Close your eyes and become the strongest adventurer

Chapter 107 The Test Before Registration

Chapter 107 The Test Before Registration
Xuan Yuan helped his forehead.

This sense of direction can already give up treatment.

He nodded helplessly:
"Okay, come with me."

Along the way, Xuan Yuan was in charge of reading the note to lead the way.

This short girl from the Taku tribe seemed to be a little familiar, and introduced herself:
"Big man, thank you for showing me the way!"

"My name is Marcellina, what's your name?"

While looking down at the note, Xuan Yuan replied:
"Xuan Yuan."

Marcellina said in surprise:

"Wow, what a short and unique name, the first time I've heard such a name."

"You are definitely not from our border jurisdictions. It is rare to meet friends from far away. It is really a day worth celebrating!"

After all, she sang happily.

As he walked, he sang non-stop as if there was no one else around.

The singing voice is melodious, the lyrics are newly compiled, and it has a rough rhythm.

Xuan Yuan didn't bother.

Anyway, there is nothing to do on the way, and the other party's singing is not bad, so just listen to it to relieve boredom.

Listen silently and move on.

As a result, this song sang for more than 20 minutes.

To be honest, Xuan Yuan admired Marcellina's vital capacity all the way down the road.

After walking so far with myself, I can continue to sing in my mouth, and from time to time I have to complete a long high-pitched sentence.

When they were about to go, the other party's singing came to the end, and the radio ended.

Been listening to this song for so long.

I couldn't hear the singing all of a sudden, and I was even a little uncomfortable.

After Marcellina finished singing, she said to Xuan Yuan excitedly:
"Haha, this is the first time I have sung a song without interruption in front of strangers."

"When we meet for the first time, someone who can listen to our Taku family singing without interrupting must be a good person!"

"Xuan Yuan, you must be a very good person, which is rare among big men!"

"Glory! You have won the friendship of Marcellina of the Taku!"

Xuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and could only smile and shake his head:

"Thanks for the recognition."

Exactly at this time.

The two walked to a place called [Valleyland].

According to the note, passing through a narrow and long entrance between two mountains, a flat valley full of cedar forests greets the eye.

Entering the forest, you can see hundreds of adventurers scattered in the snowy forest who came to participate in the assessment.

These adventurers are sitting or standing, gathered in groups of three or five, and many of them can be seen here as well as Xuan Yuan.

Quite a few adventurers stand alone on top of cedars, or hang upside down from the branches like bats.

A group of adventurers subconsciously kept a certain distance from each other.

Most of the people were waiting quietly. From time to time, some people looked at the other adventurers around. Because of the large number of people, the scene sounded a bit noisy.

Xuan Yuan and Marcellina arrived not long ago.

In the middle of this cedar forest, those green cedars suddenly withered and turned yellow.

Such a turn of events frightened the adventurers who came earlier and occupied the central position, and they all subconsciously frantically fled from the area where the cedars withered and turned yellow.

In just a dozen seconds, the withered and shriveled cedar trees within a radius of [-] meters turned into fly ash and were completely annihilated.

In that area, there was only one middle-aged man who was putting his right hand on the ground.

Xuan Yuan recognized that it was the middle-aged man who lied at the entrance of the woodland before, but he didn't know where the other party's gorgeous dungeon equipment and the giant snow wolf had gone.

Several arrows shot straight at his head without hesitation, but the middle-aged man didn't even look at it, and grabbed all the incoming arrows with his right hand.

These arrows slowly turned into black fly ash in his hands.

He lazily said:
"Oh~? Oh~!"

"Everyone in this year looks very energetic~!"

The middle-aged man's voice was not loud, but it easily spread throughout the cedar forest.

He slowly put the black glove back on his right hand, then helped a small clip on his collar, turned his head and said:

"Hello? Hello?"

"Can you hear them all?"

Seeing some of the adventurers nodding, he put down his hands in satisfaction, put his hands in his pockets and said slowly:
"As you can see, my name is Belial, and I'm the examiner in charge of your registration today."

After that, he lazily stretched out his little finger to pick his ears:

"Everyone must already know that to sign up for the iron-level adventurer's assessment, you need to pay a fee of 1 Jinnar."

"However, before you start paying the fee, I want to confirm your strength."

"The assessment of an iron-level adventurer is not small, and there is a certain risk of life. In order to avoid meaningless casualties that cannot be rescued, it is also to avoid future troubles."

"Before you can actually sign up, you must accept some pre-tests."

"The valley is a place in this small town that only a few locals know about, so the locals in this small town are your first examiners."

"From the moment you came to the town, your words and deeds have been under their secret observation."

"How do you face unfair prices and how do you deal with conflicts?"

"When you suffer from unscrupulous traders, will you fight civilians in a rage, or use violence to coerce them, or even kill them, etc."

"Only if your words and deeds can win the favor of a local person, or get the approval of the other party, can you get this note that can lead to the correct route to the valley."

"If there is no note, following the navigation will only lead to another place called Wolf Suburb, and go there to suffer a lot."

"Therefore, what the first level tests is your personal moral bottom line."

"Any adventurers with dark hearts, or mental problems, or who are too aggressive towards other people will be directly eliminated in this level."

"So, I'm here to congratulate everyone in advance."

"Everyone can come here, it means that you have passed the first moral test."

At this time, an adventurer in the crowd asked loudly:
"But, Mr. Examiner."

"The number of locals is very small. What should I do if I have bad luck after coming to the town and unfortunately don't meet any locals?"

The chief examiner of Belial shook his head:

"Then admit it, fail the assessment and wait for the next guild assessment."

"After all, luck is also part of strength."

"If you're too unlucky, you won't live long in the dungeon, will you?"

After all, the chief examiner of Belial put his hands in his pockets, put his toes up, and yawned a lot:
"Time is limited, so stop talking nonsense."

"The next thing I want to test you is strength."

"You are going to face a group of snow wolves who have already ambushed here."

"As long as you can defeat any snow wolf without being seriously injured, it will be considered that you have successfully passed the level."

"One person corresponds to one snow wolf. For example, a three-person team needs to defeat three snow wolves. As long as the number is sufficient, the level can be automatically cleared."

After finishing speaking, the chief examiner of Belial took out his hands and patted them in the air.

The next moment, countless howling wolves suddenly came from the surrounding snow-capped hills.

Snow wolves that are all white and almost blend with the snow.

They turned into raging wolves on the snow-capped mountains, rushing towards the adventurers in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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