Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 104 1043 Master is very cooperative

Chapter 104 104. The third master is very cooperative

Cheng Min recognized it at a glance, it was the box of pastries she sent to Ji Yanli.

Her eyes flickered imperceptibly.

Shen Qing looked at Cheng Min's expression, her heart sank.

Actually.She has been observing Cheng Min since Cheng Min came in.

Season banquets will not invite people to their study for no reason.

When the season banquet invited Cheng Min into the study, she had a premonition.As for what this premonition was, she couldn't tell.

Cheng Min and Ji Yanli have no intersection, the only intersection that can be counted is this box of poisonous pastries.

Could it be that Cheng Min gave the poison?
Shen Qing frowned slightly.

The pastry was given by Cheng Min, would Cheng Min really be so stupid as to poison with the pastry he sent?
Shen Qing couldn't figure it out, so she quietly stayed beside Ji Yanli, quietly observing Cheng Min's every move.

The fact that Cheng Min was invited here by the season banquet is enough to show that Cheng Min is by no means simple.

Ji Ying brought in the pastries, and the box of pastries was neatly placed on the table.

"Miss Cheng, do you still recognize this box of pastries?"

There was a warm smile on Ji Yanli's face, his tone was unhurried, and he looked quite gentle.

Shen Qing knew that Ji Yanli was not a gentle and refined person.

Cheng Min showed a hint of surprise at the right time, and then smiled, "This is a pastry made by myself, so I recognize it naturally."

The season banquet hooked his lips, "I'm afraid you haven't tasted the cakes that Miss Cheng made herself. How about, Miss Cheng try it now?"

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched.

It has been several days since this pastry was delivered to Lehuamen.After such a long time, even the best pastry will be spoiled.

The season banquet called Cheng Min up, just to let her eat this box of poisonous pastries?

Shen Qing wanted to laugh inexplicably.

If the poison was really poisoned by Cheng Min, would Cheng Min eat poisonous cakes?
Shen Qing's face was tense, and he stared at Cheng Min with burning eyes.

Cheng Min's complexion didn't change at all, and he was delighted to hear the request of Ji Banquet, "The third master invites me to eat such a meaningful pastry, I am naturally very happy."

Ji Yanli's face remained unchanged, and he glanced at Ji Ying indifferently.

Ji Ying received the gaze, and immediately stepped forward, opened the pastry box, "Miss Cheng, please."

The pastry case opens to reveal the pastry shape inside.Still the original crooked heart shape.

Fortunately, the pastry itself is dry, and there is no mold or worry.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Min picked up a piece of pastry with his fingers and tasted it lightly.

With just one mouthful, she frowned slightly, but in an instant, her brows relaxed, as if the moment of frowning just now was just someone else's illusion.

Shen Qing's heart sank, and she became even more wary of Cheng Min.Cheng Min's camouflage skills are too strong, and she can hold her breath quite well.

Especially the season banquet made her eat pastries that had been stored for a long time, and this box of pastries was poisonous.This is already a blatant slap in the face.

However, Cheng Min was able to eat cakes with his face changed, and he didn't show any clues on his face.

Such people often do not give up until they reach their goals.How could she take the initiative to talk to such a person back then?
Shen Qing frowned, thinking of the scene when she first met Cheng Min.

At that time, she was just a complete spoiled young lady.Such a person made her gradually relax her vigilance...

She doesn't like people like Cheng Min.

Shen Qing pursed her lips and stared at the expression on Cheng Min's face seriously.She wanted to see where the flaws of such a person who was good at disguising were.

Cheng Min took another bite of the pastry, eating slowly.

Ji Yanli looked at it lightly, "How is it?"

Cheng Min pulled his lips and smiled, "The cakes given by the third master are naturally unique, and I like them very much."

It is said that if you like someone, in your eyes, everything she does is good.If you don't like a person, in your eyes, anything she does is disgusting.

Shen Qing is in this state now.

Knowing Cheng Min's disguise, Shen Qing looked at Cheng Min again and felt that she was pretending in everything.

Now she said that the cakes presented by Ji Banquet were delicious, and Shen Ting was very upset to hear that.

She rolled her eyes and said in a low voice, "Third Master."

Ji Yanli turned his head slightly, "Huh?"

Shen Qing said evil-heartedly, "I see that Miss Cheng likes to eat cakes very much. I remember that Miss Li, Miss Wang and Miss Sun both sent cakes to the third master. Why don't my subordinates take the cakes and give them to Cheng?" Miss, the cakes are fresh, unlike this box, after a long time, there are probably worms."

Shen Qing deliberately said disgusting, Cheng Min's hand holding the pastry froze indiscernibly, and his face seemed to be a little pale.

Ji Yanli lifted his eyelids, and gave Shen Qing a meaningful look, "Miss Li, Miss Wang, Miss Sun?"

Shen Qing's heart skipped a beat.

Where is there such a thing as Miss Li, Miss Wang, and Miss Sun, it's just her nonsense.But looking at Ji Yanli's appearance, he seems to have misunderstood himself?

Shen Qing was in a hurry.

These days living in Lehua Gate, there are indeed some daughters who covet Ji Yanli's beauty secretly and want to give Ji Yanli something.

Those people didn't know where they knew that she was by the third master's side, and they often gave gifts to Shen Qing in different ways.Shen Qing basically treats them equally.

The refusal that should be rejected, the cold face that should be cold.

Cheng Min alone, she is an exception.


The deep and pleasant voice made Shen Qing in a dilemma.

She said that Ms. Li, Ms. Wang, and Ms. Sun were the ones who sent the cakes. If you want to deny it now, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

Shen Qing blinked and continued, "Although Miss Li, Miss Wang, Miss Sun and the others politely refused the cakes they sent over. But those young ladies are very persistent, and they will send thousands of cakes every day almost unshakably. Delicious pastries over here.

The subordinates see that Miss Cheng likes to eat cakes given by others, why not accept the cakes from Miss Li, Miss Wang, and Miss Sun today, and then borrow flowers to thank Buddha and give them to Miss Cheng, Miss Cheng will definitely like them. "

Ji Yanli thought about it very cooperatively, and then turned around and asked Cheng Min, "What do you think, Miss Cheng?"

Cheng Min's face was unnatural, but he still smiled and said, "I appreciate the kindness of the third master, but the cakes are fine."

After all, I didn't eat the pastry in the box after all.

Shen Qing wanted to laugh a little.

It seems that the word worm that came out of her mouth really disgusted her.

Shen Qing grinned and said, "Miss Cheng, you're welcome, eat more. I'm just kidding, the weather is cold now, it's no big deal to let the cakes sit for a few days, there won't be any bugs."

Ji Yanli did not blame Shen Qing for talking too much, but casually played with the jade wrench on hand and said, "If Miss Cheng likes it, then eat more. If you can finish it, that would be the best."

(End of this chapter)

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