Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 103 Chapter 103

Chapter 103 103. Cheng Min's Disguise

When the matter was revealed, Cheng Min didn't bother to pretend anymore.

There was no one around, she said seriously, "Shen Qing, listen to my explanation. I pretended to be like this for a reason, and I didn't mean to lie to you, let alone laugh at you in my heart."

Shen Qing was neither happy nor angry, and listened to her explanation with a smile.

Cheng Min said, "That day you asked me to go back to practice martial arts, and you said that in this world, I will always be able to use it in the future. I am very touched. Those words, in fact, you want to be good to me from the bottom of your heart, right?"


Shen Qing did not deny it.

At that time, she also felt that Cheng Min's young lady had a bad temper, and her nature was not bad, so she felt compassion and said that on purpose.

It's really for her own good.

Shen Qing said again, "Since Miss Cheng is grateful for my kindness, why do you want to hide yourself from me?
It's fine if you keep hiding it, but you have to expose yourself in this pastry matter.

Miss Cheng, I cannot understand your behavior. "

Cheng Min sighed, "I really wanted to keep hiding it, but what you said reminded me. You said that Ji Yanli would not like a woman like me."

Cheng Min's performance was unrestrained and generous, and he looked a bit generous.

Shen Qing fell silent.

This kind of woman is the kind of woman that Ji Yanli would like.

Shen Qing felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't tell where she was uncomfortable, she felt stuffy and uncomfortable in her heart.

Cheng Min continued, "What I showed weakly before was all illusions, but my admiration for Season's Banquet is sincere. I really like Season's Banquet."

Shen Qing suppressed the boredom in his heart, and smiled, "Miss Cheng's current appearance is much more pleasing to the eye than she showed before."

Cheng Min also smiled, "Now that I've confessed, I wonder if you can forgive me for deceiving me before?"

As she said that, she bowed in Shen Qing's direction and said, "The deception before was my fault."

Everyone has apologized so carefully, if Shen Qing insists on holding on, it will appear a little too ungrateful.

Shen Qing just gave up, "I said, friends should be honest. Since you are honest with me, I will treat you as a friend."

Cheng Min's eyes lit up instantly, "Would you still help me with the pursuit of the season banquet?"

"No help!"

Shen Qing is not stupid.

The pastry matter has not been investigated clearly, and she cannot step on the same minefield twice.

After hearing her crisp answer, Cheng Min was a little dumbfounded.

But she quickly tugged on Shen Qing's sleeve with a smile, "Help me, I'll give you all my money."

Is she planning to bribe herself?
Shen Qing rolled her eyes and bent her eyes, "I don't want your money. However, if you promise me one request, I will promise to help you build a bridge."

"any request?"

Cheng Min was a little wary.

"It's not a big deal." Shen Qing said with a smile, "I think you have a good skill just now. Why don't you play a few games with me?"

"Okay, it's a deal."

The two reached a consensus and went directly to the third floor.Hearing that Shen Qing was going to compete with others, the waiters reflexively took a few steps back.

Shen Qing's reckless style of play before has been passed down in the gang to this day.But among all the brothers in the gang, there is no one who does not know Shen Qing.

Seeing the waiter take a few steps back, Cheng Min had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Hearing the fight, these waiters didn't say they were in high spirits, so why would they stay away.

Cheng Min said cautiously, "Shen Qing, I think I need to seriously consider the conditions just now."

Shen Qing didn't care, "You think about it."

Cheng Min thought for a while, "Shen Qing, I think... can we change the terms?"


Cheng Min was very annoyed by Shen Qing's reticent attitude.

Cheng Min's eyes turned slightly, but he was not discouraged, and began to pester Shen Qing.

"Shen Qing, you can mention anything except fighting, okay?"

"Shen Qing, just help me, I really like the season banquet."


Shen Qing dislikes being pestered by soft words the most.If it is tied tightly, she will be embarrassed.

However, Cheng Min seemed to have figured out this point of her, and he was very good at pestering people.

Shen Qingzheng didn't know what to do, Ji Ying came out to relieve Shen Qing, "Miss Cheng, the third master is here to invite you."

"What did you say, Ji Yanli invited me to see him?"

Ji Ying is noncommittal.

Cheng Min was flattered, but Shen Qing was very surprised.

Cheng Min has never been in the eyes of the third master.Cheng Min only admitted his disguise today, and Ji Yanli is going to meet her later?

It seems that I guessed it right, Season Banquet really likes this one.

Shen Qing twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

Ji Ying looked back at her expressionlessly, "Shen Qing, don't be in a daze, the third master calls you to be on duty, you can't be lazy."

Shen Qing was dumbfounded.

She has been working so hard for the past few days to investigate, but she doesn't even give her a day off.

Shen Qing had no choice but to keep up, thinking that he would face the season banquet later, Shen Qing's head got a little big.

The Season Banquet is relatively free today, when Shen Qing and the others entered, the Season Banquet was watering the flowers.

The pot of ugly flowers that had been cut by Shen Qing was even more eye-catching than those exotic flowers and weeds.

Too ugly to look straight at.

Although there are new leaves growing out, it should still be ugly.

Just like this, not only did Ji Yanli not throw out the flowers, but he even had the leisure and elegance to water them?
It's really hard to guess the leader's mind.


Ji Yanli watched several people come in, and greeted with a smile, "Miss Cheng, sit down as you please."

Cheng Min found a place to sit down, and said generously, "Master."

Ji Yanli nodded slightly, looked at Shen Qing again, and said bluntly, "What are you doing there, why don't you hurry over here."

Shen Qing went over as she said, and stood beside Ji Yanli without squinting.

Ji Ying went out and closed the door by the way.There were only three people left in the room, and one of them was still watering the flowers.

Shen Qing really couldn't figure out what Ji Yanli wanted them to do.

After the season banquet finished watering the flowers in an orderly manner, he sat down unhurriedly.

"Miss Cheng, please stay safe."

Miss Cheng said at the right time, "Third Master, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

This is the first time Ji Yanli invites Cheng Min to live by himself, which is a great vanity.

Cheng Min was delighted.

She couldn't help but said, "The third master asked me to come up, is there something?"

"There is indeed something."

Ji Yanli took a meaningful look at her, "A few days ago, Ms. Cheng sent a box of pastries over here. Do you still remember, Miss Cheng?"

When the season banquet mentions pastries, Shen Qing's eyebrows

Just a wrinkle, but Cheng Min was full of shyness.

She nodded reservedly, neither humble nor overbearing, "I remember."

This is an admission that the pastry was sent by her.

Ji Yanli smiled, "It's a gift from Miss Cheng."

As he spoke, he called towards the door, "Ji Ying."

After the words fell, Ji Ying walked in with a pastry box.

(End of this chapter)

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