Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 131 1313 Master is the most powerful

When it came to the last sentence, her voice became lower and her tone was vain.

Without him, Ji Yanli would be unhappy.

Shen Qing didn't expect that the third master would be upset just because she made a joke with Jin Er.

Ji Yanli was not happy anymore, so they naturally didn't dare to say anything.

The season banquet did not make a sound, Shen Qing was too embarrassed.Just like that, facing his heavy gaze, he closed his mouth resentfully.

When Shen Qing was downcast, Ji Yanli suddenly called out.

"Shen Qing, come here."

Surprised in Shen Qing's heart, she immediately raised her eyes.

Ji Yanli frowned slightly, "What are you doing in a daze, come here!"

Shen Qing came to his senses, and immediately walked over like a dog and said, "Third Master, what do you want me for?"

There was a little excitement in the tone.

I thought Ji Yanli was upset, but I didn't expect him to call him over.

Shen Qing has already experienced the moodiness of season banquets thoroughly.

For Shen Qing, the heaven, earth and season banquet are the biggest, as long as the season banquet is not angry, she is happy to get her back to feed rhubarb.

Shen Qing felt that she was just a crow's mouth.

She just had this thought, when Ji Yanli said in a neutral tone, "Go and feed the rhubarb."

Shen Qing was taken aback.

Hold the grass!

She just thought about it casually, and she was really asked to feed rhubarb?
Do you want to be so accurate!

Shen Qing felt a little aggrieved, and said in a dull tone, "Your subordinate will feed you now."

Compared with Shen Qing's depression, Rhubarb was a little excited.

It seemed to understand Ji Yanli's words, while wagging its tail excitedly, it bit Shen Qing's trousers with its mouth.

Shen Qing didn't dare to get angry at the season banquet, so she could only stare at Rhubarb who was biting her trouser leg tightly with resentment.

"Wang Wang!"

Da Huang yelled at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing was speechless.

Hold the grass!

Didn't he just stare at you? As for being so stingy.

While complaining in her heart, Shen Qing took Rhubarb to its house.

Now there are special people in Ji Mansion to take care of rhubarb's daily life, but there is no need for Shen Qing to feed rhubarb at all.

Shen Qing understood that Ji Yanli was purely in a bad mood and punished her on purpose.

Fortunately, feeding rhubarb is not such a chore.

Rhubarb looks big, but in fact he doesn't eat much, and he's not picky about food. He almost eats whatever is put in the dog food bowl.

Shen Qing was not in a good mood today, so he poured some food for it, and by the way, put a few green peppers for it.

In the end, Shen Qing never expected that the rhubarb would be delicious to eat!

Unwilling to give up, Shen Qing put a few more red peppers on it.Rhubarb took a bite, and the dog's face suddenly stopped.

Shen Qing thought it probably knew how spicy it was, but it turned out...

Shen Qing fell silent.

Hey, I met a hidden food dog. I guess there is nothing it can't eat.

Shen Qing stayed with Da Huang for a while, and then someone came to tell her to go back.

When Shen Qing passed by, Ji Yanli was sitting on a chair.

Seeing her coming, he took a slow look at her, and the hand resting on the back of the chair patted the back of the chair one after another.

Shen Qing walked over slowly and said, "Third Master."

Ji Yanli lowered his brows and eyes, covering the thick ink in his eyes, and said softly, "Have you finished feeding the rhubarb?"


Only then did Ji Yanli raise his eyes, just in time to see the movement of Shen Qing pursing his mouth.He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Unhappy?"

Shen Qing was stunned.

Was her displeasure so obvious?

Shen Qing suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said indifferently, "Third Lord, my subordinates are not unhappy."

"Aren't you unhappy? I can see that your unhappy thoughts are written on your face."

Ji Yanli snorted lightly, tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, and asked casually, "What do you think, Jin Er?"

Sincerely two?

Shen Qing frowned.

The season banquet politely asked Jin Er what to do?

The Season Banquet glanced lightly.

Shen Qing didn't have time to think, and couldn't figure out the intention of Ji Yanli, so he could only pick up good words and said without money, "I wish he was just, has a good personality, and is very righteous..."

Season Banquet showed no expression, but the frequency of beating the back of the chair slowed down significantly.

"Da da da!"

Shen Qing's mood became inexplicably tense.

After a while, Shen Qing heard Ji Yanli sigh quietly, "He, is he that good?"

I don't know why, it's obviously a question.However, Shen Qing heard a strange feeling from it.

This strange feeling seems to be vaguely mixed with a complicated feeling.

Shen Qing couldn't tell what it was like.

She frowned, thinking about the abnormal performance of Ji Banquet, and said cautiously, "Actually, it doesn't seem to be that good."

Seeing her cautious appearance, Ji Yanli couldn't help but smile.

"What do you think, how about I give him the two girls sent by the Marshal?"

Send it to Jin Er?

Shen Qing frowned, thinking seriously for a long time.

Ji Yanli looked at her serious face.The slightly frowning brows reluctantly moved away.

Shen Qing said, "Third Master, this subordinate feels something is wrong."

"Why is it wrong?"

The tone of the season banquet was not right.

"The man was sent by the commander in chief. As the saying goes, if there is nothing to be courteous, you can either rape or steal. The subordinates feel that the commander in chief has no good intentions, and this beauty must be poisonous."

Ji Yanli suddenly smiled.

He said, "When you persuaded me to keep them, you never said they were poisonous. Why now you only heard that I was going to give them to Jin Er, so you know that the beauty is poisonous."

Shen Qing was startled.

What I said, why does it sound so wrong?

She can't bear this blame.

Shen Qingdang immediately said, "Third Master, this subordinate was wronged. The subordinate also said at the time that the commander-in-chief is narrow-minded. If the third master rejected the person clearly, wouldn't he have given the commander-in-chief a blatant handle.

Anyway, people are in the Ji mansion, as long as people enter the Ji mansion, the subordinates don't believe it, according to the ability of the third master, it is still impossible to arrange the whereabouts of these two weak women. "

Seeing that there was no response from Ji Yanli, Shen Qing continued to work hard, "At the beginning when the subordinates persuaded the third master to put him in the house, it was because he believed in the determination of the third master.

In the eyes of his subordinates, the third master is much more powerful than that handsome man.The commander just wanted to send two women to use his beauty trick.But I believe that the third master is not such a superficial person, and will not be fooled by the beauties sent by the commander. "

Season Banquet's expression improved obviously.


Shen Qing saw that Ji Yanli was in a good mood, so she took the opportunity to explain, "Third Master, this subordinate did not lie to you. Jin Er is not as determined as Third Master. Your subordinates believe in Third Master, but not Jin Er.

If those two beauties were placed in the Ji mansion, 1 subordinates would be at ease.But if the third master gave the beauty to Jin Er, his subordinates would never feel relieved.Then Jin Er saw that he was not as reliable as the third master.

The subordinates were worried that if Jin Er was confused by those two beauties, wouldn't it be detrimental to the third master. "

Ji Yanli hooked the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "That's right."

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