Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 689: The North Korean government released written evidence proving that the military occupie

Chapter 689: The North Korean government released written evidence proving that the military occupied the island country.
When the ministers saw the emperor, they were immediately speechless. They saw that the emperor was becoming more and more energetic and energetic, and he did not look like he was sick.

The emperor has made it clear that he is just out of anger. If you don't let me easily save money, I will be at ease at home every day.

You don't like me, and I don't like you yet.Anyway, we hate each other, so the best thing is to forget about each other in the world.

Zhu Qiyu also did not grow a beard. In the eyes of the ministers, he looked very good and even looked younger than when he first ascended the throne.

Before anyone could speak, Zhu Qiyu waved his hand, and Pei Dang and Chen Lin directed dozens of guards to stand in a row, each holding a letter in their hands.

Liu Chang led dozens of other personal guards to maintain order.

Zhu Qiyu said loudly: "You all, please take a look. These are the original letters between King Yi and Kong Yanjin and the Emperor of Japan and General Zhengyi.

They all carefully identify and identify, so as not to wrongly accuse good people. "

Liu Chang led his personal guards to maintain order and asked the ministers to line up to watch.

The guards kept the ministers and letters at a certain distance to prevent anyone from being impulsive and destroying the evidence.

Zhu Qiyu was never afraid to speculate on civil servants with the greatest malice.

It took more than half an hour to confirm the evidence, and every official who came to court carefully confirmed it.

This was completely confirmed. Everyone had seen it, but no one stood up to question it, because no one had seen the handwriting of the Emperor of Japan and General Zhengyi, and not many people had seen the handwriting of Kong Yanjin.

But I have seen most of Yi Wang's handwriting.

Forging the handwriting of King Yi and defrauding the civil and military officials of the court, no one with a sane mind would be able to do such a self-humiliating thing.

Since even the letters written by King Yi are indeed handwritten, the handwritings of the Emperor of Japan, General Zhengyi, and Kong Yanjin are not forged, because there is no need for them.

After everyone read it, Pei Dang and Chen Lin carefully put the letter away, put it in the jade box and locked it up.

These evidences must be classified into royal secret files and kept for a long time, so that no one can overturn the case.

After confirming the evidence, Zhu Qiyu asked: "You all understand what happened, and you have read the correspondence. What do you think of how to deal with it?"

Wang Wen was the first to stand up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the Nanjing Household Department should first come up with 30 taels of silver and 2 taels of gold to redeem His Royal Highness King Yi.

Let’s talk about other things later. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "What Ai Qing said is true. Please read it accurately and prepare the decree immediately."

Zhu Qiyu and Wang Wen got along well with each other, and they sang the double act very well.

The ministers originally planned to argue with the emperor over the ransom issue to gain the moral high ground.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the emperor and the chief minister said three sentences in total and the problem was solved.

The emperor and the chief minister had agreed to pay the ransom, so what else could the ministers say.

This is called saying what the ministers say, leaving the ministers speechless.

The atmosphere in the hall became a little awkward for a while, and the ministers didn't know what to say in a hurry.

Zhu Qiyu asked: "Why don't you leave the court? I have not recovered from a long illness and still need to recuperate."

Wang Yining, the Minister of Rites, stood up and asked: "Your Majesty, King Yi is involved in colluding with foreign countries. How should we deal with it? The Emperor of Japan and the General Zhengyi also wrote personal letters to the prince. How should the prince deal with it?"

Zhu Qiyu replied angrily: "Ask me how I know. If you have a suggestion, just say it. If you don't have a suggestion, just withdraw from the court."

Zhu Qiyu was determined to mess up today's court meeting.I want to kill King Yi, but you don't agree; I want to depose the prince, but you still don't agree.I don’t agree with anything, and you keep asking me how to deal with it, how do I know how to deal with it.

Luo Tong stepped forward to rescue Wang Yining: "Your Majesty, do you want to order the navy to cut off the retreat of the Japanese pirates who invaded Nanjing from the sea? Do you want to punish the Shandong Coastal Guard Station for neglecting its duties?"

Zhu Qiyu replied: "No need, King Yi is in the hands of the Japanese pirates, so what's the use of intercepting them. If the Japanese pirates are cornered and they harm King Yi, who can bear the responsibility?"

As for the Japanese pirates landing in Shandong, it was all because I sent the main force of the navy to Busan, and the fault was not with the local guards.

