Close your eyes and become the strongest adventurer

Chapter 106 Examination Room and Taku People

Chapter 106 Examination Room and Taku People

Other than that.

Xuan Yuan also bought 20 ordinary arrows, worth 1 silver gnar.

Xuan Yuan now consumes a lot of arrows for his skills, and Xuan Yuan is reluctant to use an expensive arrow for 3 silver in the dungeon as a one-time consumable.

When probing the field of view and the like.

It doesn't hurt at all to consume ordinary arrows.

Insert the arrows of the dungeon on the right side where they can be used at any time, and the ordinary arrows on the inconvenient left side.

Exactly 40 arrows are full.

The quiver that was tied to the thigh before was very convenient to take out the arrow, and it could also fix the arrow, but it was not easy to roll and move.

Now this quiver, after a period of use, the opening of the quiver has been crushed into an irregular trapezoid.

Before leaving, Xuan Yuan confirmed the location of the 'Valley Land' to the blacksmith.

As the store manager who made clothes said.

This is relieved.

At the request of the other party, put the silver coins into the big iron box in front of the bald man.

He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of coins falling into the big iron box. The bald man seemed satisfied.

Xuan Yuan also found it interesting.

Turn around and leave, put the dilapidated quiver back in the hotel, and then confirm the location written on the note, and found that the one-way trip from here is only about an hour.

It's only 1pm now.

Xuan Yuan wanted to go there earlier, and sign up first.

In order not to wait until the exam time is approaching before registering, there may be some variables.

Get out of town.

Walk alone in the snow and ice.

Not long after, a calming light snow slowly drifted down from the sky.

Little Paji lay comfortably on his back in the plush hood, tasting the snowflakes that fell on him piece by piece.

in the wilderness.

Everything is silent, except for Xuan Yuan's feet stepping on the snow, the creaking sound of snowflakes being crushed into a ball.

So quiet that you could even hear your own breathing.

Xuan Yuan enjoyed this feeling of walking in the snow very much. After coming to this world, it was just a few weeks.

So much has happened.

It's rare to be able to calm down and enjoy a quiet time alone.

He took a long breath, feeling that the pressure and impetuousness that had been surrounding him were finally relieved at this moment.

A person's silent time is fleeting.

Follow the road on the note, and come to a fork in the road. The note says to go left at this fork.

But on the far side of the road on the right side of the fork, a group of people can be vaguely seen.

Open eagle eye.

Xuan Yuan saw from a distance that a large group of adventurers were gathering in front of the entrance of a jungle.

Curiously, Xuan Yuan walked over from the right first, and saw that the group of adventurers was surrounding a middle-aged man in gorgeous dungeon equipment, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed on the back of a giant snow wolf as tall as two people.

Hearing Xuan Yuan approaching, he opened his eyes and looked at Xuan Yuan:

"A newcomer taking the guild exam?"

"I am the examiner for this iron-level adventurer exam."

"Give me the registration fee of 1 gold directly. When the other examiners who replace me come, I will take you to the valley to confirm the examination room and candidate number."

Xuan Yuan couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Glancing at the position on the note in his hand, he asked:

"Didn't the guild let us sign up in the valley?"

The middle-aged man said lightly:
"The valley is the first examination room, and you can sign up wherever the examiner is."

"The previous road leading to the valley has been cut off due to landslides."

"In order to avoid getting lost due to the road being broken and you running around, the guild specially arranged for me to notify you in advance."

Xuan Yuan said strangely:

"How do I know, are you lying to me?"

The middle-aged man smiled:
"It doesn't matter, you are responsible for your own life."

After finishing speaking, he sat on the giant wolf and closed his eyes in silence.

The two or three adventurer teams around looked at Xuan Yuan and talked a lot:

"Now the rookies, why are they so courageous?"

"There is only one weapon and no armor. How dare you take the test alone? Don't you know that the best solution is to form a team for the test?"

"Hey, Mengxin is not always like this, he always likes to pretend to be a boss."

"Don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, if you really suffer, you will know what is reality."

"That's right, the examiner kindly informed us in advance and took us there earlier. This newcomer is a bit clueless."

Ignore all kinds of gossip.

Xuan Yuan looked back at the way he came, and asked the middle-aged man:
"Why don't you wait for someone at the fork in the back?"

"Isn't the road leading to the valley on the left? Waiting here won't miss people?"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, with a natural look on his face:

"Who said the valley is the road on the left?"

"Turn on the navigation of your personal terminal and take a look. The road on the right is the only way to the valley, isn't it?"

Say it.

The middle-aged man still turned his back to the crowd, and silently blinked his left eye at Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Yuan instantly understood.


After all, Xuan Yuan didn't say much, just turned and left.

As soon as I returned to the fork in the road, I was about to go from the other side when I heard a childish voice:

"Wait, I'll go with you!"

After taking a closer look, an extremely conspicuous little man ran towards him.

This is a little girl who is only as tall as Xuanyuan's waist, wearing a snow combat suit that is easy to move, and running slowly towards Xuanyuan.

The reason why she is extremely conspicuous.

Because behind the little girl was actually carrying a big hammer with a height of more than three meters, and the width of the hammer head on the hammer was more than one meter.

A little girl who looks less than eight years old, carrying such a big hammer, has a sense of sight of ants running with glass beads on their backs.

Despite the terrifying weight, the opponent's legs did not sink into the soft snowy soil, and the footprints left were the same as those of ordinary people.

Wait for the opponent to run close.

Xuan Yuan took a few steps back silently, keeping a certain reaction distance from the other party, and said cautiously:

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

The other party said:
"Can I go with you?"

"I also want to go to the valley to sign up."

Xuan Yuan asked:
"Didn't you plan to go with that examiner before?"

The little girl said:

"I heard the conversation between you and the examiner just now, and I saw you looking at the note. In fact, someone wrote me a note in the valley, telling me not to go to the wolf country."

Hearing this, Xuan Yuan couldn't help being surprised:
"Then why are you waiting there?"

"Isn't the road over there wrong?"

The little girl scratched the back of her head with her right hand wearing a thick glove, her face slightly embarrassed:
"Sorry, I'm a little confused about the left and right."

Xuan Yuan looked at the other party suspiciously:

"Little friend, how old is this year?"

The little girl said angrily:

"Big man!"

"Don't call me a kid, I'm already 19 years old, I'll be 20 soon!"

"Have you never seen the Taku family? My body shape is normal, and I'm already tall, okay?"

To be honest, it was the first time for Xuan Yuan to be called a 'big man' no matter in his previous life or in this life, and it felt quite novel.

Raise your left hand towards the opponent.

After thinking about it, in order to prevent the other party from messing up, I turned my back to her and asked:
"Then look, is it just my left hand or my right hand?"

She was stunned by Xuan Yuan's sudden question:
"This... this... this is of course the left hand!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Yuan nodded in approval.

She immediately put her hands on her hips proudly:

"Hey! Don't underestimate me!"

"I'm just a little confused, it's far from that serious!"

Xuan Yuan nodded, raised his other right hand and asked:
"Just in case, what about this one?"

The little girl couldn't help grinning:

"I said, big man, do you think I'm stupid?"

"The one just now was already left-handed, so this one must still be left-handed now!"

(End of this chapter)

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