Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 780 Eliminate the supervisors and re-establish the teachings. The monarchs and ministers dis

Chapter 780 Eliminate the supervisors and re-establish the teachings. The monarchs and ministers discuss the strategy to destroy the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhu Qiyu felt that it was getting more and more difficult to be the emperor, and how to control the official position was also a big problem.

The party struggle in the late Ming Dynasty was fought with words and officials. Poor Emperor Chongzhen was tossed around by public opinion. He neither dared to move the capital, nor ran away, nor dared to make peace. In the end, he could only hang himself with a rope.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and smiled secretly in his heart. If I traveled through time and became Chongzhen, no matter what, I would rather end up hanging in the end, and I would have to kill all the generals in Liaodong first.

The most disgusting thing in the world is people who take money and do nothing.

In a sense, those guards in Shanxi can be forgiven. After all, the governor and commander-in-chief of Shanxi have been messing around in military affairs for a long time. The Shanxi guards do not get enough money and food, and they do not receive enough good treatment. It is understandable that they are unwilling to work hard for the court.

Zhu Wenfang poked his father to signal him not to be in a daze.

Zhu Qiyu came back to his senses and smiled at everyone: "I have an immature idea about the Imperial College. I will tell you about it and you can listen to it.

First of all, all those who studied in Enyin were assigned to Nanjing Imperial College.

Secondly, conduct assessments on students studying in prisons in Beijing. It doesn’t matter how good their literary talent or knowledge is. They should at least be familiar with classics and history and have beautiful handwriting.

The Imperial College Health Officer usually doesn't have any specific requirements, which is not good. Let me mention one thing to them. Recently, the imperial court has to copy the "Yongle Dadian".

The students had beautiful handwriting and spent half a day copying books, and the court gave them a certain amount of subsidies.

Those who cannot write well should be sent home. The Imperial College was nominally the highest institution of learning in the Ming Dynasty, but as a result, the students there could not even write well, which was an embarrassment to the court.

What do you think? "

In the etiquette department, Yang Jing was the first to shout: "The Holy One is benevolent, this is the most appropriate move."

Others can only follow suit.

In this way, the Imperial College in Beijing will be cleaned up, and no one will be able to pretend to be Mr. Dong Guo. But it also leaves a hole. Children of ministers and powerful families can go to Nanjing Imperial College if they want to cheat.

Many institutions in Nanjing were used as garbage dumps by Zhu Qiyu. Some ministers who could not be easily accommodated were thrown into trouble in Nanjing.

The ministers were also dumbfounded. There were so many people in the Imperial College, and the emperor used it to instruct them to copy the "Yongle Dadian", but he would really find work for them.

It didn't take long for the Dongguo gentlemen who couldn't bear the hardship to run away.

Zhu Wenfang secretly calculated her father's policy in her heart. This small reform just now fully complied with the principle of being simple enough and stupid enough.

There is nothing fancy, just whether the handwriting is beautiful or not is used as the assessment criterion. The requirements are not too high, so as not to overwhelm the students, and can exclude those who are really unbearable.

The ones left behind were allowed to copy the "Yongle Dadian", and they could drive away a group of people who couldn't bear the hardship.

This is much cleaner. Anyway, "Yongle Dadian" originally requires a large number of people to copy it. As long as some subsidies are given to the Imperial College Supervisors, a large number of cheap labor can be obtained.

In the process of copying books, students also have the opportunity to read a lot of books and increase their knowledge. Maybe three or five talents will stand out because of this.

It really accomplishes multiple things with one stone, and it’s not easy to take advantage of any loopholes.

Yang Jing continued to play: "Your Majesty, there are too many musicians in the two capitals' teaching halls, which is a waste of monthly rations and is useless. I think we should select those who can handle it and keep them for use. All those who are old, sick and unbearable will be taken care of. For the people.”

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "Yes, those generals in Shanxi who abandoned the city and fled, their female relatives were all recruited into the Jiaofang Division, and none of these people can be released.

