Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 102 Chapter 102

Chapter 102 102. This Pastry Is Poisonous

Shen Qing felt that she was very irrational today.

However, if she could find out Cheng Min's details, she felt that today's irrationality would be worth it.Even if it can't be detected, there is no loss.

Regardless of whether Cheng Min is as she has shown, she does not plan to have any contact with Cheng Min after today.

She claims that she is not a smart person. She is not curious about those who don't know the details, but she will stay away from them.

The pastry matter needs to be investigated further, but Shen Qing has not yet figured out which direction to investigate.

Regarding the pastry, she already had several possible guesses.Among them, what kind of role Cheng Min played in it, Shen Qing couldn't guess for the time being.

However, she firmly remembered what Cheng Min said.

At night, Shen Qing strung together the news he found out again.

The people involved in this box of pastries include Qianweijue's buddy, Ms. Cheng, and the waiter from Lehuamen who has come into contact with this box of pastries.

The box of pastries itself was made by Miss Cheng. On the surface, her purpose was to show her love.

However, there was a problem with Qianweijue's guy, and the pastry incident happened, and the guy disappeared.

Is there something wrong with the pastry itself?
Shen Qing pursed her lips seriously, stared at the pastry for a long time, and finally, just to be on the safe side, decided to check both the pastry and the box to see if there was any problem.

Shen Qing went directly to Ji Ying.

In fact, Shen Qing didn't hide it from Ji Ying when she checked the information these days.Even if there is any need, she will take the initiative to ask Ji Ying for help.

Ji Ying knew better than him what to investigate and who to employ.

Today's matter is no longer an ordinary box of pastries, Shen Qing is very cautious about it.

As soon as Shen Qing handed over the cakes to Ji Ying and asked him to get someone to help him inspect them, the news reached Ji Yanli.

In the room, there were a lot of documents piled up on the table of the Season Banquet. These were telegrams from all over the place and needed to be processed by the Season Banquet.

Ji Yanli rubbed the center of his brows, glanced at the empty side door, and felt his head hurt even more.

For the past few days, Shen Qing stayed in the original room temporarily for the sake of convenience.He hadn't seen her for several days.

Just as he was thinking, footsteps came from the door, followed by Ji Ying's voice, "Third Master, I have something to report."

"Come in."

Ji Ying pushed the door open and entered, holding a pastry box in her hand.The pastry box looked very familiar, Ji Yanli couldn't help but startled.

He didn't forget that he gave Shen Qing this box of pastries before.

Ji Ying took a few steps closer, bowed slightly and said, "Third Master, I just met Shen Qing, and this is what Shen Qing gave to my subordinates."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and said in an unhappy tone, "What did she give you this box of pastries for?"

"Shen Qing asked his subordinates to help check if there is anything wrong with this pastry."

Speaking of this, Ji Ying hesitated, "Third Master, I don't know if I should tell Shen Qing about the problem with the pastry."

The season banquet was unexpected.

"She has already begun to doubt the pastry, she is not stupid."

Ji Yanli's eyebrows stretched, and he said unhurriedly, "Since she has already found this place, it's okay to tell her."

Knowing that there is a problem with the pastry, thinking about it, it is not far from discovering the truth.

Ji Yanli looked at the deserted side door.It's time to add some popularity to this room.

Shen Qing has been busy these few days, running very diligently.Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and a box of pastries finally allowed her to find out the clues.

Qianweijue's buddy, formerly known as Xiaohuzi, was once favored by Lu Xiong.I have inquired about the season banquet overtly and secretly.Especially recently, his secret tricks have become more and more frequent.

But a few days ago, he went out with his distant cousin, and he never heard from him again.


After Shen Qing found out the details of Qianweijue's buddy, she put her focus on the pastry again.

Fortunately, Ji Ying did not disappoint her, but in just two or three days, the pastry test results came out.

The pastry was really drugged. The drug was not fatal, but it was tricky enough.

The buddy of Qianweijue has a grudge against Ji Yanli, and the pastry has passed through the hands of the buddy, so there is a high possibility of being poisoned.Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that Cheng Min poisoned the pastry.

However, the possibility of her poisoning is not ruled out.

Shen Qing had already decided to stay away from Cheng Min, but when she was involved, Shen Qing had no choice but to approach her with the cheek.

As a human being, there will always be times when we show our flaws.

Shen Qing didn't deliberately approach Cheng Min either, Cheng Min approached him by himself.

That night
Lehua Gate, at the bar.

After Shen Qing found out about Qian Weijue's buddy, it was rare for him to come out to relax.

Shen Qing ordered a glass of Coke.Before the coke reached her mouth, a figure next to her sat down beside her very naturally.

It's Cheng Min.

Miss Cheng was so proud that she pointed at Shen Qing's Coke and said, "Give me a cup that is exactly the same."

Shen Qing didn't even give her a look.

What Shen Qing said that day, logically speaking, according to Cheng Min's character, he should have alienated her.

But now, Cheng Min took the initiative to post it to find himself.Whether Cheng Min is pretending or not seems to be a bit intriguing.

Shen Qing ignored her, and Cheng Min felt restless.

She stared at Shen Qing with burning eyes, neither speaking nor disturbing.Wherever Shen Qing went, she followed.

Shen Qing was impatient with her following, so she turned her head and said politely with indifferent eyes, "Miss Cheng, can you stop following me?"

The more Shen Qing was like this, the more anxious Cheng Min became.When Shen Qing spoke that day, she thought that Shen Qing was cheating on her, so she froze and did not show any flaws.

But today is different.Because she saw indifference and alienation in Shen Qing's eyes.

Shen Qing really wanted to alienate her.

This knowledge made Cheng Min panic, she subconsciously grabbed Shen Qing's sleeve.

Shen Qing frowned, "Miss Cheng, let go!"

Shen Qing wanted to pull the sleeve of her clothes out of Cheng Min's hand, but she pulled it, but it didn't.

At this moment, Shen Qing didn't know what to think of, and his eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously.

Shen Qing is a martial artist, needless to say her hand strength.She also exhausted all her strength when she pulled the sleeve just now, but she didn't pull it out.

Clothes are slippery, logically speaking, Cheng Min should not be able to catch them.

The suspicion in Shen Qing's heart was even worse.

Her eyes turned slightly, her clothes were pulled by her, she felt helpless, "Miss Cheng, what are you doing?"

While speaking, Shen Qing suddenly raised his leg and kicked Cheng Min.Cheng Min dodged subconsciously, narrowly dodging Shen Qing's attack, and subconsciously let go of Shen Qing's sleeve.

With a half-smile, Shen Qing looked Cheng Min up and down, and said sarcastically, "Miss Cheng is very skilled."

Cheng Min pursed his lips immediately.

Shen Qing smiled and said, "That day, when I asked Miss Cheng to go back to invite a martial arts master, Miss Cheng must have been joking in her heart for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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