Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 117 Chapter 117

Chapter 117 117. The Wronged Shen Qing

"If I had known this, I should have held back and not asked. I must have offended the third master right now."

Shen Qing wanted to cry but had no tears.

Seeing her dejected look, Jin Er twitched the corners of his mouth, and said coldly, "Third Master can't be so stingy."

The third master was angry and angry. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was offended.

"Hey, the third master's temper is good and sometimes bad, just like the weather in May and June is as cloudy and sunny. You don't know it at all unless you are in front of the third master. "

Shen Qing let it go, as if he didn't want to say anything.

Jin Er raised his eyes and saw that Third Master Ji, who Shen Qing said had a cloudy temper, was standing by the dry well in the inner courtyard of the temple.

Unexpectedly, Shen Qing just walked with his head down in despondency, but he didn't even notice.

Jin Er ignored her for a long time, Shen Qing felt strange, just about to look up, Ji Yanli's figure broke into her sight unexpectedly.

Shen Qing: "..."

Shen Qing was lucky, she was so far away, and she didn't speak too loudly, so the third master probably didn't hear her.

With such thoughts in mind, Shen Qing followed Jin Er and greeted him respectfully, "Master."

Ji Yanli's gaze swept over Jin Er, and fell directly on her, and said calmly, "What were you talking about just now?"

These words sounded like they were asking Jin Er and Shen Qing.However, his gaze was fixed on Shen Qing, obviously asking Shen Qing.

Shen Qing blinked, "Third Master, Jin Er and I are talking about you, Third Master."


Ji Yanli stared at her with an indiscriminate expression, "What are you talking about?"

Shen Qing started talking nonsense without blinking his eyes, "Third Master, you are handsome, handsome and powerful. You just stood under the moonlight, and this subordinate thought you saw the divine mansion above nine heavens."

Jinji suddenly coughed violently.

Shen Qing wanted to continue boasting, but Jin Er's cough directly interrupted her train of thought.

She glared at Jin Er with some dissatisfaction.

This guy's cough problem is exactly the same as Jinyi's. Could it be that this cough is contagious?
Cough when it's critical!It is more flexible than other people's alarm clocks.

The season banquet smiled, "Why do I hear you complaining about my ups and downs, like the weather in May and June is gloomy and uncertain, did I hear it wrong?"

Hold the grass!

He can hear it from such a distance, is he the ear of the wind?

Shen Qing complained in his heart, and soon showed a pitiful expression on his face, and said dejectedly, "Did you hear that, Third Master?"

The season banquet was expressionless, "I heard it."

Shen Qing's expression collapsed, "Third Master, I was wrong."

Admitting mistakes with a conscience means that you don't have a long memory and don't change after repeated admonitions.

The season banquet said, "Since I know, I will punish you for cooking. From now on in this temple, you will be responsible for my food."


This is not difficult.

Just lighting a fire is a bit of a hassle.

Shen Qing thought that Ji Yanli would trick her into doing other things again, but she didn't expect that this time she would simply ask her to cook a meal.

Shen Qing's mind suddenly became active again, she swallowed, and boldly said, "Third Master, cooking is not a problem for my subordinates, but my subordinates can't make a fire. Can my subordinates ask for help?"

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and snorted softly.

Yes, learn how to push an inch!

Shen Qing was terrified by that cold snort.

She stammered, "If the third master disagrees, then it's...forget it, the subordinates will do it by themselves."

Ji Yanli was angry and funny, "I usually look very courageous, but now I know I'm afraid."

Shen Qing shrank like a quail without making a sound.

The cooking is okay, but she is afraid that the season banquet will be held on a whim and she will be served close by.

At least there is still a side room in Lehuamen to live in, if it is changed to this temple, it will only be a Datong bunk, it is difficult to let her and Ji Yanli sleep in the same bed.

Hey, damn big aunt.

Come sooner or later, why not come at this time!

Shen Qing slandered, hating the arrival of the aunt very much at the moment.

At the moment, the atmosphere was eerily quiet and awkward.

Shen Qing secretly touched Jin Er with his elbow.

Jin Er glanced at her.

Shen Qing blinked.

Brother, you should say something.It's okay to say a few good words for her.

Staying here doesn't even fart, the leader is not embarrassed, she herself feels embarrassed.

Fortunately, Jin Er also counted on the way, and soon winked at her to show that he understood what he meant.

Shen Qing was surprised, and then his expression relaxed slightly.


This Jin Er is much more reliable than his brother.

When Shen Qing thought about it, he heard Jin Er say, "Third Master, I see that although Shen Qing is a bit timid, he is a bold and careful person. How about letting Shen Qing take care of the third master's daily life in the past few days?"

Ji Yanli's brows and eyes loosened, and he nodded and said, "Yes."

Shen Qing was stunned.

She stiffened her neck and turned to look at Jin Er.

Hold the grass!

Well, you two, you actually pushed me into a pit of fire when I asked you to help me?

Shen Qing couldn't believe it, it was completely written on his face.

Looking at Shen Qing's shocked face, Jin Er thought she was being happy and silly, and raised his eyebrows proudly at her.

How about it, it's interesting to be a brother.The third master is angry, but brother has the guts to win you a chance to try his best to please the third master.

It's a pity that Shen could not hear Jin Er's heartfelt voice, if he heard it, it would be a good idea to scold Jin Er.

With a sad face, Shen Qing followed behind Ji Yanli like a little daughter-in-law, looking very pitiful.

In the temple, Ji Yanli was just like other ordinary pilgrims, living in Datongpu.

"Third Master, this subordinate will help you make the bed."

Now Shen Qingdao was not too worried, Ji Yanli only promised to let him serve him personally, but he didn't say that he must live with Ji Yanli.

As Ji Yanli's boss, Shen Qing naturally had to share the same bed with Ji Yanli.This ready-made excuse is much better than sleeping in a Chase shop with Ji Ying and Ji Wu.

With the approval of the season banquet, Shen Qing hurriedly ran to make the bed. After the bed was made, she hugged her quilt and prepared to go outside for the night.

As a result, Ji Yanli stopped her before she went out, "Where are you going?"

Shen Qing was baffled, it was almost time for her to go to sleep on weekdays, what did the season banquet call her to do?
Ji Yanli pointed at her quilt impatiently, "Bring it in."

Shen Qing glanced at the quilt in her arms.

Could it be that Ji Yanli thought he had taken his bedding away?

Shen Qing stared blankly at the quilt in her arms, and really put it down reluctantly. "Third Master, this is my subordinate's bedding, your bedding, this subordinate has already laid it out for you."

With two quilts, it's impossible for the season banquet to be so frenzied that they don't keep a single bed for themselves.

Ji Yanli was slightly stunned, without retorting, "Bring it in."

Really don't keep a bed for yourself.

Shen Qing was inexplicably wronged, "Third Master, you sleep on the bed, and your subordinate sleeps outside to guard you. Why don't you even leave a bed for your subordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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