God of Healing

Chapter 206 We will no longer be sisters after Qiao Mina

Chapter 206 We will no longer be sisters after Qiao Mina
A wonderful day starts with the delicious food cooked by Lin Can.

After finishing breakfast, the four little ones licked the corners of their mouths and touched their bellies.

Chu Qingning gave a thumbs up: "I'm really not praising you. You are really good at cooking and have the potential of our Chengdu son-in-law."

Ayire muttered: "Marry a wife from Sichuan and Chongqing, and be a back-up man."

The two women were fighting overtly and covertly.

"At 08:30, I will wash the dishes. You take the time to change clothes and go out to play. We will also go shopping for big G in the morning, so that you will not go out until noon."


The four little ones quickly went to their respective rooms to put on makeup and change clothes.

Lin Can packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen. He washed a few dishes without the need for a dishwasher, and made the kitchen clean and neatly arranged. Lin Can liked tidiness and couldn't bear to see oil stains in the kitchen. The edges of the gas stove must be wiped clean, and the kitchen must be shiny.

Just after finishing the kitchen, Lin Can sat down on the sofa when he heard four women calling...

"Cancan~ Come in and help sister zip up."

"Lin Can~ My lipstick is in the living room. Bring it in for me."

"Brother~ take in the white lace bra from the balcony."

"Lin Can~ Let's see if my skirt looks better with black stockings or white stockings today."

"Don't shout, don't shout. I'll come one by one."

Lin Can went from room to room to serve him.

Rich people are cheap, they like to enjoy themselves, but at the same time they have to be served.

Half an hour later, the four little ones dressed up beautifully and went downstairs and into the elevator with Lin Can.

When we got to the 18th floor, someone came in. The moment the elevator door opened, the person saw five people inside and said "fuck~" in his heart. He thought he had taken the wrong elevator and entered the scene of some Paris fashion show. Everything was Super beauty.

Although this community is one of the best, not inferior to Tangcheng Yipin next to it, there are also many super rich second generations living here. Occasionally, they will bring a few girls back, but these four girls brought by this rich second generation are really Very top, very beautiful.

The reason is simple. Most other internet celebrities are too homogeneous.

Of these four, you can see that each one is different and you can find the various styles you want.

Aloof queen style, tender sister style, innocent girl style, and lively style from the Western Region.

Arriving on the first floor and stepping out of the elevator, Lin Can smiled proudly. Men have very strong vanity. Lin Can felt very proud every time he saw the envious looks cast by others.

They are all my conquerors!


Going out of the community and taking a taxi is also troublesome, because five people need two cars.

So buying a car is necessary.

Lin Can stopped two taxis: "You three will take one, and Sister Mina and I will take one."

Ayire: "I think... hum!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Can stuffed Qiao Mina in, then walked in, closed the car door, and asked the driver to go to the Mercedes-Benz Arena, No. 1200 Expo Avenue.

I really can't wait a second longer, otherwise I'll have to harp on how to allocate seats.

The back of the taxi.

Qiao Mina looked back and said, "Why do you want to ride in a car with me?"

Lin Can moved closer, putting one arm around his shoulders and the other on the knee-length black stockings of his skirt: "I haven't been alone with you for a long time. I want to spend more time with you."

"Fake, last night you took advantage of me to go to the toilet and ran to my bed and hugged me to sleep all night. Does that mean you weren't left alone?"

Qiao Mina rolled her eyes at Lin Can. She felt that Lin Can was using a new routine. For example, in the past, he had to hug her to sleep, and he kept teasing her, kissing her, and using her hands honestly, and she would do it rua, rua, and so on. Qiao Mina felt extremely uncomfortable, but she never gave her.

Now Lin Can doesn't flirt anymore, he just sleeps with her in his arms, doesn't mess around, and is very measured.

This is strange.

He was testing in a very new way - sleeping in his arms like this, for one day, two days, three days...

He doesn't mess around, he just plays the honest card.

As long as she has perseverance, Qiao Mina will one day be unable to hold it in any longer, figure it out, and take the initiative to give it to her!

He didn't flirt, but that was the most flirtatious thing.

You used to hold someone in your arms while sleeping, and even though they didn’t give it to you, you were not honest and could still satisfy their craving.

