God of Healing

Chapter 207 How about we take advantage of the three little ones being away

Chapter 207: While the three little ones are away, how about we... (please vote for me)
The three little ones went to the bathroom to give Qiao Mina a bath. Lin Can smiled on the sofa. It really felt like these four women were in drama every day together.

But I also envy the fairy friendship between the four of them.

They can quarrel, fight, and criticize each other, and they are better friends than their biological sisters. They share everything, including clothes, cosmetics, and even Lin Can’s stinky younger brother.

It perfectly explains what "we are all sisters, what's mine is yours, use it as you like."

Of course, Lin Can was also very happy if Qiao Mina didn't go. After all, they had been together for so long, and if there was one less person, the atmosphere would be different.


At noon, Qiao Mina wanted to eat hot pot, and the three little ones nodded unanimously. Today, Qiao Mina is the boss, and the three little ones will not play naysayer. However, after 12 o'clock in the evening, Qiao Mina will no longer have this treatment, and she will boss you around all the same.

After cleaning up, the three children went to the supermarket near the community to buy ingredients for hot pot, leaving only Lin Can and Qiao Meina at home.

Qiao Meina didn't go out, so after taking a shower, she walked out of the master bedroom wearing a flesh-colored suspender nightgown with a swaying waist and a honey-butt. This woman has long legs, a perfect hip-to-hip ratio, and a very sexy figure. She can look the same no matter what pajamas she wears. It's Qingqu underwear.

"Damn Ayire, are you taking a bath? It's obviously retaliation. My arms are all red."

Qiao Meina mumbled and came to lie down on the sofa. She put her two long legs together and held the mask. She picked up her mobile phone to watch Douyin's beauty video. The wind from the window came in and the lace skirt floated slightly, which was incomparably beautiful.

Lin Can didn't squint, his bright eyes staring at Patrick Star playing on the TV.

【Are you ready?Kids? Yes]

Even though there was a beauty lying next to her, her thighs rubbing together, Lin Can didn't even look at her.

Dao Xin suddenly became stable.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Lin Can figured it out last night. The traditional playing style would not work for Qiao Mina. She had to change her strategy, upgrade her playing style, change from active to passive, and implement a strategy of switching offense and defense.

Mr. Lin is so awesome, he is using tactics now, this is so fucking incredible.

Qiao Meina had sensed something different about Lin Can since yesterday, but she couldn't tell what was different. She didn't go into detail. She just lay on the sofa, played with her phone for a while, put it down out of boredom, looked at the TV, and then looked at Lin Can. Chan.

"Change the show. What's so good about cartoons?"

Qiao Mina reached for the remote control, and Lin Can picked it up and held it in his hand, watching the cartoon with relish, with only Patrick Star in his eyes.

"Boring." Qiao Mina muttered, lying down sideways and continuing to play with her mobile phone. From the back, her long legs were bent together on the sofa. They were very round and sexy.

So what, Lin Can is still "Hahaha~ Patrick Star is so stupid~"

Dao's heart is very stable and he doesn't look twice.

No more teasing, no more flirting.

Time keeps slipping away...

The two still didn't communicate.

"Cancan, give me the charging cable."

Qiao Mina reached out her hand behind her, and the charging cable passed over her head and fell to her chest.


He didn't even hand it over, but just threw it over. Qiao Mina began to be suspicious. Did I disturb him from watching SpongeBob SquarePants?
Qiao Mina turned around and saw that Lin Can was still watching Spongebob very seriously. Sure enough, it was me who disturbed her.

Spongebob is so important that he doesn’t even want to talk to me.

A woman's mind will be messy and she will think a lot. The more she thinks, the angrier she will become. In the end, she will squirm and move away from Lin Can. From this detail, she knows that the woman is beginning to complain and is about to commit suicide.

Suppressed, before it reaches the point of explosion, a woman is always accumulating energy before she loses her temper, and when it is full, she will explode.

A man and a woman are alone in the same room. He looks at his SpongeBob SquarePants and she looks at her beauty blogger.

A few more minutes passed...

"Can you keep your voice down?"

Started to do it.

Lin Can turned down the volume, and his laughter changed from "hahaha~" to "chi~", so as not to disturb Qiao Mina's Douyin.

For a woman, it's okay if she goes against you, but if you insist on following her, she will get angry because she is deliberately looking for trouble. If you don't give her a chance to find trouble, a woman can't stand it.

Continue to charge 87%
A few more minutes passed...

"Oh My God……"

"what happened?"

"My calves are cramping after lying like this for a long time."

"Put it on my lap and give you a massage."


Qiao Meina put her legs on Lin Can's thigh.

