God of Healing

Chapter 266 The honeymoon period reaches the 7-year itch

Chapter 266 The honeymoon period turns to the seven-year itch
Lin Can clicked on Yunyang Game to check Lin Miaomiao's current location.

[Sorry, foreign addresses cannot be tracked]

Damn it!Is it a national version?

Now, Lin Miaomiao has gone abroad, and there is no way to find her when looking for a needle in a haystack.

I can only rely on overseas connections to find someone, but the problem is... Mr. Lin has never gone abroad. The only overseas connection is with a fellow villager in the same village. Every time he talks in the group about making a lot of money, tens of thousands a month, he asks the villagers to find him. He likes to drink spicy food, and he is in northern Myanmar.

So Lin Can could only stare blankly when he had a task.

He thought to himself: It’s no good if I don’t have some connections abroad. If I have the opportunity, I can go abroad to expand.

[Miaomiao, turn on the phone and send a message. I miss you. 】

Lin Can sent a WeChat message.


I sneezed and rubbed my nose. I was soaked by the heavy rain from the night before to the early morning of yesterday, and suffered from the cold. Now I have a bit of a cold and fever.

I thought that if the three of them exercised so strenuously, Lin Can would be fine if he broke out in a sweat. After all, they didn't exercise enough. If they exercised one more time, they wouldn't be sick.

Lin Can sent Wang Wenwan and Yang Wuluofa to WeChat to ask if they were sick?

Yang Wuluo: [I'm much better. I'll be fine after sweating from playing table tennis. 】

Wang Wenwan: [It was a little bit bad last night, but it was fine after taking the granules. Did you catch a cold? 】

Lin Can: [No, I just care about you. 】

Lin Can didn't want them to worry, it was just a minor cold.

Lin Can: [I went to class, and I came down to treat you two to dinner. 】

Yang Wuluo and Wang Wenwan: [……]

There really will be no more small gatherings. When thinking of that scene, the two women felt that their private lives had been messed up by Lin Can.


Lin Can bought a box of cold medicine from the school doctor and took one pack. The body is the capital. The richer Lin Can is, the more he cares about his health. Then he came to class, his head was dizzy, watching the teacher talking about the "Book of Heaven" , had no idea what he was talking about.

He persisted until the end of get out of class. Lin Can was lying on the table sleeping. Liu Ziyang shook him: "What's wrong, monitor?"

"You have a cold, don't worry about me, I'm just tired, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

"Have you taken your medicine? I'll take you to the infirmary."

"If you feel sleepy after taking medicine, don't worry about me. I'll calm down and squint for a while."

"Okay, if you don't feel comfortable, call me."

Lin Can waved his hand and lay on the table. Suddenly he missed Xie Wanlian. If she were here, she would stay by his side and take good care of him. The importance of women was reflected.

Li Rao packed up his schoolbag and was about to leave. When he saw Lin Can lying on the table and looking like he was dying, he came over and touched his forehead, "Ah~ it's so hot. I'll send you to the doctor, monitor."

"No, don't make any noise." Lin Can just wanted to sleep now. When he heard someone talking, he felt noisy, so he turned his head and continued to sleep.

"You have a high fever and you need to see a doctor. It's getting worse if you sleep like this. Let's go."

Li Rao couldn't move Lin Can.

at this time.

Li Rao saw a girl and her classmates walking past the door, and hurriedly waved to stop them: "Classmate Zhou Xiaoxiao."

Zhou Xiaoxiao stopped, glanced at the classroom, and saw Li Rao holding Lin Can, acting intimately, smiling, turning around, chatting with his classmates and continuing to walk.

"Classmate Zhou Xiaoxiao, don't get me wrong. It's not what you think. He is sick and won't go to the doctor. Come and persuade him."

Li Rao knew that Lin Can and Zhou Xiaoxiao had a good relationship in the past. They gave them afternoon tea every day, and they probably took it and slept with it. It was normal to think this way. After all, the food of the rich second generation was not that delicious. You had to pay a little for it. Something, this is the uninformed suspicion of outsiders.

Later, we saw less each other this semester, and I guess they broke up, but the connection was broken, and Zhou Xiaoxiao's persuasion was more useful than persuading him himself.

Zhou Xiaoxiao walked in: "Why are you looking for me? You have so many classmates."

Li Rao said straightforwardly: "Our persuasion is useless. He just wants to sleep on his stomach. You are different. You are his woman."

"When did I become his woman?" Zhou Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

Several Zhou Xiaoxiao classmates next to her looked at her suspiciously, "Is there a melon?"Did they sleep with each other?
"Hiss~~" Li Rao felt pain. It was Lin Can who heard this rumor. He reached out and pinched Li Rao's thigh through the black silk stockings as a warning. If you talk nonsense again, you will be detained!

Li Rao realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed the subject: "Oh, don't worry about what I say. You are good friends anyway. You should persuade him to see a doctor."

