Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 125 Chapter 125

When Jin Er went to chop wood again, Shen Qing still hadn't left.

Jin Er earnestly said, "There must be someone around the third master, you must go, don't let the third master call someone over to call you."

Shen Qing nodded cautiously, "Don't worry, I'll go later."

Why didn't I realize before that Jinyi still has such a mother-in-law side.

As soon as Jin Er left, Shen Qing began to think about countermeasures.There is definitely a place to go to the Season Banquet.

However, how to do it without offending is a problem.She didn't want her daughter to be exposed in the future, and be hunted down by Ji Yanli for seeing his body.

Shen Qing still has a strong desire to survive.

After much deliberation, Shen Qing found the little milk baby who had drugged her back then.

The little milk boy was very puzzled by her reason for coming, "Why does big brother want that kind of medicine?"

He rolled his eyes in a circle, "Big brother doesn't mean he wants to use that medicine to hurt others."

"of course not."

Shen Qing denied it with a smile, and said mysteriously, "I just want to test whether your medicine is effective or not."

The little milk baby is not so easy to deceive, and stared at Shen Qing with burning eyes, "Then who are you going to ask for a test drug?"

Little guy, quite vigilant.

Shen Qing smiled, "Of course I test the medicine myself. Could it be that I have to sacrifice others to test the medicine?"

The milk baby was greatly surprised, and when he thought about the fact that he had poisoned her because she poured rice, he instantly felt that what he did back then was a bit hateful.

Prescribing medicine to Shen Qing at the beginning meant punishing her, but it also had an element of testing medicine.

He has always liked to study those traditional Chinese medicines, and he just made a laxative before, and he didn't know how effective it was.As a result, Shen dumped the fried rice with eggs, and it happened to bump into it at that moment.

Shen Qing didn't know why Naiwawa gave medicine to her egg fried rice. Seeing the tangled expression on Naiwawa's face, she thought he was unwilling, so she said, "I can buy your medicine with money, and I won't guess."

The milk doll pursed her lips, and after a while, she ran into the room and took out a simple black pill.

The milk baby said with a sullen face, "This medicine only needs to be applied externally, and it will take effect immediately. It doesn't cost money, and I will give you compensation for taking laxatives that day."

This little adult's words directly amused Shen Qing.

Shen Qing smiled, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

The little guy was a little shy.

Shen Qing took the pills and didn't dare to delay. After taking them back, she applied them directly to her face.

After a while, Shen Qing's eyes were swollen like walnuts, and his face was as red as a monkey's butt.Like I'm allergic to something.

Night falls.

After Jin Er prepared the bath water, he went to chop firewood, and Ji Yanli was the only one left in the room.

The season banquet was about to undress, when Shen Qing's voice came from outside, "Master, come down and wait for Master to take a bath."

The season banquet took place.

Shen Qing was a little strange, so he heard the voice of the season banquet inside and said, "Wait outside."

This was exactly what Shen Qing wanted, so Shen Qing waited outside in an orderly manner.

I don't know how long it took before Shen Qing heard the voice of the season banquet coming from the room, "Come in."

Shen Qing pushed the door open and entered, straightening the hood on his head by the way.

The season banquet stood neatly outside the bathtub.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he was shaken by a strange figure wearing a hood.The headgear has holes for the eyes and nose.

If it wasn't for the slight slowness of the shadow's movement, as if he had some concerns, he might have thought it was a killer from some family that came in.

Ji Yanli watched her walk in slowly with no expression on his face, and his brows jumped violently.

"What are you doing?"

Ji Yanli looked her up and down, expressionless.

Shen Qing was too frightened by this sound to dare to approach.

She shrank her neck and explained bravely, "Third Master, there is something wrong with this subordinate's face. It is really ugly and scary. This subordinate is afraid to scare Third Master, so he will make such a bad move."

In fact, she made two-handed preparations.

If the season banquet asked her to go in and wait for him to take a bath, she would wear her headgear backwards and act like a blind person.If the season banquet has finished taking a shower, then put on the headgear.

In the past few days, it is reasonable to say that she will personally serve the season banquet, so it may happen that such things as serving him to take a bath will often happen.

As a last resort today, she had to make a bad move.As for the future, she has already thought of a countermeasure.

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows, "Allergy?"


Fearing that Ji Yanli would not believe it, Shen Qing took off her hood.

Ji Yanli glanced at it, and then frowned tightly.


Shen Qing said what she had thought up a long time ago, "My subordinates went to Minghui and got two prescriptions for beauty and beauty. It's just that this prescription has a side effect..."

Ji Yanli understood Shen Qing's unfinished words.

He glanced at Shen Qing, "It's pretty good, why do you use that beauty-beautifying formula?"

Shen Qing said, "The subordinates just feel that they are being ugly. Everyone has a love of beauty and a confidant. The subordinates are also human beings, and they want others to like them."

Shen Qing felt that there was nothing wrong with her reason, it was perfect.

Ji Yanli looked inexplicable and interrupted her, "Who do you want to like?"

Shen Qing froze for a moment.

This is just a rhetoric, why Ji Yanli likes to get to the bottom of it.


Shen Qing thought for a while, and said solemnly, "This subordinate naturally hopes that the third master likes this subordinate."

This is not a lie.Which subordinate doesn't like his leader likes himself.

After finishing speaking, afraid of being misunderstood by Ji Yanli, he explained, "What this subordinate means is that this subordinate hopes that the third master will only find this face pleasing to the eye after seeing this subordinate's face, and will not find it offensive."

Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows slightly, "So, it's because of me that you did this?"


Shen Qing bit the bullet and said affirmatively.

All the flattering words have been said.Of course she couldn't deny it.

Ji Yanli snorted softly, looking a little unhappy.

Shen Qing suddenly blinked with some uncertainty.

This flattery has been paid, Ji Yanli seems to be angry, could it be that the flattery is wrong?
Shen Qing recalled what he had just said in his mind.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Shen Qing shook his head helplessly.It's really a man's heart, a sea needle, I can't figure it out.

"You go out."

Season Banquet suddenly issued an order to evict guests in a calm tone.

This time, Shen Qing was completely dumbfounded.

If she can't see the season banquet now, she will be angry, and she should really abdicate.

The season banquet didn't pay much attention to Shen Qing for several days.

Shen Qing felt somewhat relieved.

She is still looking forward to being the confidant of the season banquet.

With the current attitude of the season banquet towards her, let alone being a confidant, it is estimated that it is almost out of her turn to be a dog's leg serving tea and water for the third master.

Shen Qing was a little worried, and she lost several strands of her worried hair.She is very worried now, whether she will fall out of favor.

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