Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 112 Chapter 112

And she can predict the future.

Shen Qing silently added.

By the way, the prophet of the unknown!
Shen Qing secretly thought about whether to lie to Ji Yanli that she could tell fortunes, but tell him that he would be in danger at Cheng Yunting's birthday party.

Ji Yanli didn't know the messy thoughts in her mind, so he only said jokingly, "You can do anything, but you can still cut flowers into such an ugly look?"

Shen Qing: "..."

Didn't he just accidentally cut off a pot of flowers for him? As for holding grudges like this?

Ji Wu couldn't hold back, and laughed outright.

No, he has also seen the potted flower that was destroyed by Shen Qing.

At the beginning, he wondered who put such a pot of extremely ugly flowers in front of the third master, and he was not afraid that the third master would be angry.

Later, I don't know who told me that Shen Qing was punished by the third master for this incident.

Shen Qing was immediately dejected, "This subordinate thinks that the subordinate's cut is pretty good. Ugly to the extreme is also a different kind of beauty."

Season Banquet laughed, "Smart teeth."

Qingyuan Temple is relatively far away, and it took three hours to drive there.The car stopped smoothly at the foot of Qingshan Temple.

There are not many monks in the temple, but compared to other temples, it is much better.

After all, with the season banquet, the monks in this temple will not be unable to survive.

In this era, many monks couldn't survive and could only go down the mountain to make a living, and some didn't want to live in this era and went directly to join the army.

When Ji Yanli and his group entered, the monk who opened the door didn't seem to know Ji Yanli, but seeing that the pedestrian's outfit was not like ordinary pilgrims, he directly blocked them from the door.

"Benefactor, I'm sorry. We don't accept guests on the mountain for the time being."

The monk clasped his hands together, watching the season banquet with vigilance in his eyes, but his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

Hold the grass!

Isn't this monk fat, dare to refuse Jiang Ji's banquet?

At this time, it's time for the dog legs to play.

Shen Qing took a step forward and persuaded him with nice words, "Little master, we are not here to make trouble. You should let us in, even if you don't let us in, you have to call your master over."

This monk doesn't know Ji Yanli, so her master should know Ji Yanli.

Shen Qing wanted to talk and talk, but that little monk's heart was like eating a weight, and he let people in no matter what he said.

Shen Qing wanted to explain again, but Ji Yanli didn't have that much patience, "What happened in the temple?"

When Ji Yanli asked this sentence, the little monk instantly became more vigilant.

"Who are you!"

Ji Wu frowned, "You are a monk in the temple, and you don't even know the third master."

Third master?

The little monk was obviously confused.

Fortunately, at this time, the monk in charge passed by, and heard the voice speaking outside the door was Ji Wu.

Looking at the people stopped outside the door, Hun'er was almost scared away.

Why did this idiot block the famous Third Master Ji from the door.

The monk in charge gave Mu Kongkong a push, and quickly greeted him with a smile, "I don't know who it is, so it's you, the third master. Please come in quickly, the third master."

Saying so, he opened both doors of the temple, and pushed Mu Kongkong by the way, "You idiot, why are your eyes so clumsy, you dare to stop even Ji Sanye... What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and give it to the distinguished guest A place to eat and live."

Mukongkong was so wronged, he held his breath and went to prepare food and accommodation.

He doesn't know Third Master Ji!

The monk in charge didn't care what Mu Kongkong thought, his face almost turned into a flower with a smile, and he couldn't stop apologizing to the season banquet.

"Third Master, please don't blame him. Mu Kongkong is a relative of the abbot, and his family members are gone, so the abbot took him into the temple. This kid is good in everything, but he has a straight temper, clumsy eyes, and doesn't recognize people."

He said with a sigh.

"A few days ago, a pilgrim was introduced to the mountain, and the pilgrim stayed overnight with an excuse, but he didn't expect to have two intentions. The pilgrim brought some people over the next day, ran amok in the temple, arrested several people and left."

"Mu Kongkong was probably frightened that day, so every time a pilgrim came over, he would question him vigilantly."

Shen Ting frowned.

Arresting people in a temple?

She couldn't help asking, "Who exactly did the pilgrim bring, and why are they so bold?"

The monk in charge glanced at Shen Qing indistinctly.

Shen Qing felt a little uncomfortable at that glance, and couldn't help frowning.The monk in charge laughed and said, "Those people look like people from the enemy country."

Shen Qing didn't say much this time.

Ji Yanli was not very polite, and kicked the steward of the temple to the ground.

The accident came a little suddenly.

On the surface, it seemed that Ji Yanli was looking for trouble for nothing, and kicked the temple steward for no reason.

But Shen Qing always believed that the Ji Banquet would not be aimless.The monk in charge of this temple must have a problem!


The steward of the temple who was kicked suddenly drew his gun, Shen Qing's eyes were sharp, and he felt a dark light flash in front of his eyes.

"Third Master, be careful."

Shen Qing pushed the season banquet subconsciously, and immediately kicked the gun away from the man's hand.

When the gun was kicked, the monk in charge was not reconciled, and then took out a dagger, and stabbed directly at the back of the season banquet.

Shen Qing was only startled at that moment just now, but now he reacted instantly and went straight to welcome the guest in the direction of the dagger.

She is not going to die, close combat is her forte.With just a few tricks, Shen Qing subdued the monk in charge.

Ji Ying also picked up the gun he was carrying and looked at it, then bowed and said, "Third Master, it is a new miniature Browning pistol produced by the enemy country. This man is from the enemy country."

Shen Qing restrained the man with one knee, and firmly restrained the man with both hands, preventing him from moving an inch.

However, when he heard that this person was from the enemy country, his blood boiled in his chest, and he immediately untied the person's two arms without even thinking about it.

The man's face was distorted in pain, and he looked at Shen Qing as if he wanted to eat people.

Shen Qing didn't fear him, he dared to stare at her, she stared back directly, and said viciously, "What are you looking at, and I've dug out your eyeballs!"

As Shen Qing said, she stepped on his shoulder directly, and only heard a click, and it broke again somewhere.

What she hates the most in her life is the Japanese.Although this era was not her era, it did not affect her anger at all.

The author of this book originally wrote the novel with reference to the background of the Republic of China. The crimes committed by the enemy countries in this book are not much worse than those of the real Republic of China.

Ji Wu's mouth twitched.

This Shen Qing, looking at his thin and frail body, is not at all ambiguous when dealing with people.

Looking at that ruthlessness makes people feel apprehensive, but looking at the appearance of that enemy countryman is really relieved.

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