Qiao Ningxun smiled and said, "Just know it."

Short videos have only just emerged a few years ago, and most people in the village have not yet downloaded short video software.

Many people’s mobile phones are still old phones.

Therefore, the chance of this video being seen by people in the village is very small.

"Then why do you want me to edit?"

"It's more mysterious this way. I like mystery."


Qiao Ningxun laughed and set several other videos to be released at scheduled times.

Once she's set up, she lets it go and thinks about what to stream next.

She doesn't mind others knowing that it's her in the video. After all, she will have to start a live broadcast to make money in the future, and sooner or later she will have to show her face.

Just like although she disguised her appearance to treat people, she didn't mind others investigating her identity.

She just didn't want to appear in front of the public so early and directly.

Qiao Ningxun sat cross-legged in the ancient tree ditch and suddenly opened her eyes.

Great, I actually unlocked the sixth formula today.

It’s been so long since I’ve unlocked it, so the formula this time must be extraordinary.

She opened the book and looked at it expectantly, and it turned out to be the truth.

As long as she wants someone to tell the truth, that person will be uncontrollable and tell all the truth they know.

And after that person speaks, you can also control whether that person has the memory of telling the truth.

Qiao Ningxun frowned. If she becomes a police officer in the future, maybe this formula will be useful to her.

But she is just a student now, so what is the use of this formula?

That's all, you can always use it later.

The next day, after Qiao Ningxun gave bacteria to the wandering people, he asked He Yuanhuai to inspect the fields, while she went to the orchard.

There are also many Kyoho grapes in the orchard.

It's just that when the Zhang family was still contracting, they knew that by the time the Kyoho grape harvest season came, they had probably transferred their land, and investing a lot of fertilizers and pesticides was a waste of money, so they never paid attention to them.

After Qiao Ningxun took over, because he was busy selling peaches, plums and other fruits, he was worried that if he ripened too many fruits, he would not be able to sell them, so he did not ripen them.

Therefore, the Kyoho grapes in the orchard mature very late.

When Qiao Ningxun arrived, the people in Guolin were working.

In fact, the people who work in her orchard are not very hardworking. During their working time, they just pick fruits, transport fruits, hoe weeds, etc. every day.

Although the weather is hot, it has been raining from time to time since Qiao Ningxun took over the orchard.

Sometimes it's daytime, sometimes it's noon, sometimes it's afternoon, and sometimes it's late at night.

Anyway, after they came to work, they only watered it twice.

Moreover, Qiao Ningxun never asked them to apply pesticides or fertilize, which made it easier for them.

At first, they were a little worried that the fruits would not grow well and they would not be able to sell for money, but later they saw that the fruits in the orchard were growing better and better day by day, and they were relieved.

Guan Yiwen just walked under a pomegranate tree and saw Qiao Ningxun coming. He quickly ran forward and said, "Sister Ningxun, you are here."

Qiao Ningxun nodded and asked: "How is your grandma doing now?" Guan Yiwen was in a good mood when he mentioned his grandma, "Thanks to your treatment, my grandma has been in good condition since she regained consciousness that day. Now We can work in the fields every day, and everyone in our family is more relaxed. We can also plant more crops at home. Yesterday, she and her grandfather went to the town to sell vegetables, and they sold 80 yuan in one day."

"Grandpa said that if grandma can really help with the work in the future, our family's conditions will get better and better in the future, and it won't be a problem for me to go to college."

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said, "That's good."

She picked off a pomegranate, cut it open with a knife and tasted the taste. She nodded and said, "This pomegranate tastes pretty good."

After speaking, she handed the clean part to Guan Yiwen, "You want to try it too."

Guan Yiwen was not polite. After tasting the taste, his eyes suddenly lit up, "This pomegranate is so delicious."

Qiao Ningxun called the people around him, picked a pomegranate for each of them, and cut it open for them thoughtfully, "You guys can eat too, and try the taste."

The villagers took it gratefully at the same time.

"This pomegranate tastes so sweet."

"I also tasted the pomegranates when the Zhang family picked them last year, and they were not delicious at all. It seems that they have committed too many sins and God will not help them. As soon as they changed hands this year, the pomegranates became delicious."

"That's right, Ningxun, these pomegranates are ready to be picked. Although they won't be sold for a big price, if they are all sold, you can still gain a lot."

Qiao Ningxun nodded, "That's what I mean, then you guys should pick the biggest ones first, and let the smaller ones grow longer."

After speaking, she picked a pomegranate as a model, "I will pick a pomegranate this big today to avoid selling out."


After Qiao Ningxun finished speaking, she asked Guan Yiwen to follow her and went under the grape trellis.

The bunches of Kyoho grapes will make you feel good when you look at the bumper harvest this year.

She walked to a bunch of grapes and picked the bottom one to taste.

I heard that grapes are sweeter from top to bottom.

If the bottom grape is sweet, then the whole bunch of grapes is sweet.

"Well, these grapes are sweet. Guan Yiwen, you should try it too."

Guan Yiwen nodded and picked one like Qiao Ningxun just now.

"It's really sweet and has a strong grape flavor."

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said: "It seems that we can start harvesting grapes today. Go and tell the pomegranate pickers that after they finish picking the ripe pomegranates, they can pick grapes."

"Okay." Guan Yiwen suddenly asked again: "I have grown grapes at home before. The grapes without any medicine have different purple colors. Some are purple and rotten, and some have no sign of purple at all. No. And for some reason, these grapes have obviously not been treated with any medicine, so why do each one of them turn purple at the same time? And they are still so sweet?"

Ever since I came here to work, there has been weirdness everywhere.

They had heard before that the things grown by the Zhang family were not good and could not be sold.

But so far, they sell the same product every time it matures, and it's not as bad as the rumors say.

Qiao Ningxun coughed lightly and said seriously: "Don't think so much, go help pick pomegranates, and come back here after you pick them."

Guan Yiwen had no choice but to give up and said, "Okay."

Just as Qiao Ningxun took a few steps, she saw Zhang Shengcai and Zhang Yushan, who had been fired by her before, sneaking towards a deserted place.

Guan Yiwen also noticed them, stopped temporarily, frowned and said: "Strange, how did they get in?"

Every time they come in, they lock the door.

Qiao Ningxun remained silent for the time being, made a gesture of silence, and motioned for Guan Yiwen to follow her.

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