Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 101 101 Doubt Miss Cheng

Chapter 101 101. Doubting Miss Cheng
Logically speaking, if that box of pastries was really given by Miss Cheng, without the help of Ji Yanli's people, that box of pastries would definitely not be delivered to Ji Yanli.

It's not that Shen Qing is arrogant.There is always a special person in charge of taking care of the food during the season banquet on weekdays.Seasonal banquets never eat things of unknown origin.

However, this box of pastries not only appeared in the room of the season banquet, but also had an inexplicable relationship with himself.

She had thought of helping Miss Cheng before, but it was definitely not in this way.


Shen Qing's series of questions completely confused Miss Cheng.

After a long time, Miss Cheng frowned and said, "I made the pastry myself, I made various shapes, and even put a heart shape.

I specially made this box of pastries. I heard that Ji Yanli likes to eat Qianweijue’s pastries, so I spent a lot of money to ask people from Qianweijue to help me replace the box of pastries with Qianweijue’s unique pastries. box. "

Shen Qing asked, "After that, you asked someone from Qianweijue to deliver you pastries?"

"how come."

Miss Cheng pursed her lips in distaste, "I made the pastries myself, so of course I sent them out myself."

Delivered in person?

Shen Qing frowned slightly.

Whoever gave it to, it can't be Ji Yanli himself!
Shen Qing frowned more and more, "Who did you give that pastry to?"

Miss Cheng looked at her like an idiot, "Of course it was given to the Lehua Gate. Who in the whole Yuncheng doesn't know that Lehua Gate is the site of the Ji Banquet."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, silently accepting Miss Cheng's contempt.

"Then do you remember what the waiter looked like?"

Miss Cheng said proudly, "Of course I remember it. Although I belong to Lehuamen, but I handed over my pastry to him, and I was worried that others would steal it."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched again.

It was the first time Miss Cheng made such an ugly pastry, and the waiter was not blind, so how could he steal it.

Shen Qing didn't dare to say this.

She remembered something else.

She remembered that Ji Ying said that when the waiter brought the pastry up, he kept saying that it was the pastry that Shen Qing bought himself.

Since it was delivered by Miss Cheng herself, why did the waiter say that it was bought by Shen Qing herself?

Shen Qing didn't wonder for long.

Because in the next second, Miss Cheng approached mysteriously and said, "I heard that before the season banquet, I had sent you to Qianweijue to buy pastries. They misunderstood that you bought the pastry."

Shen Qing frowned even tighter.

That being said, all the details make sense.But why did she feel that things were so far-fetched?
Especially Cheng Min.

Cheng Min was very clear about the season banquet asking her to buy pastries.And she also knew to use Shen Qing's name to send this pastry to Ji Banquet.

Is Miss Cheng out of her mind?

Judging from these things, Miss Cheng can't just be a brainless young lady.

Shen Qing looked at Cheng Min with a flicker of eyes.

If the ignorance she showed before was all an illusion, then what she revealed intentionally or unintentionally at this moment is that she is not as ignorant as others imagined, why is that?
And the waiter Qian Weijue, why did he suddenly disappear, and what is his connection with this pastry?
Let's just think that the person who disappeared from Qianweijue has something to do with this incident.

Then, according to Cheng Min, the waiter was only involved in changing the box of the pastry.What else would prompt that person to leave suddenly?

Was his departure voluntary or involuntary?
Shen Qing's brain was running fast.

In the past few days, she has been checking about cakes every day.

If Cheng Min had bumped into her a few days earlier, she might have thought that it was just like what Cheng Min said, because Cheng Min loved Ji Yanli, and specially used her name to send the cakes to Ji Yanli.

This was before Cheng Min came, she had never given up her doubts about Qian Weijue, and even found out a lot of things by mistake.

So now, even if Cheng Min admits that she did it, she doesn't believe it will be so simple.

"Shen Qing, what are you thinking, thinking so engrossed?"

A figure was reflected in Leng Buding's eyes, and Shen Qing took a few steps back before he could barely stand still.

Shen Qing looked at Cheng Min and said, "What are you doing so close to me?"

Cheng Min was quite aggrieved, "I called you a few times and you didn't agree, so I just wanted to see what you were thinking."

Shen Qing took a deep breath.

Thinking of the suspicion in her heart, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at Cheng Min.

Cheng Min was a little terrified by her eyes, "What are you looking at me like that for?"

Shen Qing grinned, "I was wondering what kind of person you are."

Cheng Min's heart skipped a beat.

Shen Qing smiled, and continued, "In the past, I always couldn't figure out why such a smart person as Governor Cheng would have such a beautiful and brainless daughter like Miss Cheng.

But now, I have suddenly changed my opinion of you a lot. I think Miss Cheng is a very wise and intelligent person. What does Miss Cheng think? "

Cheng Min's expression remained unchanged, his eyebrows were raised, first he was angry, then he said proudly, "Ms. Ben is extremely smart."

Shen Qing lowered her eyes silently.

Cheng Min's expression was flawless.

So, is she pretending, or is she really like this?
Could it be that the idea of ​​giving the cakes to the season banquet under her guise was really her mistake?
Are there really so many coincidences in the world?
Shen Qing didn't think for long.

Cheng Min said, "You asked me so many questions, you have to tell me, did you eat my pastries at the banquet?"

"I didn't eat."

"Ah. Didn't eat."

Cheng Min was a little disappointed, "Could it be that what I did didn't suit his taste?"

Shen Qing is now in a state of disarray.Especially when she even doubted Cheng Min now, this confusion was magnified countless times.Therefore, she was not polite in answering Cheng Min.

"It's not that your cakes are not to your liking, but your people are not to your liking."

Shen Qing's straightforwardness made Cheng Min dumbfounded.

Shen Qingdao, "If a person is to your liking, even if she cooks simple food, the other party will be able to eat delicacies from mountains and seas. If a person is not to your liking, even if she cooks simple food from mountains and seas, the other party will think it is simple food from mountains and seas."

Shen Qing stared at Cheng Min with inquiring eyes, "You're so smart, you probably don't understand this truth."

Cheng Min was slightly taken aback.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, chopping her feet and deflated her mouth in an instant, as if she was about to cry, "I don't believe it."

If it wasn't for suspecting that Cheng Min's usual behavior was just a disguise, Shen Qing wouldn't have said what he said today.

However, the words that are spoken are the water that is poured out.

Shen Qing shrugged, "There's nothing you can do if you don't believe it. The third master really didn't even touch your pastry."

(End of this chapter)

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