God of Healing

Chapter 265 Healing Mission Lin Miaomiao

Chapter 265 Healing Mission Lin Miaomiao
At three o'clock in the morning, the rain stopped.

The car lights were on on the mountain road, and the Rolls-Royce Cullinan was slowly driving on the mountain road looking for a way out.

In the car, it's very quiet.

Yang Wuluo and Wang Wenwan sat at one end each, covering their bodies with towels because their clothes and pants were still wet and they couldn't wear them. Fortunately, Lin Can's car film cost tens of thousands, so you couldn't see the inside at all from the outside, and the front row and the back There is a curtain drawn down, and the privacy of a rich man's car is very good.


In silence.

How crazy I was just now, how loud I screamed, how speechless I am now.

Wang Wenwan sat on the left, folding her head and holding her forehead with her hands, unable to face it.

It was only at noon that we vowed that there would be no future, but why did the three of them, alas, become numb.

Yang Wuluo sat on the right side, hugging his knees and putting his head on his knees, in a daze.

"Found the exit."

At this time, Lin Can's voice came from the cab.

Still no response from the back row.

I could only hear the rustling sound of clothes being put on. Although they were wet, they had been dried with warm air. They felt damp and smelled musty when I put them on, but there was nothing I could do about it. Let's just make do with it.

Lin Can smiled. He really didn't expect that he took the wrong road today and entered the main road!

After a while, the car entered the road from the trail. Lin Can refueled first, then drove to Yang'an County, and went directly to the best four-star hotel in the area. There were no five-star hotels in Yang'an County, only four-star hotels.

After booking a deluxe room, Lin Can said to the front desk: "Help make some ginger soup to ward off the cold and deliver it to our room. I'll pay more."

No nonsense, I know that the chef is off work at this time, so just add money. They find someone to do it and make extra money. There is nothing that money can't do, and it only costs a few hundred yuan at most. Lin Can will not save this money. Otherwise, if two women catch a cold, it will be a big loss.

Go back to the room.

It's a room with two beds.

The two women didn't have time to visit the room, so they went directly into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and took a comfortable hot bath.

Lin Can also took off his clothes, wrapped in a bath towel and waited on the sofa for half an hour playing with his mobile phone. The two women wrapped in bath towels, rubbed their wet hair, came out, sat on the bedside, plugged in the hair dryer, and blew each other's hair.

Silent pantomime, no words.

Lin Can didn't say anything and obediently went to take a bath.

After a while.

Lin Can walked out of the bathroom. The two women were already sleeping on the big bed on the left, back to back, covered with quilts.

Lin Can went back to the bed on the right and lay down, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

Time ticks away.

Lin Can tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. There were two beautiful women lying next to him. How could he sleep?

After a while, Lin Can took the risk. Anyway, he scored twice, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Jump on the bed opposite, sleep in the middle, and use your hands to collect the two beautiful women.

"What are you doing?"

"I couldn't use it in the car just now, let's continue it now!"


【Ding!The task of curing Wang Wenwan and Yang Wuluo's heart disease was completed. 】

[Reward: 5000 million]

Wealth: 4.47 billion.

[Reward: Life Planning Card]

[Life planning card: It will constantly discover things that need to be optimized from the host's life and make the most reasonable suggestions. 】

[For example, right now, do you often feel overwhelmed, busy, and your life is too messy to plan your time? 】

[You need a capable assistant to help you take care of your daily life and planning, so that you have no worries. 】

Makes sense.

Lin Can does everything by himself and plans everything by himself. Although he is not a celebrity, as a rich man, he still works alone. How can he do it?

Lin Can needs a life assistant to help him plan his life.

This [life planning] is great and awakens Lin Can.

After returning to Yunchuan, I found a life assistant.

Don’t rush now, we’ll talk about it later!


The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Lin Can woke up and there was no one around him.


If the two women don't run away, why don't they just stay and wait for embarrassment?

Lin Can called Wang Wenwan: "Hey, sister Wenwan, why didn't you wake me up when you left?"

"You sleep so soundly, why are you being called?"

"I was so tired last night."


"Where are you?"

"I just bought some clothes. I called the driver and asked him to be downstairs at Wu Luo's house, waiting for her to pack her things and go back to Yunchuan."

"Aren't you waiting for me?"

"No, don't let the three of us be together again."


"What are you laughing at, I'm serious."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say. Slow down on the road. See you in Yunchuan. Bye."

This happened three times, and the knots between the two women were resolved. It was just that the meeting would be awkward. It would be good for them to deepen their relationship in private first.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Can checked out of the room and needed to change his clothes, so he went to his favorite clothing store - Metersbonwe.

There are no luxuries in a small county like Yunchuan, so let’s reminisce about our youthful junior high school days.

I put on Smith Barney, bought a Noble Bird next door, got into a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, and drove to the parking space at the entrance of Xingfuyuan Community.

When you come here, you bring your sister-in-law with you, and when you go back, you must take your sister-in-law with you. You cannot leave the mother and son alone.Lin Can bought a toy gun at the door, one that would go off when pressed, and walked into this old and small community.

As soon as Xiao Haohao heard the gunfire, he shouted "Chan Can Can Can~", opened his hands, and ran over in a fluttering way. Liu Qin opened her hands, like an eagle catching a chicken, ready to hug Xiao Haohao if he fell down. live.

Xiao Haohao was great this time. He ran up to Lin Can, hugged Lin Can's thigh, raised his head, and grabbed the gun with his hands.

Lin Can picked her up and handed the gun into her hand. Xiao Haohao was playing with it happily.

