Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 688 The Japanese pirates went to sea in a boat on a rainy night and let the tiger return to

Chapter 688 The Japanese pirates went to sea in a boat on a rainy night and let the tiger return to the mountain to depose the emperor and go to Japan.
After all, all issues ultimately come down to gold and silver.

The Japanese pirates wanted gold and silver from the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Qiyu wanted gold and silver from Japan.

Even though the scene is so big, to put it bluntly, it is just a gold and silver war.

Before noon, memorials about Zhu Qizhen's kidnapping and Kong Yanjin's death, as well as copies of Zhu Qizhen's correspondence with the Japanese emperor and shogunate, were sent to the cabinet.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

The news spread rapidly, and the officials did not even eat lunch, and gathered together in twos and threes to discuss this shocking accident.

Collusion with foreign countries for restoration has a worse impact than the original knocking on the door.

Zhu Qizhen now wants to overthrow the legitimate Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. It would be fine if he raises his own troops to quell Jingnan. The key is to rely purely on foreign countries, commonly known as being a puppet.

Isn’t this just a disgusting person?

With such a big thing happening, it would be impossible not to see the emperor.

In the afternoon, many of the cabinet bachelors and six ministers in Beijing came to Ganquan Palace to ask for an interview.

Just like last time, Gao Yao, who was on duty in Feng Pavilion, persuaded everyone to go back.

Luo Tong waved his hands repeatedly, signaling Gao Yao to stop talking: "If the Holy Emperor doesn't see us, the court will not be able to continue running. Nowadays, the government and the public are in turmoil, and material disputes are fierce. If the Holy Emperor does not go to court, the situation will get out of control."

Gao Yao replied: "Then the lower official will go and report it. As for whether the Holy Lord sees or not, that is not up to the lower official to decide."

After saying that, Gao Yao really went to deliver the news.

The cabinet bachelors and the six ministers all found a place to sit down, as if they would not leave until the emperor came out.

Wang Wen, He Wenyuan and other loyalist factions were not anxious, but they were forced to pretend to be anxious due to the discussion between the government and the public.

Luo Tong, the Minister of War, and Wang Yining, the Minister of Rites, are the most anxious.Because when it comes time to take the blame, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites will naturally do their part.

The three ministers of household affairs, Shen Yi, Geng Jiuchou, and Xiao Tan, were also very anxious. They were afraid that the emperor would really give up the ransom. If 30 taels of silver and 2 taels of gold were fed to the Japanese pirates in vain, all the officials in the Ministry of Revenue would be depressed.

Although the Ministry of Revenue has money, it cannot afford to waste it like this.

After waiting for almost an hour, Gao Yao came back. Without waiting for anyone to ask, he took the initiative and said: "The Holy Dragon's body is not in good condition and he cannot get out of bed.

But it was much better than the previous few days, so the Holy One decided to convene a meeting of ministers in Qingyun Hall three days later, that is, October 24th. Civil servants of fifth rank and above and military attachés of third rank and above in Beijing can participate. "

Finally, the emperor gave an explanation, and everyone should not be too pushy.

Wang Yining stood up and asked, "It's not even a mile from here to the Holy Emperor's palace. Why did it take so long to ask for permission?"

Gao Yao smiled and said: "To deliver news to the Holy Palace, you must first go to Changle Palace to report it to the Imperial Concubine, and then the Imperial Concubine will go to Lingyu Palace to deliver it.

Then the empress came out, the lower officials respectfully received the Holy Sage's oral instructions, and finally returned to Ganquan Palace.

Because except for the imperial concubine, no one could enter or leave the Lingyu Palace without an order, so it was necessary to pass through repeated transmissions before finally receiving the Holy Emperor's oral instructions. "

Wang Yining asked again: "Even King Qi and Princess Qi can't enter Lingyu Palace?"