If the crime must be punished, it would be more appropriate for the few people to issue the edict to punish oneself. "

Luo Tong hurriedly replied: "The humble minister made a mistake. The Holy Emperor cares about the world. What sin is there? You must never sin against yourself again." Zhu Qiyu nodded.

Yao Kui, the Minister of Punishment, asked: "Your Majesty, what should be done with the refugees in Qufu who attacked Confucius' mansion? Should the leading refugees be arrested and punished?"

Zhu Qiyu asked curiously: "Rectifying the Dharma? Rectifying what Dharma? The Dharma of the Ming Dynasty or the Dharma of the Yuan Dynasty?"

Yao Kui stopped talking after hearing this.

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand: "There are so many refugees, who should they go to? Let Chen Jian, the Shandong Inspector General, have the power to appease them. In addition, the cabinet has drafted a decree to exempt Shandong Province from all taxes and corvee this year, next year, and the year after.

People from Shandong who are willing to go to Korea, Liaodong, Jeju Island, and the newly occupied Japanese lands can register with the government.

As long as they are willing to open up wasteland, the court will give them generous preferential treatment and will never let them suffer a loss. "

After that, Zhu Qiyu stood up and left.

All the officials looked at each other in confusion. After finally convening a great meeting, it ended hastily?
Small meetings are held for big things, and big meetings are held for small things. The officials have not yet concluded this truth.

Let the officials look at the letter evidence, and then confirm the payment of the ransom and show the brotherhood, and the goal will be achieved.

Logically speaking, with this evidence, the right thing to do is to depose King Yi to a commoner and accept the prince's request to abdicate.

But no one mentioned this matter in the meeting, so if no one mentioned it, I would just throw it away.

The next few days were uneventful.

On the first day of November, while Zhu Qiyu was still in bed, he received a report from Nanjing.

After reading it, Zhu Qiyu laughed and said: "These Japanese pirates are really interesting, they really took Zhu Qizhen hostage.

Don’t the ministers still want to argue with me? When Zhu Qizhen is restored and proclaims himself emperor, I wonder how the ministers will argue with me.

At that time, they will have to occupy the team, either as ministers of Emperor Jingtai or as ministers of the orthodox emperor.

Either support my eldest son as the prince, or support Zhu Qizhen's eldest son as the prince.

If they don't make a choice, public opinion in both the government and the opposition will not be able to forgive them, and they will no longer be able to sway around it.

Why didn't I think of this move earlier? As long as Zhu Qizhen was restored and proclaimed emperor, everyone in the Ming Dynasty would be forced into a corner immediately. They wanted to ride on the wall and sway in the wind, but there was no way out.

When I capture Zhu Qizhen next year, he can die naturally. "

Lin Xiangyu teased from the side: "As for you, the master who takes one step and sees ten steps, did you just think of it? Don't deliberately pretend to be stupid and fool us."

Zhu Qiyu spread his hands helplessly: "I only came up with the idea of ​​restoration recently. I am not a god. I want to do many things at once, and make timely adjustments according to changes in the situation."

Lin Xiangyu praised: "The move of restoration is really cruel, cruel and wonderful. Zhu Qizhen's restoration in Japan not only lost morality, but also had no way to exert force across the vast sea.

Even if there are still many forces moving towards him in both the government and the opposition, they are still beyond his reach.

This is like on the battlefield, your commander is stationed on a hill with a commanding flag, and the enemy is surrounded at the foot of the hill, but the soldiers loyal to you are five miles away.

The soldiers could see the flag, but they were beyond their reach and could not protect their commander.This situation is indescribably uncomfortable. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "If you say so, it's really true. Forget it, let's not talk about them. Is there any battle report from the Japanese front?"

Qianxue replied: "Yes, I just arrived this morning and was about to announce the good news to my husband. The sea route between Busan and Kaga is composed of several islands in the middle, which are seventy or eighty miles long from east to west, and from north to south. The small country twenty miles long is called Yinqi Country and belongs to the Japanese mountain valley.

While the navy was transporting troops, it took advantage of the situation and defeated the Yinqi Kingdom.

An Guogong, Jiang Yuan, and Huang Qi all wrote back to report the good news. There happened to be two excellent harbors at the southeastern end of Yinqi Kingdom, and they were built into military ports of the Ming Dynasty.

After that, they sailed one thousand miles east from Busan to Omki Military Port for supplies and rest, and then sailed six hundred miles east to Kaga.

With a place to stay and a safe haven in the middle of the route, the safety of naval ships can be greatly improved. "

(End of this chapter)

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