Restraint Card Creator

Chapter 263: As happy as a fat man weighing several tons

Chapter 263: As happy as a fat man weighing dozens of tons
"Ah? This..."

After hearing Li Ming's request, the two people hesitated.

There is another big problem for Li Ming. Although he can let the white worms control the cultists who have turned into insects, it cannot completely change their beliefs.

This is more troublesome.

Although it is not impossible for them to become the source of power supply for Rulim Shaklos, Li Ming always feels that it is a bit too wasteful to do so.

Although Rulim Shaklos, as the entity of the Old Ones, is always jokingly called the Shame of the Old Ones, his strength has an upper limit.

And if the strength of the King in Yellow and Dagon can be improved, not only will this increase in strength be radiated to their dependents, but it will even have a bonus to the subsequent Cthulhu and Hastur.

Hmm... Although I'm not sure if I have the chance to create Cthulhu and Hastur.

After all, they both started at the Gold level. If they can't break the evil god's blockade on the power on the Blue Star, the Orange level may be their peak...

But people always have to take a longer view. The evil god has set a limit on human beings, but we may not have to follow your wishes.

This is what Li Ming thinks.

Moreover, this is also Li Ming's attempt to break through the gold level.

If you want to have a gold-level card, you can not only build it. Since purple-level cards can be upgraded to orange-level cards, maybe orange-level cards can also be upgraded to gold-level cards.

If you use the language of the Cthulhu mythology, Dagon at this time is just a "lower old ruler", and the king in yellow is just an "incarnation of the old ruler".

If they could be promoted... wouldn't they be able to break through the gold level through another method?

Among them, the best way to upgrade is naturally the power of faith.

"Let's just say, yes, or not." Li Ming changed to a slightly more comfortable sitting position, and said directly to the two of them.

The two looked at each other in confusion, and then swallowed: "No... I wonder if the god you want us to convert... has some kind of... mark?"

"of course."

Li Ming raised his hand, and two marks appeared on his palm.

One of them is the yellow seal, and the other is Dagon's "Dagon Secret Order Seal". This is also a new blessing that Dagon received after his promotion.

However, compared to the effect of the Yellow Seal in attracting evil thoughts, Dagon's Dagon Seal is quite limited and can only serve as a contact. Compared to the Yellow Seal, it can be said to be more than a star and a half behind.

This is understandable. After all, strictly speaking, the seal of the Dagon Secret Order was drawn by Li Ming himself, and it is not the same as the Yellow Seal, which is something that seriously exists in the world of Cthulhu mythology.

After seeing the two marks that Li Ming took out, the two looked at each other's expressions and nodded immediately: "There is a mother's nest deep in the insect-eaten valley, and what is printed on it is The moth-eaten mark of Zrag."

"If you replace them with the two marks in your hand... you should... be able to make those cultists who turned into insects believe in the sect you designated."

Hearing the sound, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

Damn it!Is it so convenient? !
Nima! ! !

Then after I transform this place into the Severn Valley, and I encounter those cultists who are jumping around and causing trouble in front of me every day, I just throw them into the Severn Valley, can't I just let them become Dagon and Huang Yi? Become a follower of the King?
This is simply a fully automatic machine for obtaining the power of faith!
Thinking of this, Li Ming finally smiled.

"Okay, I see." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the valley.The other two looked at each other.

It seems like... they should be let go?
This is a really good man. After telling him what we know, there is no sense in letting him go just because he wants to be released!
Although they have lost their biggest support, Moth-Eating Zirag, they are now Orange-rank card makers anyway, and they can also walk sideways in human society.

As for understanding the secrets of the gold level... forget it, I was just an ordinary person before. If I didn't get over the wall, I might not be able to become an orange level card maker in my life.

After going through this battle, they also understood that it is better to hide those who cannot be offended...

The person in front of me is definitely not the agent or a member of the cult. Maybe the white bug has some unknown relationship with him...


Couldn't it be his card?

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it too much.

The two of them were congratulating themselves on not having an enmity with Li Ming, but at this moment, Li Ming, who was almost disappearing, suddenly stopped.

"Oh, by the way, and you." Li Ming grinned slightly, "Anyway, Dagon and the King in Yellow are not far behind the two of you, and you know quite a lot."

"Just stay by the side of the King in Yellow and Dagon forever."

After speaking, Li Ming moved his fingers, and the huge white worm suddenly got up, supporting the whole weight with the lower part of its body.

And He also... showed a blood-red smile.

Then, amid the exclamations of the two men, Rulim Shaklos rushed over and swallowed them and their cards together.

"Well... to be able to reach the orange rank and return to the human body, it is estimated that the two of you have at least tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives in your hands. You don't think that I will let you go to this kind of blood-stained person. Just leave obediently."

After saying that, Li Ming walked towards the valley without looking back.

Rulim Shaklos had an extra section of white, disgusting insect flesh. The section slowly fell off from his body, and finally turned into two cultists exuding a cold aura.

When they looked at Li Ming, their eyes were extremely pious...


"Is this the brood nest in that valley?" Li Ming stretched out his hand and pointed to the brood nest in front of him.

Next to him were the four elders and bishops who exuded a cold aura.

Since they can still retain some independent consciousness after being assimilated by Lulim Shakoros, it is very suitable for them to introduce this brood to Li Ming.

That's why Li Ming didn't just leave them alive - anyway, he could show him the way whether alive or dead, there was no difference between the two.

After all, there must be guards outside the Severn Valley behind, and these four ice sculptures look very suitable.

As for those bugs, just be security guards...

Li Ming stretched his waist, and was about to inspect this 'brood nest' carefully, but Lulim Shakolos beside him showed a happy smile!

At this moment, He, at this moment, is like a fat man of dozens of tons, as happy as if he has returned home!
(End of this chapter)

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