Chapter 2

A little dolphin jumped onto the raft and moved with difficulty, looking at her with joy in his eyes.

Jiang Duoduo squatted down, held Huahua in her arms, and stretched out her hand to touch the little dolphin. The little dolphin raised its head and let out a joyful cry, which aroused the resonance of many dolphins around.

All of a sudden, the cries of various fish gathered around the entire raft.

And Jiang Duoduo finally realized what the so-called affinity of all things was. At this time, it was just a dolphin. Would it be the same for those whales and sharks?Doesn't that mean that she has a layer of protection in this vast and boundless sea than others?
At this time, she couldn't imagine how much protection she got, but it didn't hinder her fear of this game. Surrounded by these animals, it dissipated a lot.

After playing with those sea creatures for a while, she couldn't resist the drowsiness, and lay on the empty wooden raft with Huahua in her arms, falling asleep.

And this night, I don't know how many players are looking forward to the dawn in fear.

When I woke up again, the sun had already risen. I opened the character panel and looked at the world time on it. It was 3 minutes before eight o'clock, and it was time to distribute the treasure chests mentioned in the announcement.

Anyway, I didn’t have anything, and I didn’t need to clean up. I took out the food and water that I opened yesterday from my backpack, and while I was eating, I looked at the beautiful scenery of the sunshine and the sea, and unexpectedly felt that this day was not bad.

Just don't know how other players are doing?Will it be more beautiful than her life?Is it one more shelter than her?

After thinking about it wildly, 3 minutes passed quickly, and I saw that it was still in the sky, and various boxes were floating and falling slowly.

She thought she had landed on the raft like a novice gift bag, but found that she didn't even land around the raft. When she was floating in the sky, she thought she would land around the raft. But after she fell, it had nothing to do with the surrounding area at all. far enough.

She covered her eyebrows with her hand and looked at the box in the distance. How could she fish for it?jump into the sea?She's just a landlubber, isn't it just that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death?
The nearest box was about five meters away from the raft. If it was on land, it would only take three or two steps, but in the sea, it was like a moat.
Time passed by every minute and every second, Jiang Duoduo was in a hurry, the box was full of experience, even if she didn't play games much, she knew how important experience was in the game.

Huahua lay at her feet, looking at her innocently, humming softly, feeling extremely comfortable.

There are so many sea creatures coming in the early morning, if those little fish can communicate, can they help her pick up the boxes?

How exactly does affinity work?
She remembered that she was just standing on the side, and a lot of fish approached. Does that mean that she was releasing that mysterious affinity all the time?
But now she is standing on the side, why is there no little fish?Even the little dolphins disappeared without a trace!For the first time, she knew how difficult it is to find fish in the sea.

"Is there any triggering condition?"

Jiang Duoduo wandered around the raft, mumbling, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to wake up with her feet in the water, because she didn't sleep well. At that time, she only remembered turning over, her feet were empty, and she woke up.

To be in contact with seawater?
She squatted down and put her hands in the water, and in just a few seconds, the fish surrounded the raft.

Jiang Duoduo tried to communicate with these little fishes. She pointed to the boxes in the distance and said softly, "Little fishes, have you seen those boxes? I need them, can you bring them here for me?"

She couldn't understand the language of the fish, but she could see the movements of those schools of fish. Almost as soon as she finished speaking, the schools of fish swam to the box. touched position.

Jiang Duoduo was overjoyed, and happily touched the fishes that emerged from the water. The other fish, having been inspired, also swam to the distance one after another, brought back the boxes that landed in the distance one by one, placed them around the raft, and leaned out. head.

Seeing this, she didn't favor one over another, and walked around the raft, touching those cute little fish all over.

The little fish were writhing and jumping happily, swimming around the raft, and Jiang Duoduo was very happy while picking up the box and touching the fish.

In the real world, the fish that hadn't been caught in the game was so happy to be touched in the game!

She just wanted to put her waist on her hips, look up to the sky and smile!

One, two, three. Twenty, a total of twenty boxes, she didn't know how many floated down from the sky, but all the boxes within a five-kilometer radius were sent by the fish.

She looked at the character panel, and it took 100 experience points to upgrade to the second level. She opened a box and tried it, and found that it gave 5 experience points. Hey, it's not bad, these boxes can just be upgraded to the first level.

The joy of opening the box is absolutely indescribable.

Jiang Duoduo didn't even bother to see what was opened. Anyway, it was colorful and had everything, and she put it all in her backpack. Soon, the bag was full, and she kept reminding her that the items could not be put in.

I have to sigh, the backpack space is too little.

"When there is nothing, it feels like twenty grids are empty. If there are too many things, twenty grids are not enough at all. The superposition is 999. How do these different types superimpose?"

His eyes fell on the empty boxes full of rafts, huh?The box was not recycled by the game?How did she remember that when the novice box was opened, it disappeared?

She vacated a space and put the box in.

Wait, the same kind can be superimposed, so can these boxes be placed together?What if the box is full?Are they also of the same kind?

First put all the empty boxes into the backpack, and the box that belongs to the box shows the number 10!

Jiang Duoduo was so happy that he released all the things in the backpack, and a large pile of supplies appeared on the small raft, bulging high.

"Ah, I am actually the one who owns so many supplies!"

While counting these supplies, she sorted and packaged them, putting small ones in one piece, big ones in one piece, food piles, and drink piles. She didn't know how much could be put in the box, anyway, let's sort them first.

Try the food first.

I don't know how much the survival system likes buns. Among the food given, buns account for 80.00%, and the rest are all kinds of buns and pastries.

Jiang Duoduo had to rejoice that this game would never expire as long as he put things in his backpack, otherwise it would be a pity to throw them away if he couldn't finish eating them!

In the real world, after a month of disasters, she had eaten enough buns, and now she felt pantothenic acid in her stomach when she saw them.

"Fortunately, there is a food box!"

(End of this chapter)

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