Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 137 1373 Lord's Belief

The season banquet was unexpected, "Why do you ask such a question suddenly?"

Shen Qing shook his head, "It's nothing, just asking casually."

She remembered that the scene in the dream seemed to be on a ship.

Ji Yanli looked into her eyes, and said unhurriedly, "It was decided to be in the Cheng mansion, but I heard that Governor Cheng's birthday banquet is going to be held this time, so I changed the location of the birthday banquet to Dujiangli."

Dujiangli is a play place similar to Lehuamen, because the place is by the sea, it is named Dujiangbianshang.

When Shen Qing heard that he was crossing the river, his face turned pale.

Ji Yanli kept staring at her expression, seeing her pale face, his eyebrows frowned instantly.

"Physical discomfort?"


Shen Qing shook his head, but his expression did not improve.

The eyebrows of the season banquet did not loosen, and the person had already stood up.

"Ji Fan."

"Third Master."

A person came in from the door, it was the brother who greeted Shen Qing just now.

Ji Yanli ordered, "Call the doctor over."

Shen Qing had recovered from the shock just now, and hurriedly said, "Third Master, my subordinate is fine, there is no need to call a doctor, my subordinate..."

Ji Yanli glanced at her lightly, and Shen Qing instantly shut his mouth.

Ji Fan went out soon, and Shen Qing was detained in the room of the Ji Banquet, waiting for the doctor to come.

Facing the dark eyes of the season banquet, Shen Qing felt very stressed. She swallowed silently, and said weakly, "Third Lord, actually, my subordinates are really fine."

Ji Yanli didn't talk to him, but instead said in a deep voice, "Sit well."

Shen Qing was silent and could only sit here obediently and wait for the doctor to come.

When the tossing people come over at night, it is estimated that the doctor will secretly scold the Ji Banquet in his heart.

I don't know if the doctor scolded Ji Yanli secretly, but the doctor came very quickly.

Shen Qing's face turned pale, and the doctor checked her whole body calmly under Ji Yanli's persuasive gaze.

"Third Master, this little brother is not seriously ill, but he is over-thinking and malnourished, which makes his face pale and his body weak."

The doctor finally concluded that Shen Tingting's head was full of black lines.

She can understand overthinking, what the hell is weak?

Is she weak, weak?

Shen Qing pursed his mouth expressionlessly, watching the doctor cook a bowl of dark soup under the orders of the season banquet.

Shen Qing: "!!!"

It's that pure Chinese medicine smell.

Shen Qing also didn't know why the doctor in the Ji Mansion's mansion, who was clearly a Western medicine doctor, could use traditional Chinese medicine when prescribing her medicine.

Just follow the fans.

Smelling the smell of the medicine, Shen Qing's face instantly wrinkled into bitter melon medicine.She looked at Ji Yanli pitifully, "Third Master, can this subordinate not drink this medicine?"

Ji Yanli met her gaze, looked away blankly, and looked at the doctor in Ji's mansion, "Can this medicine be replaced with Western medicine?"

Shen Qing also looked at the doctor eagerly.

"It can be replaced by traditional Chinese medicine."

Shen Qing was overjoyed.

Just listen to the doctor's stern statement, "But I don't recommend switching to western medicine."

"This little brother's body is relatively weak, which should be due to malnutrition when he was a child. Western medicine can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and traditional Chinese medicine can cure the disease."

Shen Qing's expression instantly collapsed.

Ji Yanli turned his gaze back to Shen Qing, and said expressionlessly, "Drink."

The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitched.

Inexplicably, I thought of a meme on the Internet, Da Lang, took medicine.

Shen Qing was embarrassed when she thought about her own imagination.She looked at the bowl of medicine with a feeling of death.

The corners of Ji Yanli's lips twitched slightly.

Medicine is bitter.

Shen Qing pinched his nose and drank a few mouthfuls vigorously, but couldn't drink any more.

There was a bitter taste in his mouth, so bitter that even tears flowed out.

If she drank any more, she would really cry.

Seeing her appearance, Ji Yanli couldn't help but chuckled, "Qi, you can cry if you drink any medicine."

Shen Qing wiped away the physical tears that flowed out, and raised her eyes to look at the season banquet with tears in her eyes, "Third Master, this subordinate was smoked by the medicine, and this subordinate did not cry out by himself."


A discordant laughter came from the side in an instant.It's the doctor who hasn't left yet.

Shen Qing raised her eyes, and couldn't help but glared at him secretly.

Ji Yanli didn't smile, and just ordered Ji Fan to bring some candies.

This is hard for Ji Fan.

There have always been only big men in Ji's mansion, and no one really likes candy.

In the end, I found a small jar of white sugar from a brother and brought it over, barely using it.

Shen Qing has only a deep sense of gratitude for the season banquet.

After drinking the medicine, Shen Qing found an excuse to go back.When she went back, the doctor who saw her hadn't left yet.

Only the season banquet and the doctor were left in the quarter banquet room.

Ji Yanli rubbed the jade finger in his hand, stared at the doctor and raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you leaving?"

The doctor pretended not to understand what Ji Yanli wanted to drive away, and replied, "That little brother just now, do you understand her?"

The doctor emphasized the tone of the word "little brother", and the tone of his tone was also yin and yang.

Ji Yanli gave him a cold look, "My man, I naturally know the details."

The doctor's eyes turned slightly, and the heart of gossip was infected.He said with a teasing tone, "I see that you treat that little brother well?"

Ji Yanli pursed her lips slightly, neither admitting nor denying it.

The doctor asked again, Ji Fan directly asked Ji Fan to send the person out at the Ji Banquet.

I don't know if the doctor's traditional Chinese medicine worked, but Shen Qing didn't dream again that night.

Waking up early in the morning the next day, Shen Qing fully armed herself.

Today is Cheng Yunting's birthday, and everyone in the Ji Mansion is making preparations. When Shen Qing went down, he immediately attracted a strange look.

When Jin Er saw Shen Qing, he immediately laughed out loud.

"Shen Qing, are you going to attend someone else's birthday party, or did you mess things up in the past?"

Shen Qing wrapped her clothes tightly, and said expressionlessly, "The one who attended the birthday banquet is the third master, and my duty is to protect the safety of the third master."

Jin Er couldn't help laughing, "You don't have to dress like this to protect the third master."

Those who didn't know about this fully armed appearance thought it was a mess in the past.

Shen Qing pursed the corners of her lips, and didn't pay much attention to Jin Er.

What did he know, if he knew what was going to happen at this banquet, he wouldn't think she was fully armed.

The two were talking when there was the sound of steady footsteps behind them.As soon as Shen Qing heard the steps, she knew it was from the season banquet.

He turned his head to look, and it really was a season banquet.

Followed by Ji Ying and Jin Yi.

Jin Yi and Ji Ying's outfits are not as exaggerated as Shen Qing's, but it can be seen that they have also armed themselves.

Surprised, Shen Qing glanced at Ji Yanli.

When Shen Qing looked over, he happened to meet Ji Yanli's eyes.

Shen Qing blinked, and said with crooked eyebrows, "Third Master."

The outfits of Jinyi and Jiying must have been inspired by the season banquet.

What does this mean? It means that Ji Yanli must have believed in the so-called "dream" he said.

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