"Didn't I tell you not to buy toys? Why did you buy them again?" Liu Qin said standing next to him, wearing a round-collared T-shirt to prevent exposure when bending over to take care of little Haohao, and a pair of black loose-fitting sweatpants with burnt legs. It's loose, but the buttocks are a bit fat, so they stretch out the silhouette.

Very wifely outfit.

Sister-in-law Liu Qin, Lin Can has always felt beautiful, the most beautiful.

Without him, because they are sisters-in-law, Zhang Chao takes good care of Lin Can, and Liu Qin also takes good care of Lin Can, because the two have been dating since high school, and Lin Can was taken care of by Liu Qin five or six years ago in elementary school.

The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother.

"As long as Haohao likes it, when will sister-in-law go back?"

"Later in the afternoon, let Haohao spend more time with his grandparents."

"Don't you see anyone?"

"Cooking at home, his grandma and grandpa are chatting with the village chief and others over there. You..." Sister-in-law looked at Lin Can for a few times, "Why aren't you wearing this?"

Lin Can: "Forget it, last night I went back to the village to have a barbecue, and there was a sudden heavy rain. Oh... let's go and say hello."

Lin Can hugged Xiao Haohao and passed with his sister-in-law.

"Yo! A-chan!"

"Are you so handsome?"

"Have you got a girlfriend?"

After a while, many villagers gathered around, chatting as usual, and the people became friendly and approachable. Because the village is gone, we will cherish the time we have together again.


We had dinner at noon, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, my uncle and aunt watched the Rolls-Royce Cullinan leave on the roadside. They were reluctant to leave, but also happy, because the family was happy, the son was filial, and the daughter-in-law was also filial.

In the car, Liu Qin put her son to sleep in her arms and said, "Acan, are you hiding something from me?"

"What can I hide from you? You think too much."

"All right……"

Liu Qin said nothing, looking down at her son with a worried expression.

Lin Can saw it in the rearview mirror and thought to himself that he knew that Brother Chao had a mistress outside, right? Lin Can didn't say anything, because when he spoke about this matter as an outsider, he was a bit gossiping and added fuel to the fire. It's the best. The trick is to pretend not to know.

I sighed in my heart: A woman as good as my sister-in-law is hard to find even with a lantern. Besides, she didn’t say she would take her home to show to her grandparents during the holidays. She brought her back to her grandparents first. There is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. My sister-in-law is not the kind of person who talks about her mother-in-law. A very angry woman.

A really nice woman.

Let it be fate.


05: 30.

The car stopped at the gate of the community. Lin Can watched his sister-in-law take her son into the community and drive away.

Lin Can called the company's senior manager: "Hey, Lao Gao, please help me with something. Find me an assistant. Yes, a life assistant, who handles all aspects of my daily life... Must have a high degree of education, male or female. ...Female is better. After all, it’s weird to have a male assistant. I didn’t think of other requirements. Anyway, you can handle it. All five insurances and one housing fund are paid. The monthly salary is not a problem. I just need to be satisfied. If you find one, call me. No. I was in a hurry. I searched slowly and found me to recruit in person. Okay, bye."

Leave the matter to Manager Gao, so Lin Can doesn't have to worry about it.

I drove directly back to Boqiyuan and fell asleep. I woke up hungry at [-] o'clock in the evening. I got up and cooked dumplings and then continued to sleep. After all, Mr. Lin is not a tough guy. Yesterday's meeting with Wang Wenwan and Yang Wuluo was too intense. I need to Recharge your batteries.


the next day.

Resurrected with full health, young is good.

After washing and dressing, I took a look in the mirror. The attractiveness buff was really great. I was in good spirits. There were no dark circles under my eyes. I felt handsome again.

I put my schoolbag on my back, listened to music, ate bread and milk, walked to the yard, and took a look at the herring and several koi carps playing.

"The fact that you can live in a mansion worth tens of millions of dollars and have a swimming pool is also a blessing that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. Otherwise, you would have become someone else's meal."

Qingyu raised his head and gave Lin Can a squirt of water.

Lin Can quickly took two steps back.

"Do you want to die?"

Lin Can smiled and walked to school.

As soon as he reached the school gate, he saw Lu Jia's Tesla driving by, parked in the parking space next to it, opened the door and got out of the car.

Lin Can walked up and bent down to greet: "Senior, good morning."

Lu Jia crossed his arms, leaned back and took a few glances: "Where can I sing this?"

"I won't sing anywhere, just say hello."

"It's best this way, bye, I'm leaving~"

"Hey, senior, if you miss me lately, just call me. I'm here 24 hours a day to guarantee your satisfaction."

"Hey~ stop talking so much, I still have something to do." Lu Jia smiled and left. She was the most carefree.

A new week has begun. This week is the last week of the month. After school, I will go to Yichun to attend Lao Wang’s wedding banquet.

After class in the morning, Lin Can called Lin Miaomiao, but the other party turned off her phone.

Lin Can called Qin Kai: "Brother Kai, help me see if Aunt Lin is at home?"

Qin Kai: "Aunt Lin left the country the day before yesterday."

Lin Can: "Going abroad?"

Qin Kai: "Well... maybe she was angry when she heard that Wang Bolun was getting married. After all, her sister died because of Wang Bolun, so she feels that Wang Bolun owes her sister this life."

"OK, thanks."

hang up the phone.

【Ding!The healing mission is online - Lin Miaomiao]

[Task tip: Twin flowers grow together. If one withers, the other will wither. 】

【Accept/Do not accept】

Twin flowers, twins, Lin Miaomiao, Lin Yuyu.


(End of this chapter)

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