Charge -87%
He's still very good.

Lin Can massaged Qiao Mina's calf with his hands as if kneading dough, but...he didn't lower his head from beginning to end, just pressed his calf and continued to watch Spongebob with relish.

You must know that a girl likes it when you treat her wholeheartedly, and doesn't like it when you treat her half-heartedly. It feels like perfunctory.

"No need for you to massage."

"it is good."

Very simply, continue watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

Charge 98%
Almost full.

It's really perfunctory.

"Lin Can, have you changed?"


"You weren't like this before."


"I asked you to massage me when my legs were weak before. You massaged me very seriously and thoughtfully, but now you are just perfunctory with me."

"I didn't deal with you because I was massaging while watching TV?"

"No, you have really changed."

"Qiao Mina, don't do it, you know?"

"I did it. It's obvious that you've changed, but you're still talking about me?"

"Then tell me, why have I changed? Do you dare to say that I didn't give you a comfortable massage?"

"The massage feels good."

"If that's the case, do you still think I've changed?"

"But... I have cramps in my right leg, and you keep massaging my left leg, wuwuwu~"

Lin Can chuckled: "Huh? Sorry, sorry, give me your right leg and I'll press it on you again."

"No, you don't care. I won't bother you anymore."

Qiao Mina huddled in the corner of the sofa, hugging her legs and sulking.

In fact, he just wanted Lin Can to coax him.

But Lin Can wouldn't coax him.

"Okay, you don't need me to massage, then I'll watch TV." Lin Can continued to watch SpongeBob SquarePants.

Charge 99%
Just a little bit.

Lin Can came to ignite this explosive point.

Lin Can held the remote control and asked, "I can't hear Patrick's voice clearly. Can I turn up the volume?"

Charge 100%


Qiao Mina was off guard by these words.

You know that from beginning to end, he only had Patrick Star in his eyes, am I redundant?
The scream was so loud that Lin Can covered his ears.

"Lin Can, you are so hateful! I have tolerated you here for a long time!"

Qiao Meina couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Lin Can.

Lin Can stood up and hid.

Qiao Mina said "Ah~" and jumped into the air. Her head hit the soft sofa cushion, and rolled like a ball to the ground between the sofa and the coffee table. Her feet accidentally touched the tea she was sitting on, and she poured tea and water all over her face. water.

Lin Can burst out laughing: "Hahaha~"

"You hid?" Qiao Mina kept her mouth shut and laughed at me. Qiao Mina was about to cry. "I'll pull you up."

"Don't you touch me!"

"Okay, then get up by yourself."

Lin Can held the remote control and continued watching cartoons.

Qiao Mina still wouldn't get up, and just lay on the ground crying.

"Here, cockroach."

Lin Can threw a piece of paper over.


Qiao Mina's instinctive reaction was that it was a cockroach, and it ejected, but it turned out to be a piece of paper. The anger and resentment were mixed together, and she cried out.

If you cry, you can coax her now, because if you don't coax her, it will be really awkward.

Lin Can reached out to pull Qiao Mina, but Qiao Mina took a step back and refused to let Lin Can touch her.

Here are the details, I just need you to coax me, because if you really resist, just rush back to the room, close the door and cry, why bother staying here.

Girls, they like it best when they cry and he comforts them.

"Okay, stop crying."

"Don't worry about me."

Here comes the point.

Low-ranking straight man: I'm going to coax her. She's so angry and resisting. How can I coax her?
High-level scumbag: There is no resistance. This is giving a chance. For a girl at this time, if you coax her, don't go along with her. If she resists, if you be more domineering, the girl will immediately soften.

Lin Can stretched out his hand and pulled Qiao Mina into his arms. Qiao Mina was still struggling, but Lin Can put his hands on her waist, making it impossible for her to break free.

And then admit your mistake? No, don’t admit your mistake.

"Sister Mina, why are you angry? Did I make you angry?"

Lin Can directly threw the question to the other party.

"I..." Qiao Mina hesitated to speak. She had planned a set of words for Bara to vent her anger, but she was blocked by Lin Can's words. She was acting out of common sense.

Why should I be angry?Aren't you ignoring me?

But when people ask, how do I answer?

Answered, does that mean I am being unreasonable and temperamental?


Qiao Mina's arrogance suddenly disappeared a lot, and she couldn't answer at all.

Lin Can was completely manipulated.

"Okay, it's my fault. I was watching TV too seriously just now and ignored you."

When the other person is embarrassed and doesn't know how to answer why he is so angry, the man admits his mistake generously and does not care about the woman, and points out the reason for her anger, which makes the other party even more embarrassed.