You are too honest now, and you won’t even give Qiao Mina a chance to satisfy her cravings. She will suffocate you to death. Let’s see how long you can keep calm!
"Actually... there is something I don't know whether to say or not, that is..." Qiao Meina looked at Lin Can seriously and said, "I applied for an exchange student when I was a freshman. After the art performance last week, the school My boss came to me and told me that I had been selected to be an exchange student at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. I never mentioned this..."

Lin Can was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's great. You love music so much. I think everyone will be happy for you to be an exchange student at the University of Copenhagen."


"Sure, about when?"

"This semester, the school leaders asked me to give an answer this weekend. I don't really want to go, but my parents really want me to go."

Qiao Mina took out the exchange student's approved form from her bag and showed it to Lin Can.

Lin Can told the truth, the three little ones would also be happy for her. After all, it is one thing to be reluctant, but if she is chosen, it is her business as to whether she goes or not, and even her parents will not interfere. Personal wishes, let alone Lin Can and the three little ones.

"The reason I didn't tell everyone is because..." Qiao Mina lowered her head and thought for a moment, "I feel like I betrayed everyone by leaving everyone and going to distant Denmark."

While talking about her personal music dream since childhood, she also talked about her family, including her parents, Lin Can and the three little ones.

It's hard to choose.

"You make the decision in your life. Whether you want to go or not, I support you."

Lin Can wouldn't say, 'You are my woman, why don't you go to Copenhagen? I have money, just play music as you want', 'Everyone is having such a good time, but if you leave and become an exchange student, it won't be fun for everyone.' Something like that.

Can play compare to a person’s life plan?

Lin Can is very possessive, but at the same time he respects personal choices, because a mature person will not interfere in anyone's life plan.

To be honest, because one person interferes with another person's life plan and makes him make a choice against his will, life is a long road. If one day he regrets it, he will blame you. Many students who have graduated from the college entrance examination apply for a volunteer. In this way, parents interfere too much and end up regretting and resenting their parents.

Parents are like this, not to mention friends and lovers, so Lin Can often sees his position very clearly, so the relationship with them will become more and more stable, and he will not regard himself as a 'big boss', stipulating What you must be, what she must be, your lives must be according to my preferences.

A person's life plan can only be chosen by himself.

The car parked in front of the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

"Think about it carefully. After all, this matter is very related to your life. Let's go. We are here. They are waiting for us."

Lin Can opened the car door.

Qiao Mina put away the exchange student form, put on a smile, got out of the car, and met the three little ones, talking and laughing as usual.

Buying a Big G is the most expensive and cheapest car in Lin Can's life. In the past, he started with a Bentley.

Buying a car is very simple for Lin Can - cash, top-spec, full payment, urgent need, pick up today!
have to add money.

It doesn't matter, Mercedes-Benz is just like this.

No, everyone who Lin Can bought before should have paid more.

Although when buying a big G, you almost have to wait for the car. After all, it is customized. Lin Can actually doesn't care about this thing, as long as it can be driven. Of course, the prerequisite is that it is a luxury brand, so those are not the key. The most important thing is the cash. car.

Lin Can is so arrogant, but his sales are not strong, and there are really no cars available!
But there is nothing in this world that money cannot do.

The sales were not strong, but a middle-aged man who picked up the car was very helpful. Hearing that the young man wanted to increase the price to pick up the car, he gestured for 50 yuan, indicating that the price would be increased by 50 yuan, so he sold his Mercedes-Benz G500 to Lin Can.

Lin Can agreed without thinking.

The man made a net profit of 50.

The delivery price of the car is 269 million, including additional installations, transfer taxes, etc., plus an additional 50.

Lin Can spent a total of 319 million and won the big G in half an hour.

Take the cards and leave.

On the way, the four little ones didn’t know much about it. Chu Qingning said: “Add 50? As for that?”

Lin Can disagreed and said: "First of all, I like the Big G very much. It was my dream car in the past. Secondly, the performance of this car is guaranteed in all aspects. It is good in all aspects of off-roading and can fully meet my daily needs. Finally... ...For me, time is very precious. If I make a reservation, it can take as little as three to five months, or as long as a year. With such a long time, I might not like it one day."

Chu Qingning nodded: "You have money, and what you said makes sense. After such a long time, you really don't like it."

