Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 350 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 2

Chapter 350 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 2
Jing Chen is a very good guide. Every time he goes to a place, he will take the trouble to explain to Sang Wei where it is. Judging by his proficiency, he must have said it countless times.

Indeed, after the original owner accepted Jing Chen as an apprentice, every time the original owner went to Zhixin Hall to give lectures, he would often come here and say this for hundreds of years.

Seeing how hard he is, Sang Wei wanted to give him the entire tape recorder, but after thinking about how to get the teleportation array out, she would not need it, so she gave up.

The original owner is too serious a road idiot, Sang Wei once again decided to popularize the teleportation array in this world.

With Jing Chen leading the way, Sang Wei didn't have to worry about getting lost, so she tried her best to pull out the content that needed to be taught today from the original owner's memory.

She has traveled through so many worlds, and there is no world where she is a teacher, so this is her first time, and it would be a lie to say that she is not nervous.

Since this is a world of comprehension, there may be some special circumstances, and I don’t know if other people will find out if there is a sound in the sea of ​​consciousness, so I haven’t contacted Xiao Shitou for a while, at least until she puts her The situation is familiar, and then the small stones are released.

This world is naturally a realm of cultivation, and there will naturally be spirit beasts, and when the time comes, the little stone man will no longer attract attention if he has any peculiarities.

It took me a long time to find out what I needed to teach today, and I was relieved for a while.

Today's task is very simple, it's not a new lesson, it's just a review of the spells learned in the previous lesson.Of course, everyone learns different spells, and Sang Wei's task is still quite heavy.

This world is a little different from the descriptions of the cultivation world in the film and television dramas or novels that Sang Wei saw. Although the cultivation methods of the monks here are all determined according to the spiritual roots, and the less the spiritual roots, the faster the cultivation speed .

But one thing is different is that in terms of spells, monks are not only able to practice spells that match their own spiritual roots, but all other spells can be practiced, but only the spells that match their own spiritual roots. It's easier to say.

Let’s use an analogy, because in this world, Sang Wei has a water-based spiritual root. In terms of spells, it does not mean that she can only practice water-based spells. She can practice other five-element spells and other spells with special spiritual roots. It’s just speed. It is much slower than practicing water spells.

The principle is also very simple. The aura in this realm of comprehension does not distinguish between the five elements. It is just that when it is absorbed into the body, it is transformed by the monk himself, and then divided into types that match his own spiritual roots. When casting spells, As long as the aura is transformed into the department that casts the spell in the body, it will be fine.

That's why Sang Wei, a monk with a water spiritual root, can teach spells to new disciples, even though she is already in the stage of becoming a god.You must know that all disciples have different types of spiritual roots. If each type of spiritual root needs to be taught by someone, too many people are needed.

The time of monks is also very precious. Although they have a long time, they need to practice, break into secret realms, and kill monsters to accumulate resources.

Sang Wei lowered her head and thought about how she was going to give a lecture, and Zhixintang arrived.

"Master, the Zhixin Hall is here. The disciples are going to do the mission of the master, so they don't go in yet. When the lecture is over, they will send a voice message to Jing Chen, and Jing Chen will naturally come to pick up the master."

Jing Chen stopped outside the door with Sang Wei, and instructed Sang Wei.

Regarding the content of the lecture, Sang Wei already knew the general content of the lecture, so she had a score in her heart and no longer hesitated. She waved the sleeve of her fairy skirt and said "um", and walked into the Zhixin Hall.

Her apprentice is not bad, she takes care of sending and receiving.

Sang Wei came to such a conclusion for Jing Chen after only one contact in the morning.

According to the time-traveling woman, this Jing Chen should be the male protagonist in this world, and the male protagonist has this kind of temper, so it is very good to express this a little bit.

If the time-traveling girl wants to do something to him in the future, if he doesn't want to, she can help her.

If you want to hug the beauties, then you don't bother them, but you still have to avenge this revenge, and you don't mind dealing with the teacher.

Sang Wei is quite satisfied with Jing Chen, but she doesn't want the protagonist to be that kind of Long Aotian. If such a person is her apprentice, she can't help but change the protagonist.

Jing Chen gave another salute behind Sang Wei's back, then summoned the flying sword, and flew away with a "swish".

Jing Chen, who got on the flying sword, sighed secretly, he needs to be faster, otherwise he won't have time to pick up the master when the class is over.

Jing Chen didn't feel bored about this daily process, but it became a habit in his life.

When Sang Wei stepped into the Zhixin Hall, she saw rows of ten-year-old teenagers sitting inside, she was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized again.

That's right, this Zhixin hall is specially designed to teach the disciples who are just getting started.

For the sake of the purity of the spiritual root, newcomers choose addresses above 6 years old and under 13 years old. Any older ones are too secular and not suitable.

Those who have already absorbed the qi into the body will also gradually learn from the teacher, and there is no need for her to teach.

So there are rows of radish heads, which is perfectly normal. If the radish heads are mixed with big radishes, then you have to think carefully.

Seeing that it was a little radish, Sang Wei also breathed a sigh of relief, which is relatively simple to teach.

In her mind, teaching young children is much easier than teaching older children.

But the facts are quite the opposite.

At the very least, older children don't need to be disciplined, just teach them how to cast spells, and they can practice on their own, but problems arise for younger children.

"Master, what is spiritual power? How do you launch it?"

"Master, I have the feeling that I want to fart, the way the aura is launched is wrong?"

"Wow, master, my clothes are all wet."

"Master, I can't open it with my finger pinned, it's about to break. It hurts..."


Press this side, there is a problem with that side, press this side and that side starts to quarrel again, in short, there are all kinds of situations, Sang Wei is the first two big.

She had to stop with a straight face.

These little radishheads obviously didn't listen to the class well in the last class, and the review of this class will not achieve the effect, so let's just re-teach.

So Sang Wei started to teach according to her own understanding, and then combined with the teaching method of his favorite teacher that Yoyo told her when she came back from the last world.

In fact, she is also new to the cultivation system of this world, which is completely different from Limeng's, and she is also groping for how to cast spells. It has become a habit and a subconscious action. As long as the mind moves, the spell will naturally be released.

Because the teachings were all little radish heads, Sang Wei only performed the simplest water-melting technique, and then explained it to these little radish heads at a hundreds of times slower speed.

"You can already perceive the spiritual power. Now use your thoughts to control the spiritual power to gather on your fingertips. While pinching the hand formula, control this spiritual power so that it does not dissipate. Start now."

Following Sang Wei's order, the little radish heads began to practice. It may be that Sang Wei put on a straight face this time, or it may be because the explanation is more detailed this time, or when she casts the spell of turning water, the effect of the spell is very dazzling. So this group of little radishes is much quieter than before.

Sang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and started to patrol the classroom like a normal teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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