Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 111 Chapter 111

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you concerned about me?"

Shen Qing was stunned.

This question is asking, as a subordinate, shouldn't the boss care about his subordinates?

Could it be that Ji Yanli didn't like that he cared too much about his affairs?
Shen Qing felt that she was the truth.


Shen Qing hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes and said, "Third Master, you have a kind heart and treat your subordinates like brothers, so your subordinates naturally care about you."

Ji Yanli pursed her lips and remained silent.

Shen Qing watched, maybe he was a little unhappy?

Fortunately, although the leader was unhappy, he didn't mean to embarrass his subordinates.

That's all for the season banquet.

"Okay, you go down first."

After Shen Qing walked a few steps, he heard Ji Yanli's voice say calmly, "Rest early today, and go to Qingyuan Temple tomorrow morning."

Go to Qingyuan Temple tomorrow?
She remembered that Ji Ying didn't seem to be here today, and she didn't know if she could come back tomorrow.

But this is not something Shen Qing should consider.

Shen Qing was surprised for less than a second, and hurriedly bowed and said, "This subordinate knows, thank you, Third Master, for reminding me."

Shen Qing went out, Ji Ban Ji called Ji Wu to come in again, Shen Qing guessed that it might be a matter of asking Ji Wu to arrange to go to Qingyuan Temple.

The next morning, Shen Qing woke up early.

There are also two huge dark circles hanging on her face.

There's no way, her aunt hasn't passed yet, and she was in pain for most of the night yesterday, so she couldn't sleep well.

After she got up, she changed into her usual clothes, white and black trousers, and put on another coat.

The coat was so big that it covered her whole body, making her appear smaller.

After Shen Qing got up, she found that the season banquet had already woken up.As soon as Shen Qing went out, he bumped into Ji Yanli.

"Third Master."

Shen Qing greeted Ji Yanli with a smile.

Ji Yanli looked up at her, his gaze stayed on her two huge dark circles for a moment, and said softly, "Did you not sleep well yesterday?"

Shen Qing was a little embarrassed.

She rubbed her nose, and replied a little embarrassedly, "Your subordinate really didn't sleep well yesterday."


Shen Qing looked embarrassed.

Thinking of the culprit who caused her not sleeping well all night, Shen Qing sighed silently.There is also a faint sadness in my heart.

Seeing Ji Yanli's gaze, Shen Qing thought of an excuse, "Perhaps I had a bad stomach after eating, and my stomach hurts in the middle of the night."

The season banquet was silent for a moment, "There is a serious problem."

Shen Qing grinned and said, "Thank you, Third Master, this subordinate is much better this morning."

The season banquet stopped talking.

As soon as he spoke, there was a knock on the door. Shen Qing went to look at the door, and happened to meet Ji Ying.

Seeing Ji Ying, Shen Qing was a little surprised, and then said happily and excitedly, "Brother Ji, are you back?"

It can be considered that someone has replaced him. During these few days of menstrual period, Shen Qing understood the importance of Ji Ying.


Ji Ying came in with a blank face, still wondering why Shen Qing was so excited to see him.

Ji Ying is here to deliver breakfast.

After breakfast, Ji Yanli took people to prepare to go to Qingyuan Temple.

Shen Qing took her own things and waited in front of the car early.

The car for the season banquet was a Buick off-road vehicle, Shen Qing liked it very much, standing in front of the car eager to try it out.

When Ji Yanli brought people out, he saw Shen Qing touching and touching the Buick off-road vehicle.It's like a playful child who suddenly gets a toy he likes very much, and he can't put it down.

With that concentrated appearance, Yan Jiyan and his party didn't even know it when they came out.

She looks like she has come from the countryside with her new appearance.

Ji Wu couldn't hold back, and coughed lightly twice.

Hearing the coughing sound behind him, Shen Qing reluctantly withdrew his hands, and when he turned his head, he saw Ji Yanli and others walking out, Ji Ying and Ji Wu were also there.

Shen Qing: ...


"Third Master, you are out."

Shen Qing concealed his embarrassment and greeted with a smile.

As the season banquet approached, he couldn't help but smile, "Like this car?"


Lifting the car, Shen Qing's eyes sparkled, "This subordinate has never driven such a beautiful car before."

Ji Ying's eyes are slightly deep.

What Shen Qing said was that he had never opened it, not that he had never seen it.

Shen Qing didn't care what Ji Ying was thinking.

When she spoke, the car door had already been opened like a dog's leg, "Master, please."

Ji Yanli got into the car, followed by Ji Ying, Shen Qing was eager to try, "Third Master, can you let the subordinates drive this time?"

The season banquet was unexpected, "Do you want to drive?"

Shen Qing nodded vigorously, with an unconcealable excitement in his eyes, "The third master said before that he was going to Qingyuan Temple, and this subordinate specially checked the route to Qingyuan."

Shen Qing used to have good driving skills, and even won a provincial racing championship.

Coming here, she hasn't driven for a long time.In particular, this Buick off-road vehicle was only seen once in the museum at that time, and it was far less shocking than what I saw now.

Ji Wu was skeptical, and his tone was tentative, "Shen Qing, aren't you from the countryside? Do you have a car in the countryside? I've never heard that you can drive before."

Shen Qing chuckled, "I'm very talented, I've seen others drive it before, so I know how to drive it."

"Hearing you say that, I'm even more worried!"

When she said this, not only Ji Wu was worried, but even Ji Ying was a little worried, "Let Ji Wu drive. Ji Wu has been driving for some years, and his skills must be better than yours."

Shen Qing was unhappy when she heard this, "How do you know that Ji Wu's driving skills must be better than mine?"

For some reason, whenever she talks to Ji Ying, she always gets angry.

Seeing the two people's big eyes and small eyes, neither of them convinced the other, Ji Wu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, this car doesn't work, and it doesn't work.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long, Ji Yanli raised his eyelids and glanced at Shen Qing, "Drive steadily."

This is clearly asking Shen Qing to drive.

Shen Qingxin was overjoyed, and said happily, "Thank you, Third Master."

She happily got into the driving seat, and at the end, she did not forget to give Ji Ying a provocative look.

Ji Ying was silent.

I was a little worried about Shen Qing's driving skills.

Fortunately, Shen Qing looked thin and frail, so he drove very steadily.The Buick SUV is huge, but in Shen Qing's hands, it is like a toy.

Pedestrians coming and going on the street were also clearly avoided by him, and his driving skills were steady.

Season Banquet was originally closing his eyes to rest his mind, the car swung its tail beautifully, he opened his eyes and glanced at the driver's seat in front, "The car drives well."

Shen Ting understood that Ji Yanli's words were pure praises of her, without any element of doubt in it.

Shen Qing grinned, and followed his words and boasted, "This subordinate has already said that as long as the third master needs it, this subordinate can learn anything and everything. This subordinate is not bragging."

Ji Yanli said lazily, "Really?"

Shen Qing wasn't sure whether Ji Yanli's words were a compliment or a derogation, but he still said, "Third Master, my subordinates can drive, fight, write articles, cook... In short, there are many subordinates who can do it." .”

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