Chapter 1 Game Start

In December 2222 AD, a catastrophe broke out on Blue Star, extreme cold and hot weather swarmed, acid rain and thunderstorms followed, human beings were facing a serious survival crisis, and the number of people in the world dropped sharply. In just one month, 12 billion people around the world Reduced to 120 billion people, the energy crisis intensified, the economy shut down, and then Blue Star stopped its autobiography for a second, the seawater poured back, the magnetic field became unbalanced, satellites from various countries fell, the atmosphere was sieved, harmful gases swept the world, and human life was in danger.

At 2223:20 on January 35, [-], the ocean survival system came to Blue Star, and a group of young people aged [-] to [-] entered the game, and Blue Star officially entered the self-rescue mode.

Jiang Duoduo was woken up by the heat.

When the survival system appeared, she was already asleep. Since it was an extremely cold period, the outside temperature had reached minus 75 degrees, so she wore the thickest clothes and wrapped three layers of quilts in order to prevent hypothermia when she slept at night. , but was suddenly pulled into the survival game, and was awakened by the heat at 30 degrees, only to realize that he had changed to a different place.

The person was lying on the raft, with only ten square meters of space, completely lacking a sense of security. She stood up tremblingly, and took off layers of clothes on her body until only the close-fitting long underwear was left.

"Where is this place?"

With a little sleepiness, she looked around in a daze.

On the vast ocean, a small raft carries a hundred catties of her, why does it feel so dangerous?

what to do?My legs are a little soft, forget it, let's lie down!I haven't seen the blue sky and white clouds for a month, but just looking at them makes me feel hopeful.

The sea water gently pushed the raft like a cradle, making her sleepy. At this moment, the game system appeared.

[Game Announcement] This game is Ocean Survival. The players who enter the game this time are humans with a life span of 20-35 years. All players can get a raft when they first enter the game. The raft cannot be damaged, cannot be traded, and can be upgraded. This game No materials needed for survival are provided. All materials need to be obtained by opening the treasure box. The treasure box is released at [-]:[-] a.m. every day. There is no limit to the number or type of materials in the treasure box. Only you can’t think of it, and you can’t open it. The novice period lasts for three days. The primary survival mode will start in three days. The novice gift pack will be issued after the announcement. Each player can only receive one gift pack. The gift pack cannot be traded or upgraded. The benefits of each level can be randomly opened in the gift pack (from f level to sss level, As long as you dare to open it, the system will dare to give it away, and Ouhuang can guarantee it for life!).

Players can gain experience by opening treasure chests, and get attribute points after upgrading. Meditation can open the character interface, and you can view character attributes through the interface. Note: death in the game is real death!

The game opens a balance mechanism. Any items that appear in the balance mechanism are reasonable and legal. Players cannot question the game system. If it is light, the materials will be confiscated, and if it is serious, it will be obliterated.

More content, open after the novice period!
The ocean survival game has officially begun!
Jiang Duoduo didn't feel sleepy at all, and a black thing floated down from above her head, landed steadily on her raft, and indeed gave out novice gift packages.

It's just that this gift bag is a bit small?What can be opened from a palm-sized box?It can't even hold a bottle of water, is it just a steamed bun?
Let's talk first!
Saying "open" silently, the box immediately burst out with various colors of light. She covered her eyes to block the light, and she didn't know what the system was thinking, making it so colorful!

Finally, the box landed on red.

Congratulations to player Jiang Duoduo for getting the sss-level novice gift pack, which contains a permanent summoning card (sss), a mutant Klein bottle (a failed bottle researched by Dr. K, only you dare not think about it, and dare not install it without it), Permanent lunch box (you can get three dishes and one soup set meal every day, which perfectly solves the player's food problem, and is rated as the most anticipated bug in the survival system), daily fashion experience box (you can get a set of clothing every day, who can refuse Beautiful every day)'

The long broadcast made her very happy, not only the ones above, but also all kinds of food and water, those things could at least guarantee that she would not die within five days.

Take out the summoning card, and the method of using this card will appear immediately in front of you.

Permanent Summoning Card: After the player is bound, he can summon a pet as a companion every day. The pet's attributes are random, and there is a chance to summon pets with special attributes. Yes, players can explore specific functions by themselves.

Summoning pets is already amazing, but can you also get abilities?

I always feel that this ability is not a serious ability!
Jiang Duoduo was not in a hurry to bind, but silently opened the character interface, and the attribute bar showed: Strength 5, Speed ​​5, Stamina 5, Luck 5. She was heartbroken after seeing these five things, and instinctively felt that she The attribute is afraid that it is a new low in the game.

'Congratulations to player Jiang Duoduo, who has obtained the title: I am a Weak Chicken (Permanent). After wearing this title, it can be immune to attacks by other players whose attributes are 5 points higher than the player's! '

And a row of small characters below the title introduces the source: the weakest player gets it.

The one who wanted to cry without tears was talking about her at this time, she hadn't figured out the rules of the game, and she got the weakest game first, and hugged herself tremblingly, not wanting to move, and she didn't dare to move.

The game comes with a backpack with 20 slots, and each slot can stack up to 999. These things from Jiang Duoduo's novice gift pack will be automatically stored in the backpack after the character interface is opened.

Looking at the summoning card in her hand, she said the binding silently, and the summoning card immediately turned into a red light and entered her body, and the summoning card was displayed next to the character on the interface.

Summoning Card: The number of pets that can be summoned is 1 (cooling time is 24 hours).


Immediately, Jiang Duoduo saw a black and white dumpling appearing at his feet. The triangular rice dumpling should not be too obvious.

"Ah, it turned out to be Huahua!"


"What a flower!"


Although it is already the 23rd century, the news about Huahua is still being screened by people. In the panda world, Huahua's top status is unshakable.

This triangular rice ball is so recognizable!

Huahua was no more than half the height of her legs, looked at her cutely, and let out a weak cry, and when she saw the sea around her, the cry became more urgent, she was so frightened that she hugged her leg and shivered.

Jiang Duoduo didn't bother to hug it, because her eyes were attracted by the fluctuations around the raft.

What are those?
I saw small fish rolling one after another on the water surface around the raft, so densely packed that it was impossible to count, and some fish even flew up and jumped onto the raft.

She swallowed her saliva and moved to the side of the raft little by little. In order to prevent the raft from turning over due to uneven force, she squatted down and moved over little by little.

She saw the little fish that were still jumping, and after she approached, they flew towards the raft one by one as if bewitched. She was so frightened that she hurriedly backed away, and was even distracted to find that the raft was very well balanced.

Standing up, I found that the water surface in my field of vision was full of bubbles, and I even saw groups of dolphins approaching at high speed in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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