time, this has to be arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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