After a while, Zhang Shengcai and Zhang Yushan stopped next to a cherry tree she had newly planted.

Zhang Shengcai and Zhang Yushan squatted down and looked around.

Qiao Ningxun had already made herself and Guan Yiwen invisible.

Seeing that there was no one around, and everyone else was gathered in the pomegranate forest, Zhang Shengcai said with a relaxed expression: "I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so we were let in."

Zhang Yushan said: "Yes, after the people from Lao Qiao's family took over the orchard, they repaired the surrounding barbed wire fence. I thought they would find our secret passage, but I didn't expect it was still there."

Guan Yiwen in the distance asked: "Secret passage? Why did they leave the secret passage?"

Qiao Ningxun said in a low voice: "Judging from the way they were cheating and being lazy before, they probably thought that when the fruits of Zhang Fugui's family matured, they could come and pick fruits for free."

Guan Yiwen suddenly realized, "So that's how treacherous it is."

Zhang Yushan looked at the thick tree trunk in front of him and spoke again, "With so many cherry trees, Qiao Ningxun is really rich. Such a big tree trunk is five to eight years old at least. One tree costs several hundred." "When the weather came in, I secretly counted it. There are probably hundreds of cherry trees here, at least hundreds of thousands."

Zhang Yushan said with a sinister look: "I asked Qiao Ningxun to fire us, and I made her lose all her money. Let's quickly get all the potions on the cherry tree. After that, we will pick some peaches and Plums, I heard that the peaches and plums taste pretty good this year.”

Zhang Shengcai said: "Okay."

The two immediately began to prepare the poison.

At this time, the two of them were back to back. Zhang Yushan was about to scoop up a spoonful of potion when suddenly he felt severe pain in his neck. He turned around and said, "Shengcai, why are you piercing my neck?"

Zhang Shengcai turned his head blankly: "I haven't. Have you been bitten by an insect? There are a lot of insects here these days."

Zhang Yushan thought about it and felt that this was a possibility, so he stopped thinking about it and turned around to continue poisoning.

As soon as Zhang Shengcai put his hand into the bucket, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Zhang Shengcai turned his head angrily: "Zhang Yushan, I told you, I didn't do anything to you, why did you stab me with something?"

This time it was Zhang Yushan's turn to turn his head blankly and said innocently: "I didn't, did you happen to have a bug bite you?"

Zhang Shengcai choked and had nothing to say.

Just as the two of them turned their heads, Zhang Sheng felt pain in his neck again.

Turning around, he saw that Zhang Yushan was indeed poisoning him behind his back.

Just as Zhang Shengcai turned around, Zhang Yushan felt a pain in his neck. He also turned around, but Zhang Shengcai's back was indeed turned towards him.

After repeating this several times, Zhang Yushan and Zhang Shengcai became angry at the same time.

They turned around at the same time, threw the ladle into the bucket, and rushed toward each other angrily, wrestling with each other.

Guan Yiwen said worriedly: "Ningxun, they just drugged them, are those trees okay?"

Those mosquitoes really give me face.

Qiao Ningxun said: "It's okay, they didn't do much."

The trees she had given birth to were not so easily poisoned.The two were beating and scolding.

"Zhang Yushan, you bastard is here, and you are still plotting against me."

"Zhang Shengcai, you are the bastard. I have known for a long time that you dislike me, but I didn't expect you to attack me in the orchard."

"You spit out blood!"

"You're just a slanderer. Don't think I don't know. Recently, your son has disliked you for not being able to give him money to support him, and he's been looking down on you. You're holding your breath in your heart. But we are also relatives, and you actually took it out on me. You're too Too much."

"Yes, I am holding my breath in my heart, but every family has its own difficulties. Don't think that your family's life is so good. Since you lost the income from Guolin, your wife scolds you every day for being incompetent. , arguing with you three times a day. You asked your son for money, but your son didn't give you a dime. You were holding your breath, thinking that raising a son would be better than raising a dog. I'll give you back what you said. You, we are relatives after all, and you actually took it out on me, you are really going too far."

"You're talking nonsense. My son is famous for his filial piety."

"You can only lie to yourself."

The conflict between the two escalated, and their attacks became more and more ruthless.

Although they were all in their 50s, they were men after all, and they were still very strong. After a while, they were all defeated. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they could no longer see each other's original appearance.

At this moment, Guan Yiwen suddenly shouted, "What are you doing?"

The people who were beating each other heard the sound and instantly calmed down.

Looking around Xun Sheng, he saw that Qiao Ningxun and other people working in the orchard had already come over, but they seemed to be so selfless that they didn't see any sound.

Those people were called over by Guan Yiwen. After all, he and Qiao Ningxun were only 16 years old. Some things still had to be handled by adults.

When the two saw that there were many people on each other, they turned around and wanted to run away.

But they didn't expect that there were people behind them, blocking their way.

Qiao Kangsheng and his men stepped forward angrily and carefully inspected the potions in the two barrels.

Seeing Qiao Kangsheng's confusion, Qiao Ningxun took the initiative to explain: "Grandpa, these are potions that can kill trees. I have recorded all their conversations just now."

"What!" Qiao Kangsheng suddenly became furious and looked at Zhang Shengcai and Zhang Yushan with fierce eyes, "You are going too far. Just because my granddaughter didn't ask you to work, you actually want to poison my tree? Do you know? How valuable are these cherry trees? One tree costs hundreds of dollars. You bully a little girl. You have lived for more than 50 years, and you are really promising!"

Zhang Shengcai snorted, not afraid of what others would say about him. Anyway, he knew that he had attempted poisoning, and he still poisoned the tree. Even if the police came, they couldn't do anything to him.

"Whatever you say, since we've been discovered by you, let's leave. You'd better take care of your fruit trees. The fire didn't burn them to death last time. We didn't poison them this time. They will die sooner or later next time! "

At this moment, Qiao Ningxun received a call saying that the police were coming.

She quickly sent someone to pick it up.

Seeing the old policeman bringing a young policeman over, Qiao Ningxun asked, "Uncle policeman, why did you arrive so soon?"

The old policeman said sternly: "We happened to be on a mission nearby, and we just made the trip in vain. We got a call saying that there was a situation here, so we came over."

"I see." Qiao Ningxun looked at Zhang Yushan and Zhang Shengcai and said, "These two people are suspected of destroying my private property. If I hadn't arrived in time, they would have used all the medicine on my cherry tree. . I bought these cherry trees from the regular Guoguomu Company, and I have all the invoices and all. Please ask the police to catch them and give me justice."

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