Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 781 Re-discuss the magical use of the frozen grape room in the stalemate between the monarch

Chapter 781 Re-discuss the magical use of the frozen grape room in the stalemate between the monarch and his ministers

At the beginning, Tuo Tuo Bu Hua presented the Great Yuan's imperial seal to the Ming Dynasty.

A while ago, Zhu Qiyu gave the Yuan Dynasty Jade Seal to the newly canonized Mongolian Khan Mandulu.

Zhu Qiyu wanted to force Mongolia to restore the title of Yuan Dynasty, and then destroy them, thereby realizing a key link in his Jingtai lineage's legal system.

In Taizu's description, the Ming Dynasty did not destroy the Yuan Dynasty. Instead, the Yuan Dynasty fell at the hands of Han rebels. In desperation, Taizu led his troops to kill the rebels and rebellious people, and unified the world.

At this time, Dayuan had been driven back to the grassland, and Taizu had no choice but to inherit the legal system of Dayuan and become the emperor of China.

Zhu Qiyu's idea was to completely negate the Yuan Dynasty's legal system and rehabilitate the original rebels. Set up a target for Meng Yuan, and then destroy them again.

As for the fact that there are always people who want to inherit the legal system of the Yuan Dynasty in order to inherit its territory, I really can't understand it.

This is because you have listened to "since ancient times" too much, and you may have fallen into the drama.

Truth always exists only within the range of a cannon, and the same applies to territory.

All the land in the world is the land of the king; the shores of the land are all the ministers of the king.

As long as the sun can shine, it is the territory of the Emperor of Han. Go to hell with the legal system of the Yuan Dynasty and the legal system of the Song Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qiyu ordered everyone: "Burn and obliterate all official documents and books related to Meng Yuan.

The Central Plains can only be legally ruled by the Han Dynasty. All Huru are barbarians and cannot be regarded as an orthodox dynasty.

Our kings and ministers in the Jingtai Dynasty worked together to completely destroy the Meng Yuan Dynasty, and we will leave our name in history.

Also, the Song Dynasty's concept of life and death is a small matter, but a breach of integrity is a big deal, and the connotation needs to be changed.

As a person, you should demand more of yourself and be less demanding of others. Men in the Song Dynasty lost all their territory and clamored for women to observe the festival all day long.

How does that poem say that the flag was lowered on the king's city, but I learned about it in the deep palace. 140,000 people were all disarmed, and not one of them was a man. "

Before anyone could speak, Zhu Qiyu immediately added another patch: "But the Song Dynasty's 'reformed people' statement is wrong.

Zhu Xi and others defined "Gui Zheng" as someone who was originally a soldier from the state of this dynasty, fell into Tibet, and later returned to his dynasty.

Such remarks are wrong. Those rotten emperors and ministers of the Song Dynasty lost their country in the north, and they blamed those soldiers for what they did.

They are all just incompetent and angry, and they blame others.

Take our current dynasty as an example. Although I do not believe that the Yuan Dynasty is orthodox, we will not make any discrimination against those who were forced to serve in the Yuan Dynasty. It was because of the bad behavior of the Song Dynasty’s monarchs that the Mongols invaded the Central Plains.

If you want to blame, blame the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers, blame others for what they did.

However, it is not me, the minister of the Ming Dynasty, who surrendered to Shi Xiu. If you don't agree with what I say, you can prepare to raise troops to quell the disaster now.

I will lead the way and send gifts to the grassland. Whether you want to vote for Agabarji, Mantulu, or someone else, it's up to you. "

Zhu Qiyu blocked his words directly. Don't talk to me about Yan Shenggong, a worldly cultivator who surrendered to the outside world. That is a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty. I, the Ming Dynasty, do not need such people.

If anyone is dissatisfied, feel free to take Kong's family with him to Mongolia. Everyone has their own ambitions, and I will never hold back or stop them.

The government and the public had long wanted to enthrone the new Duke Yansheng, but Zhu Qiyu disagreed. This was also a huge contradiction between the two sides.

After being emperor for ten years, Zhu Qiyu's relationship with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism was extremely tense.

Zhu Qiyu himself predicted that the conflict with these three families was about to break out.