Ayire: "Not to mention a year, less than three months, I want to give up and look at other cars."

Miao Youxi: "Time can indeed change a lot. I liked it before, but as time goes by, I might not like it anymore."

Qiao Mina listened to what they said, and couldn't help but think that if she really went to Copenhagen, after three or five months, they would gradually fade away like this. The chats would change from 99+ to 55, and finally to 0.


It's spring, everything is coming back to life, and it's the perfect time for an outing.

First we drove to Sam's Supermarket, where Qiao Mina was a member.

I bought a lot of ingredients and tools and put them in the car, and drove to Binjiang Forest Park.

The sun is shining brightly and the trees are offering shade.

After laying out the mat and taking out the barbecue grill and ingredients, Lin Can greeted them: "Hey, don't just take pictures, come over and help with the barbecue."

Chu Qingning: "Your cooking is so delicious, so we won't mix it in so as not to damage the ingredients."

Ayire: "Yes, who told you to show off your cooking skills? Let's go over there and take pictures."

The four little ones held hands and went for an outing.

"..." Lin Can was helpless. Men must hide their cooking skills, otherwise if they show it, they will be doomed to cook for the rest of their lives.

So, Lin Can prepared the seasonings, skewered the meat and grilled it on the rack.


Lin Can mixed beef and pork and grilled them. The oil stains seeped into each other. He forgot that Ayire didn't eat pork, so he carefully looked at Ayire who was having fun over there and hurriedly put the pork in another small barbecue. Grill on rack.

After a while, Ayire ran back: "It smells so good~ Is my beef roasted?"

"Okay, take it yourself." Lin Can turned over the skewers and fanned the charcoal fire.

Ayire picked up a skewer of beef and gave a thumbs up: "It's so delicious. The barbecue you grilled is even more delicious than Qiao Mina's last time. The barbecue you grilled didn't use firewood, it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the oil was so fragrant~"

Lin Can smiled "scoff~" and stopped laughing immediately.

Can it not be fragrant?That was pork belly soaked in oil.

If you dare not say this, you will be beaten to death!

"Bake me more, this is the taste."

"it is good."

Ayire went to find her best friend with a handful of beef skewers, while Lin Can continued grilling.

Binjiang Forest Park is very big, and there are many tourists outing. Lin Can and the others spent the whole day playing in Binjiang Forest Park, and they didn't pack up and go back until six o'clock in the evening.

After playing for a day, the four little ones fell asleep in the car tiredly.

He didn't wake up until he returned to the community. The four little ones went upstairs. Lin Can went to the property management company and spent 160 million to buy a parking space.

In other words, for one car and one parking space, Lin Can spent 479 million.

The consumption in Magic City is really high.


When Lin Can returned home, the four little ones didn't even take a bath. They went back to their rooms and fell asleep on the bed.

One can imagine how wildly they played today.

Lin Can took a shower, curled up on the sofa, played a few games and then fell asleep.


early morning.

After the four little ones woke up, they went to the master bedroom and public bathroom to take a bath one after another.

Ayi hotly applied the facial mask and walked out of the master bedroom and knocked on the door of the public bathroom.



"Don't be nervous. I won't come in and tease you. I've run out of eyebrow pencil. Can I use your Hua Xizi?" "What level do you think you can use Hua Xizi?"


Ayire swaggered into Qiao Mina's room, sat down in front of the dressing table, and picked up Hua Xizi Huamei.

After finishing the painting, I was about to get up when I saw a file with the school logo in my bag on the bed.

"what is this?"

Ayire was curious and wanted to take a look, but it was difficult to peek at other people's things.

After hesitating, he moved closer. Without touching, he leaned closer to the bag and saw the words 'Exchange student... University of Copenhagen... Admission notice' and other words.

I am familiar with Ayire. The school has been dealing with this exchange student recently.

Ayire pulled it out and opened it. It read that Qiao Meina had applied for an exchange student and would go to the University of Copenhagen to be an exchange student at the end of this month.

Ayire dragged the documents and angrily came outside the bathroom.


Ayire was impatient, so he raised his leg and kicked the bathroom door open.

The sound was so loud that Chu Qingning, Miao Youxi, who was taking a bath in the master bedroom, and Lin Can, who was sleeping on the sofa, were awakened by the loud noise and suddenly sat up from the sofa.

