As he spoke, he also started to cry, "I gave birth to this daughter in my 30s, and my wife died giving birth to her. We, father and daughter, depend on each other. I cherish her very much. If she is gone, I don't want to live anymore."

Qiao Ningxun counted with his fingers, then looked at the face of the man who was trying to be a loving father, "Did you call the police?"

Trying to be a loving father: "No, I watched a movie and it said that if a child is lost, you have to wait 24 hours before calling the police. From yesterday to now, the child has been lost for more than ten hours."

[The movie is really harmful. If you lose your child, you should call the police immediately. 】

[Yes, my child was missing for 10 minutes last time. I called the police and found her in the barber shop.Fortunately, the police were called early, otherwise the traffickers would have changed their identities, and it would have been troublesome to find him. 】

[Yes, call the police immediately. 】

[Don’t believe everything in the movie. Don’t you even read the news? 】

Trying to be a loving father suddenly panicked, "Then I'll call the police now."

Qiao Ningxun: "No need, I have already called the police for you. There is a police station near you. The police officers are probably at the door now. You go over and open the door."

Trying to be a loving father: "Then do you know where my daughter is?"

Qiao Ningxun: "I know, don't worry, she is still alive, but she will be taken out in another hour."

Trying to be a loving father, he nodded quickly, heard a knock on the door, and quickly opened the door, and sure enough, he saw two policemen at the door.

[Let me go, the anchor also figured out where to live as a loving father. 】

[It looks like the anchor is too awesome. 】

[Forget it, I’d better not connect casually. I’ll lose my privacy accidentally. 】

Trying to be a loving father, he briefly explained his situation to the police, pointed to his mobile phone and said, "It was this anchor who helped me call the police. She knows where my daughter is."

The two policemen frowned at the same time. This man must have lost his child and was deceived again.

Qiao Ningxun: "Two policemen, please follow him to Room [-] on the first floor."

Trying to be a loving father, he didn't hesitate at all and ran directly to the first floor, not even bothering to close the door.

Has his daughter actually been in the same building with him?

[Oh my God, people are still in the community? 】

[Isn’t this human trafficker too bold to hide someone under the nose of someone else’s father? 】

[Lawless, human traffickers are simply lawless! 】

The two policemen saw him running away without looking back. One of them closed the door for him, and the other quickly chased after him.

Arriving at the door of Room [-], he tried his best to be a loving father and said nervously: "What should I do now? Will knocking on the door alert others and threaten my daughter's safety?"

Qiao Ningxun: "No, just knock on the door."

Trying to be a loving father immediately knocked on the door and banged.

After a while, an old woman in her 60s opened the door.

The old woman opened the door and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the person coming.

Trying to be a loving father, he said angrily: "Where did you hide my daughter?"

The old woman turned pale and did not dare to speak.

Qiao Ningxun: "Go directly to the bathroom and open the ceiling. Your daughter is on top."

Trying to be a loving father, he pushed the old woman away and ran to the bathroom. A policeman followed closely, and another policeman stood at the door to prevent the old woman from escaping.

When I came to the bathroom, I tried my best to be a loving father and stood on the toilet. I put my mobile phone in my mouth and reached out to pull off a buckle, and one hand fell from it.

The heart of trying to be a loving father suddenly rose. He stretched his head into the ceiling. When he saw his daughter, he continued to remove the gusset plate. Then, while holding the child down, he said: "Daughter, daughter!" Trying to be a loving father looked on. The comatose daughter hung her cell phone on her chest and cried loudly: "Tiantian, wake up, wake up."

When another policeman saw that the child was found, he quickly went to other rooms to look and found a middle-aged man who was very drunk.

The middle-aged man was sleeping soundly when he felt someone tugging on him and woke up immediately.

As soon as he woke up, he saw his hands were handcuffed.

The middle-aged man looked horrified and said: "You...what are you doing? Why are you arresting me?"

Another policeman escorted the old woman over.

The old woman cried: "Son, I told you not to do such a thing. Look, they found us so quickly. We are finished."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he lowered his head in frustration.

Trying to be a loving father, when he saw that his daughter was still awake, he asked worriedly: "What's wrong with her?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Don't worry, she just took sleeping pills. She should be able to wake up at night. If you are really worried, you can go to the hospital for a check-up."

Trying to be a loving father: "Yes, let's go to the hospital."

At the same time he cut off the connection.

The police also took the prisoner away.

Although the people in the live broadcast room didn't see the specific situation just now, they also knew that everything Qiao Ningxun said was true.

[Anchor, you are really amazing, you can even figure out where your children are. 】

[The anchor’s merits are immeasurable, otherwise their father and daughter’s lives would be ruined. 】

[The anchor is the most accurate fortune teller I have ever seen. 】

[Anchor, can you figure out what happens next? 】

[Yeah, I want to know why those two traffickers stole the child yesterday and didn't transport it out in time? 】

Qiao Ningxun: "It was not shipped out in time yesterday. That's because as a loving father, I spent the whole night looking for the child downstairs. Some kind people helped him search. They were afraid of meeting someone who was looking for him, so they didn't go out. The middle-aged man was so happy that he had another child. Seeing that he couldn't go out for the time being, he went back to the house to drink. The old woman saw that she was trying her best to be a loving father and went upstairs this morning. She was about to wake her son up, but she didn't expect Before I could take the child out, I was found at the door.”

[It turned out to be so. 】

[Thanks to him for being a loving father who worked hard to find the child all night last night. 】

[That is, he really loves children. 】


Qiao Ningxun: "Go on, there's still one spot left today, and I'm going to stop broadcasting after that."

Tian Tianxin immediately added the word fortune telling.

Qiao Ningxun: "Please pay first if you are happy every day."

I enjoy a carnival every day.

Qiao Ningxun was happy to be online every day, and a girl about 20 years old appeared in the live broadcast room.

Happy every day: "Hello everyone, I am happy every day."

Qiao Ningxun: "What do you want to do?"

Happy every day: "I want to know whether the child in my belly is a boy or a girl?"

Qiao Ningxun: "I won't do anything illegal. Let me make it clear to everyone in the live broadcast room here. I won't do anything illegal, I won't do anything that violates morality, and I won't do anything that will cause the account of the live broadcast room to be banned. Next time If I encounter this kind of problem again, I will cut off the connection directly. Today is the first time. If you don’t know my rules, I will give you another chance and ask another question."

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