It's just that they haven't caught the obvious flaw yet, and they are too frightened by the power of the emperor's personal army to act rashly.

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more serious, Luo Tong took the initiative to lighten the atmosphere: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Mongolian army surrounding Shenyang has recently been cutting down wood in the nearby mountains to build catapults and other siege equipment."

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "I have mobilized 30,000 reinforcements, let Shenyang hold on for a few more days. Okay, I'm tired, let's stop here today."

After the court was over, Zhu Qiyu took Huang Qi and Pei Dang home while chatting.

At this time, Ruan Zhu caught up from behind: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, wait, I have something to say." "Is it something related to the Crown Prince?"

Ruan Zhu shook his head: "Yesterday at Changle Palace, some emperors came with their daughters to pay their respects to the Queen Mother. It happened that Shi Niangniang and the young master were also there. Those imperial ministers were very weird and ridiculed the empresses' origins and actions.

Especially Shi Niangniang, who usually doesn't stick to trivial matters, and those orders are extremely mocking. "

Zhu Qiyu asked: "Tell me, what exactly did they say?"

Ruan Zhu has a very good memory and learned it all over again.

After hearing this, Zhu Qiyu's face turned green with anger, and he said more than a dozen good words: "Good, good, good... These orders and the men behind them are very good, very good.

Okay, okay, I respect their choice.

As for the list, write me a list later. "

In the old saying, this is called letting go of helping others and respecting the fate of others.

Ruan Zhu quickly took out the list and handed it over.

Seeing that Ruan Zhu had been prepared, Zhu Qiyu laughed angrily and patted Ruan Zhu on the head angrily, then grabbed the list and walked back to Lingyu Palace alone.

Seeing that the emperor was gone, Huang Qi said with a smile: "Xiao Ruan, your accusation is too obvious. We are the emperor's closest confidants. If it were anyone else, we would be in trouble."

Ruan Zhu frowned: "I have received great favor from the Empress. Even if the Emperor kills me, I still have to say that I cannot let the Empress suffer this injustice in vain."

Huang Qi and Pei Dang shared the same hatred: "Okay, okay, even if something goes wrong, we brothers will handle it together."

Zhu Qiyu had already adjusted his mood as he walked from the palace entrance to the Hehuan Hall.

As a man with a few beauties, Zhu Qiyu never brings very negative emotions home from outside.

As soon as he walked into the palace, Ningxiang came up to him: "Why have you been gone so long, husband? Why are the ministers torturing you?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "Hey, they hate me and I hate them. Some conflicts cannot be reconciled at all. Let's just make do with it.

This is the same principle as the relationship between husband and wife. Many couples just get together to live together.

Do they have any feelings for each other? No, or maybe they do but not much.

If nothing happens, we'll just make do with it, which is fine.

If something unexpected happens, then husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes. "

Ningxiang smiled and said: "No matter what other couples are like, the Nu family will definitely live and die with their husbands. We will enjoy the blessings together and bear the hardships together."

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "I believe this from the lady's mouth."

Lin Xiangyu teased from the side: "Huh, as noble as the Holy Empress in the Middle Palace, our four sisters are all ruthless and unfamiliar prostitutes."

Zhu Qiyu replied: "That's pretty much it. That's what I mean. Don't you agree? Do you still want to see a slave uprising for me?"

Lin Xiangyu smiled and said: "I don't dare to rebel against slaves. We all signed a slave contract with you at the beginning, and we can't violate the contract.

But we froze a bowl of grapes in the ice cellar and waited for the slave to fetch them for the master to experience. "

Zhu Qiyu asked curiously: "Okay, why do you want to freeze the grapes? Aren't the grapes for eating? What do you want to experience?"

Lin Xiangyu blushed and said with a smile: "Of course I want to give the master a novel experience. The previous Ling Tongue Bai Zhuan has been used too many times. This new trick is called Ling Tongue Playing with Pearls. You will know after you try it."

Zhu Qiyu watched the beauty go away, not thinking about it for a long time.

Ningxiang held Zhu Qiyu's arm and shook it: "Dad, don't think about it, you will know it in a while. You will definitely be satisfied, otherwise if we don't serve well, new people will soon replace us."

(End of this chapter)

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