Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 126 Chapter 126

It's fine to fall out of favor, the key is now that I don't even know why I was left out in the cold at the season banquet.

Shen Qing sighed.

Before, she was a little worried about what to do if she was asked to wait for the bath at the season banquet, but now it is better.He was left out in the cold, and it was not his turn to take care of the bath.

Jin Er was on duty again today, and the season banquet seemed to have forgotten her.If this continues, she is afraid that she will be kicked out of the Ji mansion sooner or later.

Now wherever she goes in Yuncheng, people will respectfully address her as Mr. Shen, and others will only look at Ji Yanli's face.

She is now relying on Ji Yanli's power, if she is really kicked out of Ji's mansion by Ji Yanli, her life will be much more difficult than it is now.

Thinking of this, the pressure in Shen Qing's heart suddenly increased.

No, you still have to find a way.If this goes on like this, the third master might not even know that there is someone like Shen Qing in Ji's mansion.

But Jin Er, ever since he encouraged Shen Qing to take a bath for Ji Yanli that day, he has been called by Ji Banli to wait by his side every day.

Could it be that the third master found out about the matter of instigating Shen Qing that day?
In the past few days, he went in and out of the room several times, seeing the third master's unhappy expression.He is also trembling and distressed when he is on duty every day.

On the other hand, Shen Qing didn't seem to be staying in this room anymore, and he didn't know where he went.

On this day, Jin Er managed to find some free time, and was just about to go back to take a rest, when Shen Qing who jumped out suddenly was startled.

When Shen Qing saw someone, she smiled and shouted, "Brother Jin."

Shen Qing jumped out suddenly, startling Jin Er.Jin Er patted his chest, looked around, and pulled Shen Qing to a place.

"I said what's the matter with you. Why did the third master only let me be on duty these few days, and you are nowhere to be seen."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look up at her, and muttered, "Your skin looks much better than before."

Shen Qing touched his face.I thought to myself, it seems that the medicine given by the milk baby really has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin.Basically, more than half of what he said to Ji Banquet that day was true.

The milk baby's medicine does have the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin, but before that, there will be a detoxification reaction on the face.

"Tell me, what's going on. I've seen the third master not very happy these days. Did you make the third master angry when he took a bath that day? "

Jin Er wanted to ask Shen Qing a long time ago, but now that he has met someone, he has seized the opportunity.

Shen Qing was a little uncertain, "I think it's possible."

She stopped looking for Jin Er today, not because of this matter.

As soon as Jin Er heard this, she had a faint premonition, raised her eyes and glanced at her, "How do you say that?"

Shen Qing thought about it.

"That day when the third master took a bath, he didn't let me in to serve him. The third master just let me in after he finished his bath. After talking to me a few words, the third master let me out. At that time, I looked at the third master as if he was not very old. Look happy."

Jin Er couldn't help asking, "Why is the third master unhappy?

Shen Qing rolled his eyes directly.

If she knew, could she still come to ask him for advice?She is not a roundworm in the stomach of the season banquet.

Jin Er seems to have thought of this, "Well, think about it carefully, what did you and the third master say and do that day. Knowing this, I can analyze why the third master is angry for you.

Shen Qing frowned, carefully recalling the situation that day.

She was a little uncertain, "I covered my face when I went in that day. I don't know if the third master was angry because of this."

It's hard to guess what the leader is thinking, who knows if Shen Qing's behavior will be considered an offense.

Jin Er looked weird, "You go to wait for the third master to take a bath, what are you doing with your face covered?"

Shen Qing smiled sheepishly, "Didn't you ask the little guy for some beauty pills? Because of the detoxification reaction, red spots appeared on his face. I was afraid of scaring the third master, so I covered my face and went to the third master's room."

Jin Er was very puzzled, "Did you know that it had a detoxification reaction before taking the medicine, or did you already know that it had a detoxification reaction?"

I pursed my lips twice, and didn't say the second half of the sentence.

In fact, he was very suspicious that Shen Qing deliberately applied the medicine after knowing that there would be a detoxification reaction.

As for why...

Jin Er frowned.

Shen Qing is a woman, she uses such a reason to escape, even he can see through Shen Qing's thoughts, let alone Ji Sanye.

The third master is angry, is it because of this reason?
He felt very likely.

I would like to remind Shen Qing, "The third master hates people who pretend to be smart and deceive him the most. There are some things, don't try to deceive the third master, because you think that the third master will be complacent if you don't pursue it. What is the truth, in fact, the third master knows everything in his heart." .”

I would like to say nothing more than this.

Shen Qing realized.

Thinking of the description of Ji Yanli in the novel, he seems to be careless about everything, but he knows everything well.

In the midst of strategizing, decisive victory thousands of miles away, we are talking about people like Ji Yanli.

Shen Qing's thoughts wandered, and she suddenly remembered that she asked the little milk baby for poison.Ji Yanli knows everything well, so he naturally knows about her asking the little guy for medicine.

Shen Qing's face was not very good-looking.

Jin Er patted Shen Qing on the shoulder, "To stay with the third master, you must not only do your best, but also be loyal and not deceive the third master."

can't be cheated...

She had to cheat about her disguise as a man.

Shen Qing's face turned pale, and he was full of panic, looking out of his mind.

Shen Qing felt that he was probably not far away from being kicked out of the Ji mansion.

Jin Er originally wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Shen Qing's expression, he suddenly stopped talking.

What the third master said is indeed true, Shen Qing is really courageous.

Jin Er was afraid that he would really scare people out of good or evil, so he said, "The third master is not an ignorant person, and if he makes a mistake occasionally, if there is a reason for the incident and it is not for the purpose of harming the third master, the third master will not blame it too much."

Shen Qing pursed her lips and said nothing.

The matter of her disguised as a man and sneaking into the Ji mansion is not a trivial matter, and the matter of the pills can still be prevaricated.I'm afraid that the incident of her disguise as a man will be exposed later, and the backlash will be even stronger.

Jin Er looked at Shen Qing with complicated eyes, and thought to himself, it really is a girl doll, and her face turned pale with fright because of something so small.

God knows he was just bluffing casually.

According to the third master's attitude towards Shen Qing, the possibility of punishing her is very small.

"Anyway, if you really did something wrong, admit it to the third master. The third master has always treated you generously."

Jin Er was afraid that Shen Qing would be overwhelmed, so he said something earnestly.

After dinner, Shen Qing waited at the door of the season banquet.

She paced at the door, stretching out her hand to knock on the door for a while, then retracting it for a while.

Looking at it is very tangled.

Coincidentally, the old abbot called the season banquet today, and he didn't come back until very late.

As soon as Ji Yanli came back, he saw a figure at the door.

Seeing the person coming, Ji Yanli raised his eyebrows.

"What are you here for?"

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