Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 116 116 Will Kill This Man

Chapter 116 116. Will Kill This Man
After Shen Qing finished speaking, he was happy, but the person who was pointed at and scolded was not so happy, even a little weird and subtle.

The people around Season Banquet seem to be a little different from the rumors?
Shen Qing didn't care how that made the boy feel, anyway, she was a scolding thieves.


Shen Qing reacted with hindsight, and only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Ji Yanli didn't even speak, so she spoke first, isn't she taking the leader too seriously?
Shen Qing rubbed his nose in embarrassment, looked back at Ji Yanli with an embarrassing expression, bowed and apologized, "Forgive me, my subordinates are just too angry."

Ji Yanli slightly bent his lips and looked down at her, "Why are you angry?"

"Of course it's because he slandered the third master for no reason."

Shen Qing said without thinking, "Third Master, you have the righteousness of your family and country in your heart, and you also have a heart of helping the world and saving the people. Your subordinates just don't want others to slander you."


Ji Yanli was obviously in a happy mood, and there seemed to be a smile in his dark eyes, "It's just that he listened to and believed in the rumors of someone with a heart, what are you angry with him for?"

Ji Yanli spoke slowly, as if he was trying to appease someone.

The brothers' minds were filled with thunder, as if they had seen a fake season banquet.

Why did the third master ever speak in such a tone?

However, Shen Qing didn't think it was strange, and said unwillingly, "The subordinates also know that he is partial to the rumors, but the subordinates are just angry!"

Ji Yanli hooked the corners of his lips, and rubbed his forehead angrily and amusedly.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

Shen Qing pursed his lips.I don't know whether Ji Yanli's words are a compliment or a derogation, but he said with crooked eyebrows, "Thank you, my subordinate, Third Master."

"Third Master, how to deal with this man?"

At this time, the brother who was pressing down on the black-faced boy finally found a chance to ask.

As soon as this question came out, Ji Yanli glanced at the black-faced boy casually.With just one glance, he could barely look away.

Facing the gaze of last season's banquet, the black-faced boy became nervous for a moment.However, in the next second, he snorted coldly and turned his head away.

"Take it away."

Shen Qing's heart tightened, and she hurriedly said, "Third Lord."


Ji Yanli looked at her lightly.

Shen Qing was nervous, so she bit the bullet and asked, "Will the third master kill this person?"

Although Shen Qing was angry that this man listened to his side and came to assassinate Ji Yanli.

However, if she really wanted her to watch a person who might not have such a bad nature die in front of her, Shen Qing could not remain indifferent if she asked herself.

Ji Yanli frowned, and said amusedly, "Why, you are so anxious to ask, are you worried that I will kill him?"

Shen Qing was really worried that he would kill that black-faced guy in a fit of anger.

Born in such an era, Ji Yanli was able to emerge from scratch, and even stand out from the fierce gang disputes, and become the well-deserved king of Yuncheng, not only because of luck.

Shen Qing couldn't guarantee that he would show mercy to a person who wanted to kill him.

However, Shen Qing naturally did not dare to say this.

Her heart tightened, she bowed calmly and said, "Third Master Zhai has a kind heart, how could he kill people casually."

Ji Yanli narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly.He didn't say whether he would kill the black-faced guy.

Shen Qing lowered his eyes and didn't dare to ask more.

Ji Yanli left with a sullen face, Shen Qing realized later that Ji Yanli was angry.

As soon as the season banquet left, brothers from just now swarmed up, as if Shen Qing was some rare species of monkey.

If it was a different day, Shen Qing would still be in the mood to greet them.However, just now when Ji Yanli left in anger, Shen Qing had no intention of exchanging greetings.

She blinked her eyes, looked at the direction of Ji Yanli's departure through the group of brothers and muttered to herself, "The third master is angry."

Well done, why are you angry?
Shen Qing was puzzled.

A voice came from the side.

"Although that person is a student of the Huanghai Academy, but to know that the third master came to the temple today and found it here, someone must have revealed his whereabouts."

Shen Qing looked at the speaker, who was the one who carried the black-faced boy over with his own hands.

That person looked familiar, Shen Qing took a few more glances, and couldn't help asking, "Who are you, Jinyi?"

"Jin Yi is my elder brother." The person who spoke had a strange expression, and also looked Shen Qing up and down, "My name is Jin Er."

Sincerely two?

Hold the grass!

It's no wonder that this person looks so familiar, it turns out to be Jinyi's younger brother, no wonder he looks so similar to Jinyi.

Shen Qing was curious about Jin Er like never before, "Why have I never seen you before, you have been staying in this temple all the time."


Jin Er shook his head, and then asked, "You are the new and famous Shen Qing in Ji Mansion, right?"

The person who was sent by the third master to investigate in Shangyang Village was the one in front of him.

Who would have thought that the thin and frail man turned out to be a female doll, and even mingled with the third master all the way to become a servant.

But since the third master had already issued a password, he just pretended not to know about this matter.

He said yes, obviously he already knew Shen Qing's identity.

Shen Qing was very surprised.

When did her name become known to everyone.

She looked complicated, noncommittal, "I dare not be famous, I never thought you'd heard of me."

The man suddenly had such an expression.

Shen Qing chatted with Jin Er for a few words, because of Jin Yi's relationship, Shen Qing quickly became acquainted with Jin Er.

When the brothers around heard about Shen Qing, they all gathered around and looked at Shen Qing non-stop.He also called respectfully, "Mr. Shen."

Shen Qing was also invited to play cards with them.

Shen Qing was very moved by this group of enthusiastic brothers.

But forget about playing cards.

Shen Qing was thinking about the matter at the season banquet, and followed the solitary Jin Er directly.

Jin Er is the leader of these people, they dare to invite Shen Qing to play cards together, but they dare not invite Jin Er to play cards.

Shen Qing followed Jin Er, and the brothers all stopped.

"Brother Jin, do you feel that the third master seems to be angry just now?"

"Of course I'm angry."

Jin Er thought it was a little funny, he glanced at Shen Qing and said expressionlessly.

"The third master never strikes at innocent people. You just asked whether the third master would kill that person. You praise the third master for his kindness, but when you ask, you are full of distrust for the third master. It's no wonder that the third master is not angry. "

Not to mention, the expression and tone of his speech are really the same as his brother's.

As expected of a brother.

Shen Qing also felt that what he just asked was inappropriate, and he said with a little dejection, "I also heard that the third master wanted to take people down, so I only made a sound in a moment of urgency."

Jin Er said, "Bringing that student down is also to find out the person behind him. It's just a student, and the third master doesn't bother to embarrass him."

Shen Qing also figured out the key point at this moment, and now her intestines are full of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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