"Hmm, huh, huh~" Zijin and several other female classmates also said worriedly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at several female classmates and saw that they were really lucky and had many beauties.

Zhou Xiaoxiao reached out and touched Lin Can's forehead, and was stunned for a moment: "It's so hot."

Li Rao: "I told you I didn't lie to you. He really has a high fever and he won't go."

Zhou Xiaoxiao squatted beside the desk, looked at Lin Can's drowsiness, shook her gently, and said in a gentle voice: "Get up, stop falling asleep, and go see a doctor."

"Don't worry about me." Lin Can continued to sleep. In fact, he wanted to see a doctor. He had a severe cold and high fever. His body was very soft and aching all over and he just wanted to sleep.

Zhou Xiaoxiao said patiently: "I'll help you see a doctor. You can just sleep and be fine after seeing the doctor. Do you understand?"

Li Rao and others looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao's extremely gentle coaxing, this was true love.

"Okay..." Lin Can nodded vaguely.

Zhou Xiaoxiao helped Lin Can up, put Lin Can's hand on his shoulder with one hand, and held Lin Can's waist with the other as he walked out of the classroom.

Seeing this scene, and thinking that it was Lin Can, the women suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

"Have they...been together?"

"I don't think so. I'm not sure. You are Zhou Xiaoxiao's classmates. Do you know that?"

"do not know."

Several female classmates shook their heads.

"I don't know exactly what the relationship between Zhou Xiaoxiao and Lin Can is. I only know that there was a 'honeymoon period' last semester, and then the 'seven-year itch'?"

"Does this mean...it's itchy again?"

A female classmate with short hair said.

The others burst out laughing.


on the playground.

Zhou Xiaoxiao struggled to help Lin Can to the school gate: "The medical skills in the infirmary are not good, I will take you to the hospital for a checkup. Why do you suddenly have a high fever when you are so good?"

"Wuluo and I went to have a barbecue on the mountain in my hometown over the weekend. It rained heavily so we stayed in the car all night. I guess I took off my clothes and got cold."

"You guys are in the car... oh..." Hearing this, Zhou Xiaoxiao suddenly didn't feel sorry for Lin Can at all. She was in the car with him and Wu Luo looking for excitement. She caught a cold in the heavy rain and now has a high fever.

They are just happy and looking for excitement. Now they have a cold. I still take them to the hospital?
I really wanted to leave Lin Can alone on the playground.

But seeing how pitiful he is now, he should bear with it, after all, he is Wu Luo's boyfriend.


On the roadside at the school gate.

There were no flower stands around, so Zhou Xiaoxiao could only hold Lin Can's waist with both hands, supporting him while watching to see if the taxi was coming.

Seeing Lin Can shiver, Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "What's wrong?"

"I feel very cold all over."

"You have a bad cold."

Zhou Xiaoxiao hugged Lin Can a little tighter and used his body to keep Lin Can warm.

"Is this any better?"

"Much better, you are so kind, little one."

Lin Can looked down at the girl holding him. Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't look at her, turned around and stopped the taxi, and helped Lin Can get into the car.

"Master, go to the People's Hospital."

As soon as Zhou Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Lin Can next to her turned her head and fell on her shoulder. Zhou Xiaoxiao turned her head and touched his forehead with her face. She felt it was hotter than before. Zhou Xiaoxiao turned sideways and cupped his hands. Looking at Lin Can's face: "Is it difficult?"

"I feel like my brain is going to explode."

"You go to sleep first." "Yeah."

Lin Can fell on Zhou Xiaoxiao's shoulders again.



Arriving at the People's Hospital, Zhou Xiaoxiao paid the fare, shook Lin Can awake, helped him get into the car, and went to call the emergency number.

Lin Can told the doctor about his symptoms, and the doctor said: "Flu, high fever, an injection will give quick results."

"No injections!"

Lin Can said firmly.

Zhou Xiaoxiao advised: "Listen to the doctor and get a shot."

"No fight!" Lin Can was very determined and could not be shaken.

"Are you... afraid of injections?" Seeing Lin Can's expression, Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered and stopped immediately. The boy was saving face and would not laugh at him.

Doctor: "If you don't want an injection, then I'll give you some medicine, and you can go back and eat and sleep."

The doctor prescribed medicine. Zhou Xiaoxiao went to get the medicine and helped Lin Can out of the hospital: "Are you going back to the dormitory or home?"

"Go home, so as not to infect them." Lin Can was so serious now that he didn't want to think about anything but to go home and sleep.

After taking a taxi back to Boqiyuan, Zhou Xiaoxiao helped Lin Can to the bedroom and lay down. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his sweat. He was too tired.

But he didn't rest. Instead, he went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water, mixed the medicine, and carried the medicine to the master bedroom.

"Lin Can, don't sleep yet. Get up and take the medicine." Zhou Xiaoxiao helped Lin Can lean against the bedside and handed over the granules and the medicine in his hand, "Are you going to swallow them together or one by one?"

"It stinks, what kind of medicine is that?" Lin Can said in disgust.

