Close your eyes and become the strongest adventurer

Chapter 108 Unlucky Squad and Mistake

Chapter 108 Unlucky Squad and Mistake

Facing the raging wolf tide.

A group of adventurers reacted differently. Some led the team to face the difficulties directly, and some looked frightened and ran away in a hurry. Some climbed directly to the tree and thought they were safe, and some leaned against the tree to prepare for the battle. .

In short, the adventurers without teamwork were in a mess in an instant.

Accompanied by the rapid approach of the snow wolves.

The first to fight was the rain of arrows galloping towards the snow wolves.

After a few waves of arrow rain.

Some of the adventurers who shot arrows suddenly had a faint white light on their bodies, and then they were teleported behind the chief examiner of Belial with a confused expression on their faces.

At this time, the chief examiner of Belial reminded:

"Oh, right."

"There is something I forgot to remind you, if it is a small team, it is best to kill the snow wolves at the same time as much as possible."

"Because, once any snow wolf is killed, those who have already killed the snow wolf will be teleported to me and cannot participate in the next battle of teammates."

In an instant, many teams lost their ranged attackers.

Many adventurers began to scold their mothers one after another, and before they had time to swear a few words, they had already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the snow wolves.

The examiner Belial was not annoyed when he heard this.

Instead, he stared at these scurrying adventurers with interest, with a bright smile on his face.

Xuan Yuan also threw several rounds of arrow rain.

It's a pity, I don't know if it was bad luck, or his throwing accuracy was too poor, and he couldn't even hit a snow wolf.

Fortunately, the snow wolf army is already approaching.

Facing this group of menacing snow wolves, whose number is almost three times that of adventurers.

Xuan Yuan continued to take out ordinary arrows, found a snow wolf about 70 meters away from him, and shot a [Tracking Arrow].

The arrow accurately hit the snow wolf's ass.

It's a pity that the damage was limited, and the opponent continued to charge without realizing it.

Xuan Yuan is helpless, these snow wolves are probably not ordinary snow wolves, but monsters from the dungeon, or have the bloodline of dungeon monsters.

Even if I use the longbow of the dungeon, the attack power is greatly weakened because the arrows are ordinary arrows.

Aim at the snow wolf that was hit by an arrow again, and try to shoot a [Powerful Arrow] with an ordinary arrow.

The next moment, [Powerful Arrow] shot into Snow Wolf's head.

The snow wolf's movements slowed down, and after following its companion for a dozen more steps, it fell to the ground with a whimper.

At this time, other snow wolves had already rushed in front of Xuan Yuan.

Several snow wolves rushed towards Xuanyuan at the same time, and Xuanyuan's body was already lit with a faint white light, and he was teleported behind the chief examiner of Belial to join the crowd of spectators.

There seemed to be an enchantment around the group of adventurers. The snow wolf seemed to be unable to see them. When they came nearby, they would directly go around and only chased other adventurers in the valley to attack.

At this time, Xuan Yuan noticed.

Marcellina, who was with him, did not take out the sledgehammer from behind, but jumped up and punched half of a snow wolf's body.

A large amount of blood sprayed in a fan shape to the snow field behind the snow wolf.

The remnant body of the snow wolf, as if hit by a shell, flew backwards and knocked over several snow wolves.

Afterwards, a faint white light appeared on Marcellina's petite body.

She also teleports to the enchantment in the safe zone.

As soon as she came in, she trotted all the way to Xuan Yuan's side and gave him a thumbs up.

"not bad!"

"You're actually faster than me!"

Xuan Yuan replied:

"Thank you, it's just taking advantage of the long-range weapons."

After all, they watched the battle outside together with other adventurers.

It can be seen that due to the large number of snow wolves and the sparse cedar forests in the valley, the combat environment is quite complicated.

The situation fell into chaos.

Although these snow wolves are dungeon monsters, they are actually not even as strong as ordinary slimes in the Sketos dungeon.

The problem is that there are too many of them and the fighting style is too chaotic.

Many adventurer teams were caught off guard by the teleportation.

For example, Xuan Yuan saw from a distance that a team of five adventurers was besieged by a dozen snow wolves.

A shield warrior holding a large shield had just rushed in front of his teammates, and the horizontal shield blocked the impact of several snow wolves for his teammates.

Habitually waved the shield and sent these snow wolves flying.

