Tian Tianxing: "That's it. I'm sorry. Then I want to know, can my child be born smoothly?"

Qiao Ningxun counted with her fingers, "There is no child in your belly at all."

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

【no kids?Is this person faking her pregnancy? 】

[No way, is there anyone these days who fakes pregnancy like Gong Douju ​​to win a man’s heart? 】

[Things are weird. I think if this woman knew that she was faked to be pregnant and the anchor just showed off her tricks, she would not dare to ask her whether the child is a boy or a girl. 】

[I agree with the above. 】

Tiantian Kaixin said with a horrified look on his face: "It's impossible. I am indeed pregnant, and it's already been three months. My menstrual period has indeed not come during this period, and I took the test myself, and it was indeed two bars. I also went for a check-up, and the doctor said I was indeed pregnant."

Qiao Ningxun: "You must have been drinking some kind of medicine recently."

Happy every day: "Yes, my mother-in-law said that drinking it can help you get pregnant quickly and give birth to a son. I also want a son, so I drank it obediently."

Qiao Ningxun: "That kind of medicine is the medicine that allows you to delay your menstrual period. The last test you took was probably with your husband. It was easy for him to do anything. And the hospital you went to was just a small hospital. The hospital, the doctor who performed the examination was also bribed by your husband."

Tian Tianxing: "No way, I can't be falsely pregnant. I even have morning sickness these days. I also like to eat sour food, and my appetite is much better than before."

Qiao Ningxun: "It's all because of the medicine you drank."

Happy every day: "Then why does my husband want me to fake my pregnancy?"

Qiao Ningxun: "You are an only child, and your parents are gone. Fortunately, you still have an aunt. Before your aunt asked you to get married, you must have a betrothal gift and a banquet."

"Your boyfriend also knew it, but he didn't want to give it to you, so he set up a fake pregnancy for you. He told you that you were pregnant and it was difficult to hold a banquet, otherwise something would happen to the child. You were also worried about the child, so you agreed."

"Later, your boyfriend said that you already have children, so you should get married as soon as possible to avoid others saying that you had children out of wedlock."

"You think he is right. You asked your boyfriend for a bride price. Your boyfriend knew that you were new to the world and believed in him, so he said he would give it to you after the baby was born. You agreed and got your marriage certificate last week. .”

[If it is true as the anchor said, this is obviously a marriage fraud. 】

[Yeah, Tian Tianxin is still young when I look at my age, and I have met a veteran. 】

[It’s so miserable. I was deceived into getting married and having a child. 】

[But I heard that if you are deceived into a marriage, you can apply to cancel the marriage registration, so that if she gets married again in the future, it will still be considered the first marriage. 】

[Many men are scheming, sisters who are not married in the live broadcast room should really be careful. 】

[Yes, most men are unreliable, isn’t there a saying?If a man is reliable, a sow will climb a tree! 】

[Upstairs, I am not that kind of man. How about we give it a try? 】

[Hey, wouldn’t it be good to borrow someone else’s live broadcast room to find a partner? 】



Tiantian Kaixin looked like he didn't believe it, "No, my husband won't lie to me. He is really nice to me. He always greets me and gives me his salary card to spend as I please."

Qiao Ningxun: "You know very well whether he lied to you. You have also noticed it, because since you received the marriage certificate, your mother-in-law's attitude towards you has not been as good as before. As for the salary card, he has a monthly salary card The salary is only five thousand. Look at the bill yourself. Did he take seven thousand from you last month? If you still don’t believe it, go to the hospital and get it checked out."

Tiantian was startled when she was happy, and she quickly took out her phone and looked at it. Sure enough, she had transferred a total of [-] WeChat messages last month.Not only did her husband fail to support the family, he actually asked her for money!

After thinking for a while, she no longer hesitated, immediately got up, closed the door, took her cell phone and went to a nearby hospital.

[This person is so stupid. She thought someone gave her a salary card because they liked her, but little did she know that she was being treated as a cash machine. 】

[Yeah, I’m not getting married, I’m just raising myself.It's so miserable that you have to support your husband after getting married. 】

[My ex-husband was like this too. He gave me all his money, and when he had no money, he asked me for it. When the accounts were settled at the end of the month, he actually took away more than half of my salary. 】

[Upstairs, I really sympathize with you. If the money goes into my pocket, I don’t want it, and no one will let me take it out. 】

After Tiantian Kaixin’s checkup, he kept watching the barrage and felt extremely uncomfortable.

It turns out that there are so many people like her who have been used as cash machines.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, she finally checked.

After waiting for a while, she left the hospital in despair.

Her live broadcast room was always open. Even though the hospital was not allowed to live broadcast just now, she put her mobile phone in her bag, and the people in the live broadcast room clearly heard what the doctor said.

[Anchor, you are right again, you are so awesome. 】

[Anchor, can you add another spot today?I have been waiting and watching just now, and now I want to do the math. 】

[Don’t argue, I want to see how Tian Tianxin handles the matter with her husband. 】


When I returned home happily every day, I saw that my husband was back.

Thinking of the doctor's words, she couldn't help but ask: "Why did you lie to me?"

The man asked doubtfully: "I lied to you? Why did I lie to you? Baby, are you unhappy today? I'll buy you some delicious food, okay? You can transfer 200 yuan to me, and I'll buy it."

Tiantian cried happily: "In order not to give you a gift or hold a banquet, you actually lied to me and made me think I was pregnant. I have been acting like a fool these days, talking to a child that does not exist. To be honest, you It makes you laugh when you look at it.”

The man's expression changed, "You...you know everything."

"Yes, that's right, I know everything. I also know that you treat me as a cash machine and deliberately let me manage the money. In fact, you just want to get more money from me!"

The man was a little embarrassed and said, "No, I don't have that idea."

"I don't believe you, I don't believe you anymore." Tiantian happily returned to the house and started to pack things, then threw all the things out, and then pushed the scumbag out, "This is my house, we are getting divorced, you immediately Get out of here, I will find a lawyer to sue you for fraud, and you just wait to receive the court summons!"

After she finished speaking, she closed the door.

[Oh my God, I actually live in the woman’s house? 】

[The scumbag doesn’t even have a house?No wonder I don’t want to hold a banquet and give a bride price. 】

[Happy every day, I’m so lucky to have met the anchor so early. 】

[That’s right, that’s right, if she really gets pregnant in the future, she will be in a sea of ​​misery for the rest of her life. 】

Tiantian Kaixin asked: "Anchor, I want to ask, will my divorce be smooth in the future?"

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