Close your eyes and become the strongest adventurer

Chapter 105 Rest Equipment and Accommodation

Chapter 105 Rest Equipment and Accommodation

Xuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, feeling emotional in his heart.

He has long experience in life and knows that the price difference should be relatively large.

I didn't expect the price difference to be so exaggerated just by walking an extra kilometer.

He can guarantee.

The winter clothes sold by the small vendors near the teleportation array are not only exaggeratedly expensive, but the quality is definitely not as good as those in the stores. They are all unscrupulous vendors who rob and cheat in the name of buying and selling.

It can only be said that there are people in every world who want to make quick money without conscience.

Xuan Yuan, who was in a good mood, took the initiative to give the other party an extra silver coin as a thank you.

The store manager was a little surprised:

"Oh, my guest, how can I be ashamed of you?"

Xuan Yuan smiled and said:

"You are doing business with your heart. I want to give more if I am happy."

"By the way, I would like to ask, where is there a more reliable hotel and weapon shop nearby, can you recommend it to me?"

The store manager smiled:

"Guest, if you are looking for me, you should ask the right person."

"For hotels in small towns, you must go to the hotel with a sign called [Snow Nest]. It looks ugly, but in fact the manager is a clean old lady, and it is very comfortable to live in."

"As for the weapons store, the quality of the iron ore here is quite good, and the craftsmanship of the weapon craftsmen is generally not bad."

"If it's the best way, turn right at the Snow Nest Hotel and go straight, and find that old Li who always likes to forge iron on the side of the road. The things he makes have always been well-reviewed by adventurers."

Xuan Yuan nodded his thanks, took out his personal terminal, pointed to the registration place written on it and asked:

"Excuse me, do you know where this place called 'Valleyland' is?"

The store manager smiled and said:

"Oh, there are quite a lot of people asking about this place recently."

"You must not follow the navigation of the personal terminal, otherwise you will come to a place called Wolf Country. There is a wolf den over there. The snow wolf is very fierce."

"Only the local people who are born and bred know how to go."

"I'll write you a note, you just follow the note when you leave the town."

After all, the store manager wrote a note and handed it to Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Yuan took the note to thank him.

Picking up the little Paji on the counter, this guy was looking eagerly at the cashier counter of the store manager, and kept making cute gestures to the store manager with his small tentacles.

Casually stuffing it into the hood, Xuan Yuan dragged the suitcase.

According to the navigation of the personal terminal, I walked and stopped all the way for more than half an hour, and came to the outskirts of the town.

I went around looking for it for a while.

Only then did I finally find the inn with the signboard named [Snow Nest] on a high ground with complex terrain in the town.

It is a single-family small building with double-layer solid wood, which looks unattractive.

After entering, there are hand-painted paintings everywhere, various potted plants on the ground, and small hanging ornaments of different styles on the walls, giving people a warm feeling of careful decoration.

Ask about accommodation prices.

The price for one night is 4 silver and 20 copper. If you stay for 3 nights, you only charge 10 silver.

In this regard, Xuan Yuan said that he could accept it.

Along the way.

He asked about the price of accommodation in several hotels along the way.

Many stores are already full, and the price is basically around 5 silver. The accommodation price in [Snow Nest] is not expensive.

Choose a room by the window and hand 10 silver to the old lady at the front desk.

The old man turned around and rummaged for a while, and gave Xuan Yuan a key with a number plate.

Go to the second floor and open the door.

The room is simple in style, with some strange local decorations hanging here and there.

As told at the front desk.

Xuan Yuan tried to press a button in the corner, and the temperature in the room began to rise rapidly.

There is an independent bathroom.

Although it is only a two-storey building, because it is located on a high ground, you can overlook the desperation of the whole snow town through the small window beside the bed.

Leave your luggage in the hotel.

Open the small window, sit by the bed and enjoy the snow scene quietly for a while.

Only then did Xuan Yuan take off his clothes, and took a hot bath happily.

Go out to find a weapon shop in a relaxed suit.

After the battle with the Beast King, Xuan Yuan's whole body's equipment was completely damaged, including the dungeon gray quality gauntlet, which was also completely broken.

Dungeon defense equipment.

Whatever the enhanced defense is, it's an overall increase.

Once encountering an attack that exceeds the upper limit of defense, the equipment will automatically resist damage within the range, and it will also be instantly shattered.

Therefore, except for the longbow in his hand, Xuan Yuan has no dungeon equipment on his body.

If you want fingers, you need at least one gauntlet.

didn't go very far.

Xuan Yuan heard the sound of iron striking.

On the wall of a blacksmith's shop, the red fireplace was burning in the snow, and Xuan Yuan felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face before he got close.

A muscular man with bare shoulders and a bright forehead in the ice and snow, with a black fireproof apron hanging in front of him, was using a hammer to ping-pong a red iron block, and there was an iron box half a person's height at his feet.

The snow has been melted by the high temperature, exposing a large area of ​​wet permafrost.

Xuan Yuan walked over.

"Excuse me, are there any gauntlets suitable for archers?"

The strong man stopped what he was doing and looked at Xuan Yuan:

"What fingering do you usually use? What is the bow posture?"

Xuan Yuan took out the longbow behind his back and gestured for it.

Bald man:

"You usually use the thumb of your right hand. You don't use the finger puller but the hand guard. It's because you don't like the feel of the finger puller, right?"

Xuan Yuan nodded.

The bald man replied:

"Wait a minute, here I happen to have two archer gauntlets that fit your hand shape, just a little modification."

After that, he turned and entered the blacksmith shop.

After a while, he took out two leather gloves with different styles.

Xuan Yuan tried to bring it up.

The size is just right, and the feel is very good. It fits the shape of the hand perfectly, and exposes the skin of the hand as much as possible. The knuckle of the thumb is also hardened, so that the hand will not be cut when pulling the string, and it will not affect other hand movements.

Xuan Yuan was very satisfied.

"Very good, what's the price?"

The bald man nodded and said:
"It's fine if you fit it. Both pairs of gloves are apprentice's handicrafts. The processing is worthless. They use leather leftovers from high-level monsters."

"This is more expensive, a gauntlet sells for 8 silver."

Xuanyuan feels a little expensive, but the feel and quality are worthy of the price.

He bought both gauntlets in one go and kept one as a spare.

To be honest, Xuanyuan is already used to the explosive equipment.

I always feel that the gray-quality armor of the dungeon has almost become a one-time consumable on him.

Perhaps it was because the battles encountered were always too intense?
Enter the blacksmith shop.

I chose a flat insert quiver.

It is the kind that is carried on the back, a bit like an ammunition clip, and the capacity for loading arrows is 40.

The arrows in the quiver are all inserted obliquely from the side, each arrow has a special fixing slot, and only the tail feathers of the arrow are exposed.

This quiver makes it more troublesome for Xuan Yuan to insert arrows in normal times, a bit like reloading pistol magazines one by one.

The advantage is that the arrow is fixed very stably, and you can move freely without worrying about falling, and you don't need to worry about breaking the arrow when you are exercising.

Usually it is convenient to take arrows from behind.

The quiver inserted obliquely, together with this snow suit, made Xuan Yuan's back look like a hedgehog at first glance.

21 for the price of silver.

It is not as delicate as the previous dungeon quiver, but it is enough to reach this level.

(End of this chapter)

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