Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 132 Chapter 132

Hearing what Ji Yanli said, Shen Qing instantly smiled.

Seeing that Ji Yanli was in a good mood, Shen Qing leaned closer and said with a smile, "Third Lord, what do you plan to do with the two beauties sent by the commander?"

This smile was a little wretched, and Ji Yanli couldn't help but take a second look.

Ji Yanli didn't think Shen Qingxiao was wretched, but was a little surprised.She has always been curious about how she would deal with the two beauties and what to do?
Shen Qing rolled her eyes, "If the third master didn't think about how to deal with it, wouldn't he be happy to hand over those two beauties to his subordinates?"

Season Banquet had a strange expression, "What do you want them to do?"

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yanli is actually a straight man of steel!
Isn't it obvious that a "big man" asks a beautiful woman what to do.However, Ji Yanli asked with a blank expression.


Shen Qing rubbed her hands together, squeezed her eyes and gave a wretched smile, "Hey, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good. This subordinate is also a normal man, so naturally he also likes beauties."

Ji Yanli glanced at her with a complicated expression, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Shen Qing was in a hurry.

To give you or not is to say something, I didn't even fart for a long time, because I was going to let her guess what he was thinking.

Only after Shen Qing slandered, did Ji Yanli slightly raise his eyelids, and said, "We'll talk about this later."

Ji Yanli got up and planned to leave.


Shen Qing was not too disappointed.

After all, I didn't really want those two beauties because I like beautiful women, but I just wanted to bring them over because I thought it would be useful on a whim.

However, Shen Qing was still a little disappointed that no one was there.

I thought that the season banquet would agree to such a trivial matter.


Ji Yanli walked a few steps and found that Shen Qing hadn't followed.

He paused, turned his head to look at her, "Are you unhappy?"

Suddenly hearing Ji Yanli's question, Shen Qing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Ji Yanli meant that he didn't agree to give him two beauties.

Shen Qing immediately stated, "Third Master, this subordinate is not angry."


Fearing that he wouldn't believe it, Shen Qing added earnestly, "The third master treats his subordinates as brothers and sisters. Even if his subordinates love beauties, they will definitely not be angry with the third master because of her."

If she was a genuine man, she might not know how to complain about Ji Yanli in her heart right now.

But she is a real woman, she doesn't love beauties at all, and naturally she won't be angry with the season banquet.

Shen Qing's words pleased Ji Yanli.

Ji Yanli glanced at her, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips, "It depends on your performance. If you behave well, the two people sent by the commander will naturally belong to you. If you behave poorly, there is no need to mention this matter again. "

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, the third master, the subordinates will definitely not let the third master down."

The conditions in the temple were crude, and Shen Qing and his party were tormented enough.

There is a conservatory in the Ji mansion, which has specially imported hot spring water.As the night approached, the season banquet was going to take a bath here, so Shen Qing was asked to watch outside.

Shen Qing was afraid of offending the season banquet, so he walked a little further away while watching.

Just when she was bored, Rhubarb jumped out of nowhere and came to the greenhouse.


Shen Qing was a little surprised, fearing that this silly dog ​​would bump into the season banquet, so he quickly grabbed Da Huang.

"Wang Wang!"

Da Huang yelled at Shen Qing twice.

Shen Qing felt that the rhubarb's guts were really fat, and after a few days of not seeing her, even she started to yell.

Just as Shen Qing was about to teach her a lesson, she saw a delicate and tender beauty running towards her in panic, calling Da Huang's name in her mouth.

Shen Qing couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Rhubarb wanted to respond to the beauty twice, but Shen Qing stretched out a hand and pinched her dog's mouth up and down.


Rhubarb was so wronged, he sobbed at Shen Qing, and turned his head to look at the beauty who stumbled over.

Shen Qing rolled his eyes, let go of its dog's mouth, and flicked a brain on its dog's head.

This silly dog, who was being used by someone, wanted to follow him sobbingly. He even forgot who his master was, so he should be beaten up!

Shen Qing didn't stand directly at the door of the greenhouse, but stood in a corner with a blind spot.

So when the beauty ran over, she didn't see Shen Qing, but Shen Qing could see the beauty clearly.

The beauty probably came here deliberately after listening to the barking of the dog, or maybe not.In short, the beauty stopped before the conservatory.

Shen Qing couldn't help raising her eyebrows, could it be that she was thinking too much, didn't she come here to seduce Ji Yanli?
As soon as Shen Qing came up with this idea, she was slapped in the face the next second.

The beauty stopped and straightened her hair first, then deliberately tore off her clothes a little, revealing her beautiful collarbone and fragrant shoulders.

After making sure that every inch of her body was perfect and not deliberate, she took a step and boldly walked towards the greenhouse.

Hold the grass!

He really came to seduce Ji Banquet!

Now Shen Qing didn't dare to stand by and watch anymore, as soon as she let go, Da Huang jumped down first and went towards the beauty, and then Shen Qing followed closely behind.

To be honest, Shen Qing really wanted to watch a good show.But she was timid, and she didn't dare to really indulge the beauty to go in and seduce the season banquet.

If this beauty really broke in today, it is estimated that Ji Yanli would be able to skin her when she came out of it.

Cleanliness is not just for fun, Shen Qing dare not take such a risk.

"Miss, you can't go in here."

Shen Qing walked slowly, looking at the beauty in front of her with a smile.

Suddenly a person appeared, the beauty was startled, her expression was as pitiful as a frightened little rabbit.

"You... who are you?"

The beauty's eyes flickered slightly, she raised her wet eyes to glance at Shen Qing, and then quickly lowered her eyes.


This small appearance is really pitiful to me.If it were another man, I'm afraid that the pitiful appearance would arouse some pity.

I'm afraid she thinks of herself as a season banquet.It's a pity that she is not a season banquet, nor is she a real man.

Shen Qing ignored the woman's lovely and pitiful appearance, and said with a straight face, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that this is not a place for you to come."

Shen Qing looked at her with suspicious eyes, "Who are you, and why did you come here?"

The beauty blinked her eyes, as if she was frightened by Shen Qing's expression, she flinched and said, "I'm from Mr. Ji, and I'm new to Ji's mansion, so I don't know the way. Because the rhubarb came here, I chased it here of."

"Wang Wang!"

As if responding to the beauty's words, Da Huang let out a bark.

Hold the grass!

This ungrateful dog thing.

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