"This is the taste of licorice slices. Eat it."

"I only drink granules."

"No! You must take medicine." Zhou Xiaoxiao spread his hand to Lin Can's mouth.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat. I'm running out of energy. Feed me."

"Okay, okay, I'll feed you!" Zhou Xiaoxiao gave Lin Can an annoyed look and fed each piece of food into Lin Can's mouth, "Ah~ you bit my hand."

"Sorry, have you finished eating? I'm going to bed after eating."

"Go to sleep."

Lin Can covered himself with a quilt and huddled up.

Zhou Xiaoxiao went to the kitchen and washed the cups. He looked at the time and saw that it was past ten o'clock. He hesitated and called his mother: "Mom, did you add lard to the pumpkin porridge you made last time when I was sick?"

"Add whatever lard you want, just simmer it over low heat and you'll be fine after eating it. Why do you ask? You have a cold. Go home and let mom take a look."

"It's not me, it's one of my classmates who caught a cold. He's from Yunchuan. Let me ask you, if you're okay, bye."

Zhou Xiaoxiao hung up the phone to prevent her mother from asking questions.

Later, Zhou Xiaoxiao went out and bought pumpkins and millet. After he came back and cooked porridge, he heard a "dong~" sound coming from the master bedroom. Zhou Xiaoxiao quickly turned the heat to the minimum and ran over. Unexpectedly, I kept complaining that this house was too big and I needed to run away!

Pushing open the door of the master bedroom, I saw Lin Can's hand stretched out from the quilt and resting on the side of the bed. There was a fallen bedside lamp on the ground.

"What are you looking for?" Zhou Xiaoxiao picked up the small lamp and put it back in its place.

"Press the air conditioner switch next to it and turn up the temperature. It's cold."

"Is it cold?"

"The biting cold is so uncomfortable."

"But the temperature of the air conditioner is already very high now and I can't adjust it. I'm going to lie on my side and wrap myself up with a quilt."

"No, it's useless anyway."

Lin Can frowned, shrank into the quilt, covered his head, and continued to sleep.

It's not cold at the end of April, but Lin Can has a bad cold. Now she feels extremely cold and can't stop shivering.

The last time Zhou Xiaoxiao caught a cold, she experienced the cold and shivering. She cried at that time and insisted that Zhou's mother go to bed and hold her to sleep.

Call Wu Luo?

No, no, I just said in the morning chat that I have some cold symptoms. If this happens, when the two viruses collide, I will have a fever.

For a moment, Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do.

No matter, it will be better if you sleep a little.

But, seeing how uncomfortable he is now, I feel uncomfortable. After all, if I like him, I can't bear his discomfort.

However, it was impossible for Zhou Xiaoxiao to keep her body as pure as jade and go up to keep warm. It was very confusing.

"Forget it, leave him alone, just take a nap and he'll be fine."

Zhou Xiao cautiously closed the door and left, returning to the kitchen to guard the pot of pumpkin porridge.

"Huh..." Zhou Xiaoxiao raised his head and took a deep breath, patting his face, "Why am I swollen? When I see him being cold, I actually want to warm myself up?"

"I like him, but I'm not great enough to dedicate myself."

"Ignore him, just take a nap and he'll be fine. It's just a minor cold, it's fine!"



Another sound came from the bedroom.

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned the heat to the minimum again and ran to the master bedroom. He saw Lin Can sitting on the edge of the bed, rummaging through a pile of clothes and putting on thick clothes.

Zhou Xiaoxiao walked up and said, "What are you doing?"

"Wear thick clothes. It's too cold. Please pass me your cotton pants."

"Wearing too much thickness will not keep you warm."

"I can't care less. I'm freezing to death now. I swear! I'll never go wild again."


Zhou Xiaoxiao wanted to scold them both for what they deserved, but he held back. Seeing that Lin Can was really cold, he turned off all the flags he had set just now, and pointed to the bed: "You go up and lie down first?"


"You go up."


Lin Can went to bed and lay down, wearing three layers of thick clothes.

Zhou Xiaoxiao reached out to turn off the light, got on the bed and hugged Lin Can.

"!!!" Lin Can said in surprise, "Xiaoxiao, I have a cold and I can't get the injection."

"What are you thinking about? I saw you were so cold, so I came up to hug you. Don't worry, you are wearing such thick clothes. It's okay. Turn your face away, don't face me."

"..." Lin Can turned his head away and looked at each other awkwardly.

Ha, I didn't expect that a girl who likes him would be willing to dedicate himself, which would put Lin Can to shame.

After a while.

"Are you ready?"

"It's even colder, hold me tighter."

"is this okay?"

"Much better. I feel a little hot. Can I take off my thick clothes?"

"No, just a few floors apart."

"Okay, I'm asleep."

Lin Can closed his eyes and slept. People who have a bad cold are really not interested in sex and just want to sleep.

He hugged Zhou Xiaoxiao and fell asleep quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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