As a result, the spine of a snow wolf that flew upside down directly hit the cedar tree trunk, and died on the spot with a click.

The next moment, white light began to emerge from the shield warrior.

His eyes widened with anger, and he yelled unwillingly:

Before he finished speaking, he was teleported to the safe area.

The teammate behind him suddenly lost the protection of the meat shield and had to face the impact of the snow wolf. The teammate who was standing behind the shield warrior was holding a long gun and was about to attack.

Caught off guard, he only had time to pierce a pounced snow wolf with his gun, only to be thrown to the ground by several other snow wolves, who were bitten wildly with their teeth.

A teammate with a sword slashed heavily on the back of a snow wolf. Although the wound was deep enough to see the bones, the snow wolf who was attacked was still unaware and bit the teammate on the ground frantically.

Another one with a single shield and a one-handed hammer was about to rush over to support the spearman.

After running a few steps, he suddenly yelled and fell to his knees.

He was suddenly hit hard on the buttocks. It turned out to be an archer in the team. After losing the front row, he was being chased by two snow wolves. Shoot the Shield Hammer in the ass.

The bearded shield hammerer turned around and cursed:

"You idiot, why shoot me? Change melee weapons!"

Hearing that, the archer hurriedly took out a dungeon dagger, and was thrown to the ground by two snow wolves.

While resisting the rolling and biting of two snow wolves, the archer first kicked one snow wolf away, and then won the wrestling of the other snow wolf. He controlled the snow wolf with one hand, ruthlessly He stabbed the snow wolf in the eye with a dagger, causing the snow wolf to die on the spot.

At this moment, he finally limped and rushed over, lying on the spearman, trying to use the shield and body to protect the shield hammerman of his teammates.

Looking back, I saw the scene of the archer killing the snow wolf, and my heart was tearing for a moment:

"Idiot! What are you doing killing a wolf?"

"Save people first!"

"Quick, support me with an arrow before you go!
The archer had already started to emit white light, he hastily drew his bow, shot an arrow at the snow wolf on the spearman, and was then teleported to the safe zone.

The galloping arrow bypassed the dense pack of snow wolves pounced on the spearman, and accurately shot the shield hammerman's right arm.

The defensive equipment on his body seemed to be due to the snow wolf's continuous attacks.

The defense has suffered a lot of damage.

The arrow instantly pulled down the right arm of the shield, and he could no longer hold the single hammer in his hand.


Xuanyuan was far away, so he couldn't quite hear what the shield hammermen in the pile of snow wolves were cursing, it must have been very ugly.

The sword-wielding teammates standing outside have been trying their best to chop down the snow wolf with their swords, trying to clear the siege for their teammates.

However, Xuelang didn't care about the bloody wounds cut by his sword-wielding teammates at all.

This teammate didn't dare to stab any snow wolf to death, otherwise he would also be teleported away.

Finally, there were more snow wolves besieging from all around.

The sword-wielding teammate had no choice but to stab Snow Wolf quickly.

Killing two instantly in a short period of time, relieved the pressure on the shield and hammer hand, and was also teleported away on the spot.

The only remaining shield and hammer hand could only curse and be drowned by a bunch of snow wolves together with the spearman.

With a flash of white light, both the Shield Hammer and the Pikeman were teleported away just before their lives were in danger.

He was not sent to the safe area where the examiner was, but was sent to another place for treatment. As for the assessment, he must have failed.

Xuanyuan can see it.

The archer was sitting on the ground with his head bowed and his head bowed, and was crazily accused by the other two teammates in the safe zone.

More and more adventurers are teleported to the safe zone.

With the decrease in the number of adventurers present, the pressure on the remaining adventurers is also increasing, and the snow wolf attacks that need to be faced at the same time are also increasing.

Seeing that the remaining adventurers were almost wiped out, there was no suspense in the situation on the field.

Xuan Yuan walked up to the chief examiner of Belial and asked curiously:

"Hello, examiner Belial."

"We met at the fork in the road just now."

"I'm a little curious. Didn't the group of adventurers that you took away at the fork in the road before who followed the wrong path fail the assessment?"

"Why bother to wait for them at the entrance of the forest and take them another way?"

The chief examiner of Belial looked at Xuan Yuan with a look of astonishment:

"What!? You said I met you?"

"Moreover, you took away a group of adventurers who followed the navigation!?"

(End of this chapter)

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