The old, sick and unbearable people should all be given to the people.

The remaining musicians may be free to choose, those who are willing to stay stay, and those who are willing to leave leave. Let's eliminate it. We in Jingtai Dynasty are building a small government, not a key government office. We should streamline it as much as possible. "

Yang Jing asked again: "May I ask, Your Majesty, how should I deal with officials who enter the Jiaofangsi or the brothel to have a banquet?"

Zhu Qiyu was a little confused and asked: "Ai Qing, how should I deal with it?"

As everyone mentioned just now, it is a misdemeanor for a student to coerce a prostitute to drink. His qualifications as a student will be revoked and he will be assigned to work as a minor official in the local area by the Ministry of Personnel.

But what to do if a serving official seduces a prostitute to drink? During the reign of Emperor Taizu, civil and military officials and family members were prohibited from entering the courtyard of the official camp, and the punishment was extremely severe. The crime was only second to murder.

Yang Jing explained: "During the Xuande Dynasty, Xuan Temple abolished official courtyards across the country, and ordered the censor to inspect officials. Anyone who dared to take prostitutes to drink would be dismissed from their posts and never used again.

As a result, the large-scale official camps established by Taizu were all abandoned, but the trend of officials and gentry raising female prostitutes became widespread, and there was no way to check or ban them.

At this time, it had been more than 20 years since the Xuande Dynasty, and the trend of extravagance and enjoyment in Beijing was revived, even worse than before.

The ban on officials in the Ming Dynasty Code also exists in name only. "

Zhu Qiyu frowned: "This is the policy from the top, and the countermeasures from the bottom. There is no need to ban it anymore, let's restore the official camp.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparing. If the official camp is abolished, the extravagant trend will no longer exist. Isn't this just tormenting people?

As for officials, if the censor encounters an incident, just record it and hand it over to the Ministry of Personnel for future reference. "

Zhu Qiyu did it himself, so he was embarrassed to accuse others. Among the three pro-military guards, a rather large camp of prostitutes was set up.

There is nothing that can be done about this, and the soldiers must abide by the law and make no mistakes, and they are not allowed to open prostitutes. Does that force the soldiers to be saints or sages?

The monarch and his ministers were chattering here and there, and there was really nothing to talk about, so they had to go back to the Mongolian issue.

Zhu Qiyu asked: "You say we send out a large army to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and attack Hara and Lin directly. How many soldiers and horses are needed?"

Chen Yi replied: "According to "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", in the fourth year of Yuan Shou, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han army prepared 100,000 millet horses. He ordered General Wei Qing and Hussar General Huo Qubing to each command 50,000 cavalry, and they privately recovered from the horses. Forty thousand horses, followed by hundreds of thousands of infantrymen.

There are about 100,000 cavalry, 200,000 war horses, 100,000 grain transport horses, and another 40,000 horses to carry the soldiers' personal belongings.

Hundreds of thousands of infantry were needed to support the cavalry. "

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: No wonder Taizong's five expeditions to Mobei made everyone in the government and the public angry. The cavalry and horses themselves are acceptable, but the infantry responsible for transportation needs hundreds of thousands.

Where can I get these hundreds of thousands of people? It’s a waste of time and money. At least hundreds of thousands of mules and horses are needed to transport grain and soldiers' personal belongings.

No wonder Mongolia has never been destroyed.

Zhu Qiyu ignored the question just now and asked again: "Shenyang is besieged, how to rescue it? Does the enemy have artillery?"

Luo Tong replied: "Yes, there are artillery. Your Majesty gave them to them originally. Fortunately, the road is far away, and the enemy cavalry is advancing rapidly, and the artillery is lagging behind."

Zhu Qiyu was choked and fell backwards. In order to win over Tuotuo Fuhua, he seemed to have given him a batch of artillery.

Fortunately, these artillery pieces are not very powerful and should not be able to blast through the solid Shenyang city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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