Restraint Card Creator

Chapter 262 Is there a possibility that insects can also believe in Dagon?

Chapter 262 Is there a possibility that insects can also believe in Dagon?
"Extraterrestrial?" The two people looked at each other, "Is this... allowed to be mentioned?"

Hearing this, before Li Ming could say anything, he saw Lulim Shaklos taking a step forward and grinning at them with a caring smile. The frightened two people hugged each other and trembled.

"Ah... ok, ok... of course!"

"When Zlag the Insect was pouring knowledge into us, it seemed to contain something related to Blue Star... In that knowledge, our world... is Blue Star to be precise."

"It seems... it's a world under control."

Hearing the sound, Li Ming frowned: "Being controlled? What kind of control method is it specifically?"

"This is not covered in His knowledge, but the talents in our world seem to be limited. If we take the level of cards as an example, the level of humans can only reach Orange level at most."

"But I remember... there should be a few card makers in this world who have broken through the gold level, right?" Li Ming changed to a more comfortable posture and continued to speak, "If they are really restricted to the orange level, what will they do? thing?"

"This... this is because..." The man originally wanted to say a few more perfunctory words, but he instantly gave in under the bloody eye sockets of Rulim Xia Kelos, "because... they seem to have accepted the evil god's instructions. Bless you!"

Li Ming: "?"

At this moment, a big question mark suddenly appeared above Li Ming's head.

Man, this is big news.

Although the world doesn't seem to like promoting the heroes who once saved the world.

However, if people find out that all the four Evil God battles are actually related to the Evil God, the whole world will probably be in chaos, and the Card Creators Association will probably severely punish these people who make such nonsense.

Insulting a hero is never acceptable at any time.

If anyone else said this, Li Ming might still be skeptical, but now...

Under the threat of Rulim Shaklos, Li Ming believed that these people would not have the courage to lie in front of him.

But if this is true, doesn't it mean that he will be stuck in the orange level for the rest of his life, or he will have no choice but to bow to those evil gods?


The Shame of the Old One like Rulim Xiakolos can only reach the Orange Level Ten Stars, and above him, there are countless Old Ones, Ancient Gods, Outer Gods and other mythical creatures.

There are so many mythical creatures waiting for Li Ming to build them. He must be dissatisfied if they are stuck at the tenth level of the orange level.

Li Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the person in front of him: " there any way to crack it?"

Hearing the sound, the other party shook his head.


It is normal for the other party not to know this kind of core secret of the world. If they knew it, they would have broken through the gold level long ago. How could they still be a small card maker at the orange level.


Li Ming sighed, he had to figure out these things slowly, and when he was free, he would go to those card makers who had broken through the gold rank to ask what was going on.

Then there's the moonshots.

Now that he has been targeted by the two evil gods Ensul Zebel and Worm Zlag, it is urgent for Li Ming to figure out certain things.

The cards in his hand include the Dagon couple, the King in Yellow, and Rulim Shaklos. These cards are extremely explosive on the entire Blue Star.Even if he wants to apply for the moon landing plan openly, it is estimated that the United Space Agency will have to carefully consider it.

If possible... let the Moon Beast and the Ancient One help them complete the moon landing plan.


Now, the second thing...

"I just heard you talk about a word...the law of life, right?"

"Come on, let's explain in detail what this law of life is."

The two of them were stunned for a moment. Didn't the huge white bug just show the law of life? Since it has the ability to switch between life and death, why did it suddenly ask?

But facing the face of Rulim Shaklos, the two of them did not dare not to speak, so they had no choice but to lower their heads and talk...

"The law of time manipulates time, the law of space manipulates space, and the law of life naturally manipulates life."

"For some evil gods, they can transform life and death, such as instantly transforming a person into a living dead state, or resurrecting a corpse."

"Zlag the Insect has mastered this power, so the Zerg can easily resurrect from the dead."

"So..." Hearing the sound, Li Ming also nodded lightly, "However, since it is as famous as the two laws of time and space, it seems that in the human world... no one can make a card related to the law of life?"

The bishop nodded: "Yes! This is because those evil gods have blocked all living beings on the Blue Star. No matter whether they are evil creatures or humans, it is impossible to involve the law of life, but they seem to have been subject to due restrictions in doing so. , that is, you will never be able to set foot in the main human world!"


This should be the world rules formulated by the will of heaven.

This conversation made Li Ming feel that there was a lot of information. After all, he suddenly learned that the world was actually under the control of evil gods, but they were restricted by the rules of heaven and could not enter the main world.

It sounded quite safe, but obviously, just as he could get stuck with various bugs, the evil god should also be able to overcome the wall by some means and forcefully enter the main world, which is why several evil god battles have occurred.

The mysteries of this world... still need to be solved.

He also doesn't want his power to always be limited to the orange level.

Now Li Ming understands the core tenet of the Cthulhu mythology - we live on a peaceful island called ignorance, and the island is surrounded by the vast dark ocean, but this does not mean that we You should set sail.

The current situation is that the people in the Card Creators Association think they know a lot about the world, but in fact they know nothing.

The same goes for Li Ming. What is the mysterious will of heaven, and what is the purpose of these evil gods in restricting humans to the small blue star? Many mysteries have not been solved yet...


Li Ming sighed. It seemed that he...had to find an opportunity to talk to the big guys who had broken through the gold level.

But now, the chips may not be enough, especially after learning that they accepted the gift from the evil god.

In this case……

"By the way, let me ask you one last question," Li Ming turned his head and said with a smile, "Do you know how to get your Zerg compatriots to change their beliefs?"

(End of this chapter)

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