Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 130 Chapter 130

Ji Yanli has always kept his word and kept his word.As soon as the memorial day of Ji Yingli's adoptive father was over, he sent someone to send Ji Yingxue to the school.

At the same time, Ji Yanli and his party also returned to Ji Mansion from the temple preparations.

Cheng Yunting's birthday is approaching, and the Ji mansion has already started to prepare the congratulatory gifts, and there are gang affairs waiting for the season banquet to be decided, and two beauties sent by the commander have entered the mansion and have not been dealt with. There are many things to do in the mansion busy.

When Ji Yanli and his party go back, it can be regarded as a solution to Jinyi's urgent need, otherwise Jinyi will definitely get angry if he is alone.

It's September now, and the autumn is crisp, not as sultry as summer.

The army green off-road vehicle galloped all the way from the suburbs, and parked steadily in front of the Ji mansion.

This time, Shen Qing was driving again.

The car that Shen Qing drove to Qingyuan Temple that day, Ji Wu and the others knew that Shen Qing could drive, so when Shen Qing proposed to drive, except for Jin Er who showed a shocked expression, everyone else was very calm.

When the one guarding the door saw the off-road vehicle stop, he took the first step and waited beside the off-road vehicle.

As a result, he didn't wait until Ji Yanli got out of the car, and saw Shen Qing who poked his head out from the driver's seat first.

Kindly two: "..."

Shen Qing greeted Jin Yi with a smile, "Brother Jin, long time no see."

This time, Jinyi didn't have a cold face, which was rare this time, but also nodded lightly at Shen Qing, which was regarded as a response.

And I don't know if it's Shen Qing's illusion, when she looked at Shen Qing, she was a bit...complicated?
Shen Qing was not sure if he had read it wrong.I always feel that the way I look at myself is a bit weird.

Could it be because we haven't seen each other for a long time?

Shen Qing frowned, and secretly glanced at Jin Yi with probing eyes.

This glance coincided with Jin's gaze.Eyes wide open, Jinyi silently opened them.

Who would have imagined that this thin, small, unattractive kid in front of him turned out to be a girl doll.

When Jinyi was with Ji Yanli, he also met many contemporary women.

There are gentle and gentle ladies, there are arrogant and domineering young ladies, there are famous ladies and noble families who are both talented in color and art, and there are also bold and brave female students...

However, I have seen so many, but none is as shocking as Shen Qinglai.

Some people disguise themselves as men for fun, but Shen Qing seems to disguise herself as a man for survival.In other words, she didn't regard herself as a girl at all.

Shen Qing didn't know what was going on in Jinyi's mind, but felt that Jinyi was extraordinarily strange today.

However, Shen Qing has always had a big heart, and she definitely won't bother with such a small matter.

When Ji Yanli got off the car, she opened the car door directly, with one foot in the air, and gracefully jumped off the off-road vehicle with one hand on the car.

"Third Master."

Jin glanced at it, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.Just like that, who can believe that the person in front of him is a female doll.

Shen Qing hadn't driven for a long time, and now that he had passed the car addiction, his heart was happy, and his tone was a little more cheerful.

Her emotions seem to have infected the Season's Banquet as well.

Ji Yanli looked sideways, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and gave a faint "hmm".Then, with long legs, he walked towards the gate of Ji Mansion.

Jin Yi and Ji Ying followed behind, while Shen Qing and Jin Er were one step behind.

Today, only Shen Qing, Jiying and Jinyi came back with the season banquet, and Ji Wu took most of the brothers back to Lehua Gate.

Both Jin Yi and Ji Wu are not very talkative people, so they lowered their voices to laugh and talk only Jin Er Ji Wu and Shen Qing.

Jin Er looked at Jin Yi and Ji Ying who were silently following behind Ji Yanli, and couldn't help but pouted.

Hey, two boring gourds.

After sighing, he turned his head and glanced at Shen Qing who was walking beside her.

Seeing this, Jin Er is happy.

Shen Qingping is not as well-behaved as Jin Yi and Ji Ying.She put her hands in her pockets and walked casually, with a piece of dogtail grass in her mouth that she didn't know where to get.

This ruffian, lazy and casual look is inexplicably joyful.

Jin Er grinned, quietly moved over, and touched Shen Qing with his elbow.

Shen tilted his eyes at her and raised his eyebrows slightly.That is self-evident.

what happened?
Jin Er took a step closer, lowered his voice and said gossip, "Hey, Shen Qing. I heard that the commander-in-chief sent three beauties to the third master before. Is this true?"

After staying in Qingyuan Temple for so many days, Shen Qing almost forgot about it.Hearing Jin Er's question at this moment, it suddenly occurred to him that such a thing really happened.

It seems that people still persuade Ji Yanli to stay.

Hold the grass!

Shen Qing slapped his forehead and almost forgot about this.

Shen Qing secretly glanced at Ji Yanli who was walking in front, and Jin Yi and Ji Ying who were following behind Ji Yanli.

"it is true."

Shen Qing blinked at Jin Er, "Why, are you interested in the beauty sent by the handsome?"

Shen Qing winked her eyes and jokingly said, "If you like it, I'll tell the third master later that I will reward you with those two beauties."


Jin Er took a few steps back, "The beauty sent by the commander in chief is poisonous, I dare not take it."

Shen Qing smiled immediately.

It's not poisonous.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief!

While speaking, several people had already entered the Ji Mansion.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and Rhubarb has gained weight a few times, and now he is having fun in the yard.Seeing the Ji Banquet now, Sa Yazi jumped towards this side.

Ji Yanli's footsteps paused slightly, and his eyes fell on Rhubarb.

"Put on weight."

It doesn't look bad.

Ever since the marshal sent two crispy girls over and he arranged them in the backyard, Rhubarb didn't hop around in the front yard very much on weekdays.

It's weird today, I came to the front yard to jump around, I don't know if I smelled it in advance
Jinyi explained, "Rhubarb has good food. The two girls sent by the commander before. The subordinates put them in the side courtyard. These two girls are more peaceful. They tease Rhubarb and give them something to eat when they have nothing to do on weekdays. .

Rhubarb also likes to run into the backyard on weekdays, but today it is strange that he even ran into the front yard. "

Shen Qing clicked his tongue lightly.

Jin Er rubbed his hands secretly and said, "Hey, the rhubarb raised by the third master is quite good, and he even knows how to run to places with beautiful girls."

Shen Qing glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said, "You are not the same."

Jin Er jumped up in an instant, "How am I different!"

The voice was a little louder, which attracted Ji Yanli's attention, and looked in the direction of the two of them.

Jinyi also followed Ji Yanli's gaze, looked at Jiner, and gave him a warning look calmly by the way.

Jin Er shrank his neck, took a step back with a embarrassed look, and stayed away from Shen Qing.

For some reason, I always feel that Ji Yanli's eyes are a little hairy.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Shen Qing couldn't help being a little contemptuous.However, out of concern for her good friend, she still spoke out very loyally, "Third Master, this subordinate is joking with Jin Er, just kidding."

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