Restraint Card Creator

Chapter 264 Let’s see who dares to say that I am the shame of the past!

Chapter 264 Let’s see who dares to say that I am the shame of the past!
Under the sea in the valley, a huge and ancient structure stands in the ocean. It exudes a mysterious and weird atmosphere.

The appearance of the mother nest seems to be composed of thousands of twisted and entangled black tentacles. It spreads in all directions, as rough and powerful as the devil's arms. Each tentacle is covered with dense dark scales, as if each tentacle has a own will to live.

The moment Lulim Shaklos came into contact with them, those tentacles immediately opened their teeth and claws, seeming to resist Lulim Shaklos' approach in some very special way.

"Hiss... I didn't expect that such a brood's mental power would reach the level of a six-star orange level..." Li Ming touched his chin, quite unbelievable.

This level is even on par with the King in Yellow. However, due to various reasons such as personality, such tentacles definitely cannot reach the power of the King in Yellow...

I don’t know if Rulim Shaklos needs help...

But the moment those tentacles came into contact with Rulim Shaklos, Lulim Shaklos exuded a burst of cold breath, and the surrounding time seemed to freeze because of it, and the tentacles suddenly stopped swinging. .

Good guy.

Is this the power of the serious Old Ones?
You can easily suppress a brood with a six-star orange level mental power in just a few words, and you don’t know what the brood does...

At this time, Lulim Shaklos also sent a signal to Li Ming through spiritual connection, asking Li Ming to follow him.

After all, Rulim Shaklos is also an old ruler who has some relationship with insects. A nest like this is really like home to him.

At the core of the brood, Li Ming saw an incomparably huge hole, which devoured all the light around it like a black hole.

The bursts of breath emanating from the cave entrance are suffocating. It seems to come from the depths of the abyss and contains endless darkness and evil energy.

A strong and terrifying inexplicable feeling came to Li Ming along the dark hole like an abyss. Faintly, he could even hear a few strange sounds, like hissing and moaning, which made Li Ming a little creepy.

Good guy.

This unusual at first glance.

"Let's go down and have a look." Li Ming stepped on Lulim Shaklos and asked him to put a layer of space shield on himself. At the same time, he asked the King in Yellow to put a layer of space shield on himself. Pain barrier from harm.

After this set of operations, even an orange-level ten-star one-shot law attack may not be able to defeat him.

In the depths of the mother nest, a strange and twisted scene appeared, darkness shrouded everything, and only a faint light penetrated the gaps in the tentacles, casting a vague and weird figure.

At this time, in Li Ming's ear, there were bursts of voices calling for help.


Li Ming was taken aback, and immediately took out a material card of fire attribute and ignited it in his hand - at this moment, he saw someone tightly bound by the black tentacles.

Their bodies had been twisted and deformed, and their faces were distorted beyond recognition. These bound people let out bursts of shrill and desperate shouts, but their voices seemed to be swallowed up in endless darkness without any echo.

The interior of the nest was filled with a strong putrid smell, accompanied by nauseating and nauseating air currents, and a thick and sticky liquid was dripping from the walls, exuding an unbearable pungent smell.

In this faint light, Li Ming could barely see clearly that there seemed to be strange and terrifying patterns carved on the wall. Those symbols and lines seemed to come from some ancient evil magic, exuding a disturbing power.

There are dozens of people bound. Judging from the spiritual power and life breath emanating from their bodies, they should have died here long ago.

But why they are still alive and making sounds... This is actually not difficult to guess. It is obvious that Zlag the Insects uses the power of some kind of law of life to allow them to maintain immortality and continuously supply life energy to the insects.Among these people, Li Ming had even seen the faces of some of them before - they should all be investigators of the Investigators Association. After all, he had seen the investigation mission into their disappearance on the Massachusetts Investigation APP. .

It turns out they all came here in the end.


If not, the Custom Card Masters Association had actually known about it for a long time, and deliberately sold these investigators here just to appease these bugs.

"So, the so-called infinite resurrection is actually to continuously extract the vitality of these prey?" Li Ming turned his head and looked at an 'ice sculpture' behind him.

Upon hearing this, the other party nodded and did not deny Li Ming's words.

Li Ming let out a long sigh.


"Let these people be freed. Anyway, these infinite resurrection powers cannot be used by us." Li Ming glanced at Lulim Xia Kelos and said without hesitation.

Rulim Xiakolos nodded and asked these investigators who were starting at the purple level of spiritual power to close their eyes.

And in the deepest part of the nest, Li Ming finally saw a glimmer of light.

In that light is a creepy symbol - it exudes a dark and twisted aura that makes people shudder.

This strange mark is composed of countless tiny worms, with twisted and tangled lines, each with sharp barbs, seemingly ready to tear apart all life at any time.

To be honest, it is much more difficult to draw than the Dagon Secret Order Seal and the Yellow Seal. Li Ming would really be too lazy to draw it.

But the only question now to replace this mark?

"Lulim Shaklos," Li Ming turned his head and looked at the white worm, "Do you have any idea?"

When Lulim Xiakoros heard the sound, he didn't hesitate much. A burst of cold air suddenly burst out from his body, and the icy air flow instantly attached to the mark.

The cold crept up onto the mark bit by bit...and then, the mark gradually formed ice, and then slowly turned from a flat pattern into a solid entity.

And when it withered, a frozen mark fell to the ground, and even made a few sounds.

Good guy, isn't this too simple and rude?
Rulim Xiakoros raised his head high. Do you know what an orthodox old ruler is? It is not easy to let a mere mark fall from it!

Let’s see who dares to say that I am the disgrace of the past!
"Okay, okay, I know you're great." Li Ming was also a little speechless. It was an old time after all. Could you please stop being so arrogant.

Later, Li Ming mobilized his mental power and manifested the Yellow Seal and the Dagon Secret Order Seal on his fingertips...

just now……

It's time for the bugs to convert to a more reliable evil god!
(End of this chapter)

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