Gao Yao nodded affirmatively, and then felt that such a reply was not appropriate, and hurriedly added: "The reason why King Qi and Princess Qi cannot enter and leave the Lingyu Palace is not because the Holy Emperor does not trust him, but because the Holy Emperor's harem is a private place and is not suitable for King Qi and Princess Qi. Princess, come in."

When everyone heard this, they sighed in their hearts: after so many years, the emperor's defense is still so tight. Hundreds of soldiers guard each of the two gates of Lingyu Palace, and hundreds more patrol along the city wall.

Except for the emperor himself and the fifteen imperial concubines, anyone else who breaks in without an order will be shot without mercy.

There is no fundamental way to prevent others from doing anything, unless everyone can instigate an imperial concubine.

It seems a bit difficult to use the method used to kidnap King Yi and also kidnap the emperor.With the emperor's promise to convene a large court meeting in three days, everyone resigned and had to get up and go back. Fortunately, they finally had an explanation for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

The next day, the capital's newspaper published a special issue summarizing the latest developments in the Japanese pirate invasion.

Hearing that King Yi was kidnapped and Duke Yan Sheng died, everyone in the capital had something to talk about.

In the streets and alleys, every corner is talking about Japanese pirates and King Yi.

On October 23, the Japanese pirates took Zhu Qizhen hostage and retreated eastward to Taicangwei, Kunshan Prefecture.

It was night, the rain was pouring heavily, and the chill was pressing.

Yan Li, Wang Ji, and Xu Chengzong commanded the Xiaoling Guards to camp in Shaxi Town, more than [-] miles away from the Japanese pirates.

The Ming army did not dare to get too close to the Japanese pirates, nor did they dare to stay too far away.

It rained heavily at night, and the Ming army huddled in their tents to keep warm.Yan Li only ordered the soldiers to prepare defenses in case of an attack on the camp.As for monitoring the movements of Japanese pirates, that's not necessary.

On the morning of October 24th, the weather cleared up, and Yan Li sent out sentries to detect the movements of Japanese pirates.

From the [-]th to now, the Japanese pirates have been slowly retreating eastward for eight or nine days, and the Ming army has become quite relaxed.

When Yan Li, Wang Ji, and Xu Chengzong had breakfast together in the Chinese army's tent, the sentinel hurried back to report: Five thousand Japanese pirates suddenly disappeared overnight.

Wang Ji and Xu Chengzong both felt in disbelief: "What do you mean by suddenly disappearing? We haven't paid the ransom yet, but the Japanese pirates just ran away without asking for the ransom?"

So what did they do here? They traveled five to six thousand miles just to kidnap King Yi and return to Japan? "

However, Yan Li was very happy. He did not pay the ransom of one tael and gave King Yi to Japan.

In the past, whether it was political fighting or mutiny, it still belonged to the category of brotherly hostility.

It's okay now, King Yi is now calling it treason.

It happened that the Ming Dynasty navy was transporting troops in Busan. Taking advantage of the empty coastal defenses of the Ming Dynasty, Japan actually sent naval warships to pick up all [-] Japanese pirates in one go.

Yan Li asked: "Shall we still pursue the two princes?"

Wang Ji shook his head: "What are you still chasing? We have to notify the navy in Shandong or Fujian first, and then let the navy send warships to chase.

But the main force of the Navy has gone to Busan, so why pursue them?

By the time the notification was clear, the Japanese pirates had already returned home to prepare for the New Year.

It's better to write a memorial and submit it to the court as soon as possible. "

Yan Li and Xu Chengzong both nodded in agreement.

At this point, everyone was relieved.Now that the Japanese pirates are gone, everyone can withdraw their troops and go home.

The next step is to report the situation to the court and wait for action.Whether the emperor wants to kill or behead him, it doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone's crime of dereliction of duty lies here. Let the seven guards bear it together.

The three of them discussed writing the memorial and sent it to the capital as a six hundred miles haste.

At the same time, Zhu Qiyu held a court meeting in Qingyun Hall to discuss how to deal with this Japanese pirate invasion.

After many, many days, the ministers finally saw the emperor in person.

(End of this chapter)

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