"what's the situation?"

Chu Qingning and Miao Youxi heard the quarrel outside and came out wet in bath towels.

As soon as Lin Can woke up, he saw Qiao Meina's spring scenery in the bathroom.

Really waking up every day, there are all kinds of benefits.

Lin Can walked up, and four people gathered around the door, looking at Qiao Meina inside.

In the bathroom, Qiao Meina stood under the shower, all wet, and her long hair was wet and stuck to her back.


Holding his chest, he said angrily: "Ayire, you are crazy. Why are you so crazy so early in the morning? I am taking a shower. Get out and close the door for me?"

Qiao Mina reached out to close the door, but Ayire pushed her hand away.

"Guan Shuizi Guan! Tell me, what does this mean?"

Ayire raised the document and asked.

She had an angry expression as if Qiao Mina had betrayed her.

"What is this?" Chu Qingning took the document and looked at it, "Exchange student?"

Miao Youxi: "Mina, are you going to be an exchange student?"

Ayire: "Yes, some people want to go abroad. The moon abroad is round and the teaching abroad is good."

Qiao Mina grabbed the bath towel and wrapped it around her body, "Ayire, I think you are a lunatic! Lin Can even let me choose whether to go or not, why do you care about me?"

The three little ones looked at Lin Can with murderous eyes.

Lin Can's heart skipped a beat, damn, why did Qiao Meina involve me? .

Lin Can did say yesterday: They and I will support your choice.

But these are polite words!
The three little ones are nothing but supportive. They are just four conjoined twins. One sister wants to be an exchange student, which is equivalent to cutting off their flesh.

It would be strange to agree to go.

Go, yes, that’s the breakup of the bestie group.

They don't respect your choice, you make the decision in your life, this kind of choice.

It’s a bad choice, just don’t go!

Very domineering!


"You come out with me."

"What are you doing, let go."

"To shut up!"

Ayire pulled Qiao Meina out and threw her on the sofa.

The strength was very strong. It was the first time that Qiao Mina was so strong that she didn't even have the strength to resist.

Qiao Mina was sitting on the sofa wrapped in a bath towel. Three little ones, one in pajamas and two also wrapped in pajamas, stood in front of them with fierce aura.

Lin Can sat down next to him and just watched, not daring to say a word because this was a matter between their besties.

Ayire: "Qiao Mina has agreed that we have been together in college. I wanted to be an exchange student last year, but everyone had a good time. I didn't apply. Now it's fine. You secretly wanted to be an exchange student. You guys mean?"

Qiao Mina: "What do you mean I'm sneaky? I submitted it before you. Later we had a good time, but the exchange student never came down. I thought there was no chance, so I didn't care. I didn't know that I passed it last week."

Miao Youxi: "Are you going? Are you going to be an exchange student? After all, Denmark teaches music very well. We won't delay your future. When you come back in the future, we will still be classmates, right Qing Ning?"

Chu Qingning: "Yes, Mina takes the international route, and we take the domestic route. We can't compare. I really can't compare."

Qiao Mina: "Hey! Is the yin and yang enough? Haven't I agreed yet? If you do this, if I agree, are you going to beat me up to vent your anger?"

Ayire: "If I don't beat you, we will roll out a red carpet for you and sing the song Thousands of Miles Away. I will send you thousands of miles away. Go as far as you want!"

These four women usually quarreled, and they would just say anything to retaliate, and they would not show mercy.

Of course, being merciful means that the relationship is not that good. If the relationship is so good, they will be very direct and not afraid of offending the other party.


The phone number of the school leader.

Ayire knew at a glance that this leader was in charge of the exchange students' work.

"Here, I called you. I picked it up happily and said, Teacher, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely perform well in Copenhagen and bring glory to the school."


Qiao Mina stood up suddenly and said, "Can you not be so unpleasant when you speak?"

Lin Can: "Tsk~"

The four little ones said in unison: "You are laughing! Shut up!"

Lin Can: ...

In fact, Ayire said this because she really couldn't bear to leave Qiao Mina. If she didn't care, I wouldn't care if you go or not, so I would ignore you.

The harder she scolds her, the more she loves Qiao Meina and the more reluctant she is to let go of her.

