Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 351: Finally, The World of Comprehension 3

Chapter 351: Finally, The World of Comprehension 3
The whole morning was spent in Sang Wei's teaching and explanation from time to time.

It will be time for get out of class to end soon.

The little carrot heads thanked Sang Wei politely, and then left Zhixintang.

They can't fast now, and they still need to eat. Fortunately, Xuantianzong has its own herb garden, which is planted with some low-level spiritual plants, which are suitable for these little radish heads.

On Sang Wei's side, although the original owner had already bigued, but her consciousness has become her now, and her habit has not changed, so even though she doesn't need to eat, her stomach still grunts twice.

This is beyond human control.

Sang Wei tried her best to pick up the memory of the original owner, and found that the original owner sometimes went to the dining hall to have meals, but most of the time it was because the dining hall introduced new dishes, and most of the time she went directly back to the cave to practice, or Go to Zangshu Pavilion to read books.

She here is in charge of teaching the little luotou, and if she doesn't read much, if the little luotou asks her, the master's face will be humiliated.

After learning that the original owner would go to the dining hall to eat, Sang Wei was obviously much more relaxed. She was really looking forward to what the spiritual plant in the cultivation world would taste like.

She will taste it for Xiaoshi first.

All the radish heads in the Zhixin Hall were gone, and Sang Wei hadn't waited for Jing Chen to come over, so she decided to set off by herself.

In her opinion, she is her, the original owner is the original owner, and the road-crazed one is the original owner. Now that the core has been changed, she is not the original owner, so she should not get lost.

Sang Wei thought carefully about Jing Chen's introduction to Xuantianzong's building when she came, and then raised her foot and walked to the right without hesitation.

But she really overestimated herself. Even though she clearly remembered that the dining room was on the east side, and she also followed the directions of up, north, down, south, left, west, right, and east, she walked up and down and came to the place where all the beasts were. garden.

The spirit beasts in the Hundred Beasts Garden are lying comfortably on one side, and the disciples who came to do the mission of the sect are massaging or washing them, not to mention how comfortable they are.

Seeing a few of them eating the spirit grass, Sang Wei couldn't help but growl again.

Well, since we can't find a place, let's go back the same way, and go to Zhixintang and wait for Jing Chen to pick her up, so there will be no mistakes, right?
But why did you go to the left when you walked back, but why did you not return to Zhixintang in the end, but changed to a different mountain?
Sang Wei pulled out this mountain from her memory. The name of this mountain is No. [-] Peak, yes, it is the site of his senior brother who is the head of the sect.

It turns out that this road idiot has nothing to do with changing the core or not.

Well, Sang Wei decided to give up. It's not that she and the original owner are road idiots. It's because Xuantianzong is too big. There are many twists and turns and various formations in it. It's not too much to go wrong, and the formation She just arrived here and hasn't had time to get in touch with it.

Sang Wei finally gave up and decided to stay where she was, and if she continued, she would probably lose herself, so she just waited obediently and let her apprentice pick her up for dinner.If you really lost yourself, it would be a real loss of adults!
As soon as Jing Chen finished the mission of the sect, he felt a little flustered when he saw Shi Shichen. At this point, he knew that Xintang had already dismissed get out of class, so his master should be in a hurry.

It doesn't matter if you are in a hurry, she must not leave Zhixintang on her own initiative, last time his master thought he was very good and insisted on going back to the cave by himself, and he didn't bring a communication talisman, so he went to the mountain of the outer disciples No, it took him a lot of effort to get him back.

He couldn't help saying silently in his heart, Master was still waiting for him, but when he arrived at Zhixin Hall, he couldn't help but thump in his heart that there was no one at the door!

Jing Chen's gentle and elegant face almost couldn't hold back, he couldn't stop silently thinking about Master's blessing, Master's free shipping, hoped that Master would not go far, hoped that Master would bring a communication symbol, and then started to send a voice to Sang Wei with trembling hands.

"Master, I'm Jing Chen, where are you now?" Listening carefully, there was still a little tremor in his voice.

Sang Wei was bored waiting outside the Chengxi Cave Mansion on the First Peak. She was considering whether to go in and let Senior Brother Cheap take her back to Chengde Fudi. Just as she was thinking, the storage bag on her waist lit up.

Looking at the bag that was twinkling like a firefly, Sang Wei didn't realize it at first, she put her hand in curiously, only to find that it was a brand, twinkling and shining.

Sang Wei scratched her memory, and then suddenly realized that according to her memory, this should be the communication talisman.

According to memory, Sang Wei performed a trick, and then the communication talisman was like a mobile phone with the answer button pressed, and Jing Chen's voice came from inside.

"Master, I am Jing Chen, where are you now?"

Sang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, great, the compass was found.

"I'm here to find Senior Brother Sect Master, and I'm outside Senior Brother's cave, thinking about whether to go in and have a sit."

Sang Wei said it very implicitly.

Jing Chen heard Sang Wei's answer on the other end, and couldn't help but jump on his forehead, understanding what Sang Wei meant.

His master is really powerful, the master's cave is on the first peak, Zhixintang and their cave are on the second peak, there are still many twists and turns between them, how did his master get there?

Sighing, Jing Chen continued: "Master, you just wait where you are, don't go anywhere, I'll be there in a while. Remember not to go anywhere, and don't go into the cave of the master master. .”

"Oh, okay." Sang Wei was relieved when she heard that Jing Chen was coming to take her.

At this time, her stomach gurgled twice again, and she couldn't help adding another sentence: "You need to be faster."

"The apprentice is leaving now."

Jing Chen hung up the communication talisman, and flew directly to the first peak with Yu Feijian.

The distance between these two peaks is not too far, it's just that a few formations have been folded. Otherwise, with so many people in the Xuantian Sect, how much area would the sect need.

About 5 minutes later, when Sang Wei couldn't help rubbing her feet against the ground, Jing Chen arrived.

Sang Wei looked at him with bright eyes, and Jing Chen felt helpless: "Master, you remember to wait for me at the gate of Zhixin Hall after class, don't run around anymore."

Sang Wei nodded "hmm".

"Hurry up and lead the way to the dining room."

Jing Chen said nothing more, then Yu Jian stood up.

Sang Wei also summoned her natal sword, made a formula according to her memory, and then followed Jing Chen.

It was the first time for Yujian to fly in this world, but Sang Wei didn't feel any fear, or subconsciously, the original owner felt that it was like walking on flat ground, which made Sang Wei feel the same.

The dining room was separated, and those disciples who had just introduced Qi into the body and had to eat were divided into two parts, and those who had nothing to do to make a tooth sacrifice. Sang Wei followed Jing Chen directly into the second floor.

Fortunately, a few disciples hunted a Guji beast when they went out to do the mission of the teacher. Although this thing is only a third-level monster, it tastes very delicious, but they are very fast, even if Jin Danqi wants to catch one It's just not easy.

This time, several disciples chased and intercepted it to catch such a one.

Sang Wei has never eaten it, so she must taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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