Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 118 Chapter 118

Chapter 118 118. Shen Qing she cried
Ji Yanli frowned slightly, and asked her back, "Are you going to stay outside?"


Shen Qing looked at the deep gaze of the last season's banquet, and was timid for no reason, and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"The subordinate guards the door for the third master, and personally protects the third master's personal safety."

Ji Yanli smiled instead of anger, "So, should I thank you?"

Shen Qing grinned, patted his chest and assured, "It is the duty of subordinates to protect the safety of the third master, and the third master does not need to thank you."

The season banquet smiled angrily.

Can really climb up the pole!

While speaking, Shen Qing didn't let go of the hand holding the quilt, obviously determined to go outside to guard.

Season Banquet smiled and said, "Since you want to protect my personal safety, isn't it safer to stay in the room than outside the door?"

stay in the room?
Isn't that going to be in the same room as Ji Yanli?They might even sleep in the same Chase bunk.

How does this work?
Shen Qing refused without thinking much, "No, third master. It's better for the subordinates to sleep outside."

Probably because she felt that her refusal tone was too blunt, she added, "Don't worry, Third Master, this subordinate is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he's not a delicate girl."


Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You are rough-skinned and not a delicate girl, so you can't sleep without sleep. I let you stay in the room, what are you pushing around?"

For some reason, Shen Qing was inexplicably guilty of the half-smile expression at last season's banquet.

She thought for a while, and after a while, her face showed embarrassment, as if she had something hard to say.

Ji Yanli took time to watch her expression change back and forth.

After a while, Shen Qing made up his mind and said, "Third Master, to be honest, this subordinate didn't refuse on purpose. It's just that this subordinate sleeps in the habit of grinding teeth, farting and snoring. If this subordinate stays in the room, I'm afraid it will disturb the third master's dream."

After Shen Qing finished speaking, Ji Yanli was stunned.

Grinding teeth, farting and snoring?
Could this be what a girl said?
Ji Yanli pursed his lips slightly, feeling a little unbelievable.

Women in this era, no matter how vulgar they are, rarely say such vulgar words.

This is too...

The picture is too strong, which makes people uncomfortable.The frown of the season banquet is so frowning that it can kill flies.

Shen Qing raised her eyes secretly, and saw Ji Yanli's handsome eyebrows slightly furrowed, but she was slightly relieved.

She said it so vulgarly on purpose, just to dispel Ji Yanli's idea of ​​wanting her to go back to sleep.

It's hard to guess what Ji Sanye is thinking. If he doesn't take a strong dose of medicine, I'm afraid this matter will not be avoided.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Shen Qing to let go of her heart, when she saw Ji Yanli's eyebrows stretched, she actually smiled with her lips curled up.

He lowered his head and played with the jade wrench in his hand, and said in a nonchalant tone, "Forget it, since you don't want to stay in the house, then go outside to watch the night."

Shen Qing's goal was achieved, and she went to the door happily holding the quilt, but she was stopped by the season banquet.

"Third Master?"

Shen Qing turned her head and smiled, hugging the quilt in a funny way to say hello.

Ji Yanli said unhurriedly, "Since you want to watch outside tonight, you don't need to take the quilt. If you fall asleep, you don't even know the bad guys come in."

Is this why I won't let myself sleep tonight?

Shen Qing's cheering little thoughts stopped for an instant, and said with a stiff smile, "Third Master, I will take a quilt to rest for a while, and nothing will happen. My ears are very sensitive, and I won't let bad guys come in."

Ji Yanli said quietly, "I won't let gangsters break in. How did that student from the Huanghai Academy get in today?"

Shen Qing was speechless.

She understood that Ji Yanli was punishing her in a different way.

Shen Qing put the quilt back aggrieved, and reluctantly moved out.

Although the weather is not cold at the moment, the night is still a bit chilly.Not long after Shen Qing went out, he was so cold that he sneezed several times.

But at this time, her stomach started to fight against her again, and it hurt like hell.

Hold the grass!

If she had known this earlier, she should have listened to Ji Yanli and stayed in the room strangely.

Even laying a floor is better than blowing cold wind outside.

Shen Qing wanted to cry but had no tears, she silently looked at the closed door of the room, her heart was about to move.

I don't know if Ji Yanli will let her in when she knocks on the door.

Although I thought so in my heart, my feet seemed to have taken root, and I couldn't move.

Knocking on the door now, will it appear that I am too shameless?
Shen Qing rubbed her hands together and let out another breath.After rubbing her hands to warm them up, she used them to cover her stomach again.

She is miserable.

Or, just beg for mercy with the cheek?
Shen Qing was a little moved.

I just don't know if Ji Yanli is sleeping now, in case she gets angry, it would be wonderful to wake him up by herself.

For a while Shen Qing wanted to knock on the door, but for a while she was worried that Ji Banyan would be angry, her eyes were fixed on the door, but she refused to knock on the door for a long time.

The cold wind blew by at night, and she sneezed several times in a row.

Shen Qing was in so much pain that she couldn't help but squatted at the corner of the window, covering her stomach, rubbing her hands while exhaling, and then went to cover her own stomach.

"What are you doing?"

Ji Yanli opened the window and saw Shen Qing huddled in the corner at a glance.

Shen Qing raised her eyes, and saw Ji Yanli standing in front of the window under the moonlight in a cold and aloof manner.

When she raised her eyes, she happened to meet his dark eyes, and the two looked at each other.

At this moment, Shen Qing's mind is full of season banquets, but he didn't sleep.

Suddenly facing the gaze of last season's banquet, her eyes lit up, and she said with joy, "Third Master, you haven't slept yet?"

Asking this question, as long as the ears are not deaf, they can basically hear the joy in her words.

Season Banquet was inexplicably pleasing to the ear, the gloomy emotions in his eyes dissipated, and a slight smile appeared, "What are you doing squatting in the corner?"

Shen Qing felt that her movements of squatting in the corner were a little unspeakably weak.

She paused, and said without thinking, "This subordinate closes his eyes and rests here."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows.

Shen Qing was annoyed.

This reason, not to mention the season banquet, I feel too far-fetched.

Ji Yanli did not investigate why she lied, but only asked, "Is it comfortable to stay outside?"

"It's comfortable."

Shen Qing grinned.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she wanted to slap herself two big mouths.

God is so comfortable, not uncomfortable at all!

She was just about to say something to hint that she was uncomfortable outside, but before she could raise her eyes, the upper window was closed.

Shen Qing: "..."

Shen Qing was so sad that she wanted to cry.

A good chance to beg for mercy was lost by myself.

Shen Qing wiped his eyes.

She was really crying.

I don't know if it was from the cold, or from the stomachache, or maybe from being angry at herself, but she was crying anyway.

Shen Qing angrily stood up.

never mind!

What to cover, just freeze yourself to death.

She got up suddenly, but the door over there suddenly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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