Ayire, a woman who seems carefree, is actually the most thoughtful and cares about the relationship between sisters.

Ayire: "Answer, why didn't you answer? Are you embarrassed to answer in front of us? It's okay. We don't care. I'll go back and change my clothes and buy some delicious food to see you off, right? Qing Ning Youxi."

Chu Qingning: "Well, when buying Western food, let Meina do an internship in advance and eat sandwich bread and stuff every day!"

Miao Youxi: "The fairy tale kingdom of Denmark, wow~ Mina is a princess in Denmark. From now on when posting on Moments, the coordinates will be Denmark. It's so high-end~"

Weird and strange, crazy pua!

Lin Can felt so uncomfortable holding back her laughter.

"I'll send you away, thousands of miles away~"

The three little ones hummed a song and walked cheerfully towards the master bedroom.

"Sure enough, friendship is the most hypocritical thing. We promise to stay together and never separate, but in the end, it's boring."

"It's not interesting in the first place, and Qiao Mina is the least interesting."

"We are still the dormitory leaders. The dormitory leaders are the first deserters and are hopeless~"

Qiao Mina clenched her fists and was so angry that she really wanted to rush up and beat them to death.


The phone rang again.

Qiao Meina picked it up, connected it, and pressed the speaker button: "Hello, Teacher Li."

The three little ones slowed down and eavesdropped...

"Mina-san, I heard the counselor said that when I called you last night, you said you gave up being an exchange student? Oh~ I'm not telling you, why did you give up such a good opportunity? It's an opportunity that many people dream of, right? Your resume is very important in your music career and in finding a job after graduation. I really feel sorry for your impulsive decision. I haven't applied yet. Please think about it carefully."

The three little ones looked at each other and muttered, "Mina isn't going?"Did you give up last night? '

Qiao Meina: "Teacher Li, I didn't make an impulsive decision, and I don't feel regretful about giving up being an exchange student. I made this decision after thinking clearly."

"Why? I don't understand. You love music so much, why did you give up such a good opportunity?"

Qiao Mina looked at the three idiots in front of her: "Because... there is something more worthy of my love in school than music."

"Oh~ well, since you said so, I have nothing to say, so I will choose someone else."

"Okay, teacher."

hang up the phone.


Ayire bit her finger and tilted her head: "Qing Ning, was I impulsive just now?"

Chu Qingning nodded: "I was so impulsive. I started spraying without asking clearly."

Miao Youxi: "Is there something you love more than music? Things? She said we are things?"

What three idiots!

The three little ones turned their heads and looked at Qiao Mina.

Qiao Mina said arrogantly: "Swear, aren't you very good at scolding? Keep scolding."

Ayire became tender in an instant, took small steps up to hold Qiao Meina's arm and shook it: "Mina~"

"Go away! Bitch! I value love and justice, but are you three little bitches calling me ruthless?"

"Oh~ don't be angry~ I don't know the situation either."

"I don't know. You kicked the door open with such force that it broke the door. Are you so powerful?"

"Ah~" Ayire started suddenly and fell on the sofa, "Cancan, come here and rub your legs for me. My feet hurt."

"real or fake?"

Lin Can walked over and was suddenly turned over by Ayire and sat on the sofa, "Well, Lin Can, you knew this yesterday and didn't tell me and us, causing us to misunderstand Mina. It's all your fault."

Chu Qingning: "That's right, Mina. It's all Lin Can's fault. He knew about it but didn't report it."

Miao Youxi: "His heart is so cruel!"

Qiao Mina chuckled, feeling angry and amused by the three idiots.

"I don't care about you, I'm going to take a shower, and if anyone dares to kick in the door when I take a shower from now on, I'll beat him to death!"

"Wait a minute, let's go give you a bath."


"I have to, I have to make it up to you, let's go, let's go~"

The three little ones changed their minds really quickly and took Qiao Mina to the large bathtub in the master bedroom to give her a bath.

Lin Can smiled on the sofa and glanced at the camera next to him, which recorded the scene of them arguing with red faces one second and then making up the next.

The first weekend was very enjoyable and healing.

Sure enough, they are inseparable.

Then the problem is thrown to Lin Can...

If we are so inseparable, will you marry me from now on?

This way there is no need to separate.

(End of this chapter)

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