Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 353 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 4

Chapter 353 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 4
As a time-traveling woman, she naturally has some means to save her life. This Jing Xin has a defense and magic weapon, as long as she enters, she can resist attacks and investigations below the stage of transformation.

But this is conditional. It can resist attacks but can only resist three times, but there is no limit to prevent the detection of spiritual sense.

Jing Xin felt that in the sect, she didn't have to worry about someone attacking her, so the main concern was that someone would spy on her, especially since he still had a golden finger, let alone let others know.

It's just that the appearance of this magic weapon is not very good-looking, so she didn't put it outside, but put it in a storage bag, because this magic weapon looks like a turtle shell, if it is hung directly on the body, it will be a little bit like her sweet and lovely image None match.

Her injury here can actually be resolved by herself, but the person with the golden finger decided that she was different and wanted to discuss it, so she needed to ask the old man for help, so when she entered the residence, she directly picked up the damage from the storage bag. Take out the tortoise shell.

The tortoise shell emitted a faint green light, enveloping Jing Xin, Jing Xin fumbled for a very simple ring on her finger, and it turned out that it was her golden finger grandfather who lived inside.

This old grandfather was a great power in ancient times, even though there is only a trace of soul now, it can be seen at a glance that Jing Xin was injured by the backlash of spiritual power.

In fact, this injury will gradually get better after she meditates for a period of time, and the effect is better than taking any elixir.

However, in order to show his importance, Grandpa Bo Lu directly provided Jing Chen with a unilateral prescription called Hunyuan Pill. As long as you take this pill, according to your cultivation level, the injuries you have suffered will be cured. Get better slowly.

That is to say, the lower the cultivation base, the shorter the recovery time, and the higher the cultivation base, the longer the recovery time.It only takes three days for an injury like Jing Xin's spiritual force to heal.

Not only that, the medicinal materials needed to refine the elixir are not particularly precious, no matter it is in the square market or in the sect.

The medicinal pill with such a good effect can get better in just three days, and the raw materials are so common, it stands to reason that it should have been popularized long ago. The reason why I haven’t even heard of it now is because the medicinal pill has a side effect , and this side effect is quite serious.

The reason why he healed so quickly is because he used the aura of other parts of the body to supplement your injured place, which is like tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall. The missing place may also cause damage to the body, but you don't know it.

This kind of elixir is equivalent to a stimulant, allowing you to get better as soon as possible, and don't care about the rest.

At that time, it will have more or less impact on the body in the later stage, and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the impact, which is why this elixir has not been handed down.

As for Grandpa Goldfinger, in order to win Jing Xin's trust, he told her about this unilateral decision. He didn't care if the body was damaged or not. After he took it away, he would naturally take good care of it. some.

After Jing Xin got the unilateral side, she was naturally grateful. The original one-month injury only took three days to heal, which is equivalent to 20 days more training time. What a bargain.

However, as a time-traveling green tea, her mind is much clearer than that of Bai Lian, so Jing Chen tried his best to remember the side,
However, whether it can be used and whether it has any effect needs to be verified.

So she made some adjustments and went to the Herb Garden to look for the medicinal materials needed for the unilateral prescription. As far as she knew, these medicinal materials were grown in the Herb Garden, and they were not expensive medicinal materials. You could get them by providing a little spirit stone.

The ethos of Xuantianzong is also very free, as long as you become an inner disciple, the alchemy room will be open to you, but a good alchemy furnace requires a higher level of cultivation.

After getting the necessary elixir, Sang Wei went to the alchemy room.

The protagonist's aura played a role, Jing Xin only practiced two batches of pills, and then she could refine the needed pills, no more, no less, exactly nine pills.

She calculated carefully, excluding the two subjects for the experiment, she would take one pill a day for three days, which is still left, and then she would take it to the auction house outside, and if the price was right, then she could practice more. This is an income.

One can only choose small animals to do experiments, and finding someone to do experiments in the early stages of time travel is a difficult hurdle for Jing Xin to overcome for the time being.

She is more cautious and chooses the lowest-level Gale Beast (rabbit) and the second-highest-level Thunder Beast (fox). If she is worried about one, she will choose two.

These two kinds of monsters are very common in this cultivation world, and they are also easy to obtain.

And the most important point is that according to Jing Xin's current state, it is very easy to capture them alive.

Jing Xin's current seniority in Xuantian Sect is relatively high, equivalent to the third generation of disciples, but her cultivation is only at the sixth level of the Qi training stage, but her master backup is higher, and it is Sang Wei's second senior brother.

This Xuantian Patriarch chose his name a bit capriciously and casually, it feels like the name found out in the dictionary.

(Actually, the author selected it in the list after he typed out the word Cheng. The cuties can guess the name of the brother Sang Wei will appear next time.)
These two kinds of monsters are easier to catch. After Jing Xin got it, she put the ring with the grandfather on it aside, and then found a big wooden bucket to fill it with water.

This wooden barrel was not used to verify the efficacy of the medicine, but to cover up her golden fingers.

She needs to verify here, and she must not let her golden finger know, and she knows everything with the golden finger on her body all the time, so she can only pretend that she is going to take a bath to prevent others from peeping.

When she was ready, she opened the turtle shell and began to experiment.

But how did she know that the golden finger had lived for thousands of years and had already seen through her heart.But he doesn't mind, the result of this verification can only be that the curative effect of this mixed element is particularly good, so let her eat more, when the time comes when the body is destroyed, it will be easier for her to seize the house.

On Jing Xin's side, she first injected spiritual power into the Blast Beast's body to injure it, and then fed a Hunyuan unit to observe the effect. After half an hour, the Blast Beast was alive and kicking.

Jing Chen's eyes were full of surprises, and he clicked off the Gale Beast without hesitation, and injured the Thunder Beast in the same way.

This Thunder Beast is two ranks higher than the Gale Beast, so the injury is naturally half an hour longer than it, but after an hour, it is still alive and kicking.

Jing Xin didn't have any worries this time, and swallowed the Hunyuan single without hesitation.

This Jing Xin is also a master who doesn't care about her head, she doesn't want to think about who takes two hours to take a bath, so why don't they wash themselves bald?
After confirming that the medicine was effective, she withdrew the magic weapon, and took the second pill in front of Grandpa Goldfinger, which means that I trust you very much.

The old man naturally saw everything in his eyes, so he showed the appearance of a soldier who died for his confidant, but only they knew what they were thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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