"It's not because you ignored me that you lost your temper." She argued, obviously lacking in confidence.

Don't ask 'why' at this time, because it's meaningless, the purpose has been achieved - if you ignore her, she will feel uncomfortable, if you coax her, she will be happy, which shows that the other party cares a lot about how he treats her in life.

How to treat her, then start pampering her.

Lin Can pushed Qiao Mina down on the sofa and lay down.

"What are you doing?"

Qiao Mina warned.

"Your face is covered with tea leaves and water, let me wipe it for you."

Lin Can carefully cleaned the tea leaves from her face, then took out a tissue and wiped it little by little. They stayed together for a long time, and they could hear each other's breathing.

But the expression must be straight-eyed. I only support you and treat you well, not taking responsibility.

In this fishing mode, launch a devastating attack on Qiao Mina!
Lin Can now tailors a new style of play to each woman.

I'm not afraid that Nuan Nan is educated, but I'm afraid that Nuan Nan is good at tactics!

The conventional way of playing is: men are always active and women are passive. For example, every time Lin Can is responsible for teasing, Qiao Mina is responsible for blocking. Over time, they get used to this mode. They only like to enjoy themselves and will not take the initiative.

You must know that habits are the worst thing. For example, Qiao Mina is used to being flirted with by Lin Can, but this weekend, Lin Can has not flirted with her. She sleeps with herself in her arms and sleeps honestly, which is very abnormal.

Instead of taking the initiative, become passive, switch between offense and defense, and there will be a chemical reaction.

At this time, Lin Can wiped the water on Qiao Mina seriously. He wiped it very slowly, and wiped the tissue bit by bit from the forehead, bridge of nose, lips, chin, neck, and the undulating collar.

Qiao Meina was lying on the sofa. Kazilan stared at Lin Can who was very close with her big eyes without blinking. She couldn't help but grab the sofa with her hands and swallowed.

I felt that Lin Can was suddenly very attractive.

But Qiao Mina couldn't bear it any longer.

Lin Can could feel Qiao Mina's breath getting hotter on the back of his hand.

Ignore it and continue wiping water.

In the past, Lin Can kissed her, and Qiao Mina just had to enjoy it, but he didn't kiss her now, and kept wiping her like this. He wasn't flirting, but when a man and a woman were alone at close range, Qiao Mina felt that it was flirting with me.

I can't bear it anymore.

Lin Can stopped wiping and looked into Qiao Mina's burning eyes. He saw that her face was blushing and she was biting her lips, seemingly struggling with some decision.

"Sister Mina, be careful next time. If you bump into the coffee table, you won't be so lucky. Do you understand?"

Lin Can reached out and brushed away a strand of hair that was stained with tea and stuck to her forehead.

Flirting hair to kill!

"Okay, sister Mina, go change into pajamas. I'm going to cook. They will be back soon."

This is sending a message: If you want to do something to me, you have to do it quickly, otherwise they will come back and there will be no chance.

"Don't go."

Qiao Meina put her hands around Lin Can's neck and asked her to lean on her like this if he didn't want him to get up.

"What's wrong? Sister Mina?"

Lin Can continued to act stupid and ask questions knowingly, because this was the most critical moment. Once his routine was exposed and the other party noticed it, he would fail and there would be no chance in the future.

Lin Can is really good at it. I can't help it. Some people are born to be good at getting along with girls in various ways.


Qiao Mina let go of her red lips and couldn't help it anymore. She really couldn't help it anymore.

No matter, Qiao Mina really wanted to kiss Lin Can now, she really wanted to, as if there was a force pushing her behind.

Qiao Meina didn't care about anything anymore, and mustered up the courage to pull Lin Can down with both hands, letting Lin Can kiss her pink lips. It was the first time that she took the initiative to open her red lips, instead of Lin Can prying them open. …

Sure enough, if you change your approach, the effect will be immediate.

The transition between offense and defense was successful.

Of course, this also shows that if Lin Can takes advantage now, she will not resist.

So I moved my hand up...


Incredible, the effect of this transition between offense and defense was so good, she felt it very well.

At a certain moment, Lin Can's hand moved down...

"No...they are coming back."

Look at this, Qiao Mina is in place, all the dopamine, hormones, and adrenaline are all gathered successfully!

If we don't take advantage of it now, when she wakes up, there will be no chance?
"It's okay, I'll be there soon."


Qiao Mina was amused.

There is no way, Lin Can is not looking for quality now, just fast development.

I don’t dare to keep dilly-dallying.

Qiao Mina didn't say anything, she just agreed. After all, she couldn't stand being teased.

Lin Can picked up Qiao Mina and walked to the bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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