Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 352 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 3

Chapter 352 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 3
When I entered the dining hall, I was a little surprised. Aren't people in the cultivation world mainly focus on cultivation?Don't they all feel that there are too many impurities in the usual whole grains?Although it is a spiritual plant, it is not as pure as the spiritual energy. Why are there so many people in this dining hall?
The canteen is already overcrowded, but it shouldn't be all for the Guji beast. How much meat does this Guji beast have?One person is only enough to plug a gap between the teeth.

That's why Sang Wei was very surprised, but she couldn't ask, so she just went to a place and sat down silently under the leadership of Jian Jingchen.

Just because she can't ask doesn't mean she can't listen. When eating, she gets the most information. It's not like Sang Wei heard others talking about it while waiting for the meal to be served.

"This Uncle Jing Xin is really amazing, he can actually invent so many ways to eat things."

This is a disciple of Sang Wei's grandson. She is now an ancestor of Xuantianzong. She is more than 1000 years old. It is normal to have a grandson.

"No, I haven't been to the dining hall since I introduced the qi into my body, and now I run here every day. Although the spiritual energy absorbed by this meditation is a little bit worse than that absorbed by eating spiritual plants, this point can be ignored. I worked hard at night and came out, so why not eat such a meal for nothing every day?"

This one is full of praise while eating.

"That's right, this is salvation. The dish before, it tasted like a part-time job, and it was used for the Guji beast."

"Thank you, Uncle Jing Xin."

Now Sang Wei figured out the reason, it turned out that Jing Xin, the time-traveling girl, did it.

The original Xuantianzong dining hall was the most desolate when Jing Xin hadn’t crossed over. Even though there were Lingzhi, it was only a lot of outer disciples and little radishheads who had just started to practice to eat more. Bigu The disciples who have passed each find a good place to absorb spiritual energy and practice.

It's not because they are self-motivated, but because there are only two cooking methods in the dining hall, one is boiled and the other is barbecue.

No matter how good the taste of this spiritual plant is, after eating boiled and grilled for decades and hundreds of years, I am already tired of eating it, so only after special ingredients are brought into the dining room, the disciples can have a little more. Those in need, no one else.

The person in charge of the dining room is Sang Wei's younger brother named Cheng Bao.

She grew up in a wealthy family, and it is said that she is the son of the richest man in a certain country, so she ate a lot of good food, but when she was six years old, she was chosen by the Xuantian ancestor because of the single spirit root of the fire element, and was brought into the Xuantian sect.

But the nature of foodie has remained unchanged after more than 1000 years, so the ancestor Xuantian found him a kung fu method for him to practice, that is, the kind that can maximize the extraction of spiritual energy from spiritual plants, and it can be regarded as complementary to him.

Therefore, since Chengxi took over the position of head, let him manage the canteen, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

By the way, just now I mentioned that the name of this little junior is Cheng Bao. That's right, it is the "bao" that contains everything, not the "bao" of the big meat bun.

It’s not that no one has given advice to Junior Contractor, wanting him to change his cooking methods, but he rejected them with righteous words. He said this at the time:

"Cultivation is the mission of a monk. If he pays so much attention to appetite, how can he achieve his way? Wine and meat pass through the intestines, no matter what cooking method is used to make food, it will eventually be absorbed and turned into spiritual energy, so there is what relationship?"

The high-sounding words of this passage left the person who made the comment speechless.

In fact, the main reason is that the junior contractor only knows these two cooking techniques, and will never know the others.

Although he has eaten a lot in the secular world, after more than 1000 years, his memory of the secular world has become blurred, and he can't remember much. Moreover, he could only eat at that time, so how could he cook it?
For these two methods alone, he came up with the trouble of gossip, which is more than a kind of boiling for the responsibility of a canteen.

So now it's good to have these two methods.

However, when the time-traveling girl crossed over, she ate like this for a month and almost vomited herself. Then she found the junior contracting brother, and then went to the back kitchen to do some frying and frying, which made the people who came to the dining hall slow down. Slowed down a lot.

As for how this time-traveling girl who just became an inner disciple found a contract?It's very simple, because she has a halo, whether it is the halo of the heroine or the halo of the female supporting role, it is this halo that makes her change the status quo of the dining hall.

For this change, Sang Wei is also the beneficiary, so Sang Wei is also very useful, especially when she sees the braised Guji beast lying on the Lingmi with the soup, Sang Wei is even more satisfied.

This Guji beast looks similar to a secular pig, so the meat tastes similar, but it is more delicate and elastic than that pork. Don't look at its fat place, which is transparent and trembling, but it is not a bite. A bite of oil, but very chewy.

That's right, it's the chewiness of fatty meat that makes Sang Wei, who doesn't like fatty meat, able to eat it.And the thin part is not at all firewood. Although there is still a trace of flesh, it will break when bitten, and the broken part has some teeth.

A plate of Guji animal meat was not much, and Sang Wei was eaten up after only a few times.

Then she felt a little embarrassed, Jing Chen did his best to be her guide, and he should have left a piece for him.

But he is an apprentice, so when I go back to dig through my inventory, I will find him a magic weapon that can be used in the golden core stage as a reward.

After Jing Chen led Sang Wei to the dining hall, he did not leave, but also went to eat elsewhere. If he left, he would wait until the master finished eating and then come back. It would be too much time to talk nonsense.

But the food in this dining hall is quite delicious, Jing Chen thought, this Junior Sister Jing Xin is not always frizzy, there are still merits.Then he quickly finished his meal.

If Jing Xin knew that she had received such an evaluation from Jing Chen, she didn't know how she would react.

And when Jing Xin, the main character being talked about, left Chengde Fudi, the blood couldn't be held back any longer, and rushed up.

When spitting out blood, her first reaction was to look around first, deal with it quickly if no one was found, and then quickly go to her residence.

The reason why Jing Xin thinks she is the protagonist of this world is because she traveled through time with a golden finger, and her golden finger is an old grandfather.

This old grandfather is a remnant soul of a great cultivator in ancient times. When he ascended, he was forced to be defeated by the demons, and then he found this ring to take shelter. Jing Xin picked it up by coincidence.

Since he is an ancient great power, he naturally has his own housekeeping skills, that is, looking forward to Qi. This Jingxin can pass through, so naturally he has more luck.

Ao Lu (Grandpa Goldfinger) needs a lot of luck if he wants to be reincarnated, so he found her and became a grandfather himself.

If he was a decent person, how could he not be able to pass the test of demons during his ascension?

(End of this chapter)

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