Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 138 Chapter 138

Jin Er wondered, "Why are you all dressed like this? Those who know know that you are going to the birthday party, but those who don't know think that you are going to mess things up."

Jin Yi silently glanced at Jin Er.

Shen Qing patted him on the shoulder, "You should change your clothes too. Today is Governor Cheng's birthday, and Yuncheng is full of dignitaries, fish and dragons are mixed together, it is important to protect the safety of the third master."


Jin Er caught a glimpse of Ji Yanli's gloomy gaze on his shoulder, reflexively dodged Shen Qing's grasp, and smiled, "I'll change it right away."

After speaking, he left as if fleeing.

At this moment, Ji Yanli looked at her attire up and down, and suddenly smiled, "You dress like this, do you want the Cheng family to arrest you as a troublemaker?"

This is how you feel safe.

Shen Qing glanced at the clothes on her body. There was a bulletproof vest inside and a black jacket outside. There were knives and guns pinned to her legs and waist.Even the cuffs are covered with bows and crossbows made by herself.

"Third Master, only when subordinates dress like this can they feel safe."

Shen Qingxiao's dog legs, "And with the third master here, no one who doesn't have good eyesight will arrest me as a troublemaker.

Ji Yanli smiled, "You can say it."

After the season banquet was gone, Jinyi walked over and said in a low voice, "I went to Cheng Yunting's birthday banquet, remember not to run around, follow the third master closely, and don't cause trouble."

Shen Qing smiled, "Thank you, Brother Jin."

Jin glanced at her, pursed the corners of her lips and said worriedly, "Anyway, keep your eyes bright after you go, don't just focus on eating."

Shen Qing was quite touched at the beginning, but at the end, she felt black lines all over her head.

This is what it says...

Like how greedy she is.

Shen Qing also didn't know how Ji Yanli told Ji Ying and Jinyi. In short, they are now wary of the banquet that has not yet started, which is a good thing.

Shen Qing nodded, "I know, big brother Jin is the same, don't just focus on catching our mistakes, the most important thing is to keep your eyes open and protect the third master."

Sincerely: "..."

Jinyi ignored Shen Qing, turned around and walked away with a stinky face.

Jin Er, who came out after changing clothes, turned around and left when he saw Jin Yi's expression was not very good.

He was a little puzzled, and came over and muttered, "It's strange, what's wrong with my brother, why is his face so ugly."

Shen Qing lowered her eyes silently and looked away.

However, Jin Yi's temper has always been unpredictable, and Jin Er didn't take it to heart, instead leaning towards Shen.

Shen Qing was shocked when he saw a well-dressed man approaching.

"Hold the grass, Jin Er, you took the wrong medicine, why are you dressed like this?" Shen Qing looked Jin Er up and down, like looking at a monkey.

Jinyi wears the uniform black pants in Ji Mansion on weekdays.

However, today, he changed into a long robe and mandarin jacket that is popular nowadays, and he has obviously tidied his hair, so he looks a bit like a nobleman nowadays.

In fact, Jin Er is not ugly in this outfit, but this person is careless on weekdays, and he often does some killing and killing work.

I was used to seeing his rough appearance, but now he suddenly changed into another image, which made people who have seen him on weekdays very uncomfortable.

Jin Er didn't think it was strange to wear such clothes, but frowned and said, "It's hard to attend a birthday party with the third master, so naturally you should dress better."

As he said, he took a few steps closer to Shen Qing, winking and laughing at Shen Qing, "You don't know, Cheng Yunting's birthday banquet, all the rich and powerful gathered in Yuncheng, and there were countless beautiful female dolls inside."

Shen Qing raised her eyebrows, "You know?"

"Of course I know."

Jin Eryi was excited, and directly hooked Shen Qing's shoulders, "Let me tell you, those who can be invited to Cheng Yunting's banquet are all first-class beauties. The beauties on the other side of the river, in our Yuncheng Famous."

Shen Qing felt a little uncomfortable being held by his neck, she couldn't help but frowned, and glanced at him, "Even if there is a beauty, it's not yours."

After hearing this, Jin Eryi immediately said, "I think you are just envious and jealous of me."

Shen Qing choked.

Envious and jealous of a ball of wool!
Shen Qing shook his shoulders, but He Jiner was completely unaware that he was colluding with Shen Qing.

He is completely unaware that Shen Qing is a girl.

Shen Qing couldn't break free, so she could only purse her lips and say, "No matter how many beauties cross the river, they can't compare with Sanye's celestial appearance. Instead of looking at those vulgar fans, I might as well look at Sanye directly."

Jin Er was dumbfounded, and blurted out, "The third master is a man."

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression froze for a moment, and he came to his senses.

Forgot, Shen Qing is a girl doll.

Jin Er slapped his forehead one by one, and looked at Shen Qing with a strange expression, "You, you...you actually covet the beauty of the third master?"

Shen Qing rolled his eyes, "Can you talk? What do you mean I covet the beauty of the third master. Is the third master someone that others can think of."

After listening to Jin Er, he felt that what Shen Qing said was reasonable, "You are right."

Shen Qing fell silent.

Jin Er tilted his head and thought, "There are very few people like the third master who are worthy of him."

After a while, he laughed again, "However, I think you and the third master are quite suitable."

"cough cough"

Shen Qing was choked by Jin Er's neck, and couldn't help coughing violently.

Before he finished coughing, a gloomy voice came from behind, "What are you doing?"

"we are at--"

Halfway through the speech, Jin Er's expression froze.

Shen Qing silently pushed away Jin Er's hand on her shoulder, turned her head calmly, and said respectfully, "Third Lord."

Ji Yanli stared at her and asked again, "What are you doing?"

This tone sounds a bit wrong.

Shen Qing suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and said without blinking, "Third Lord, this subordinate is discussing with Jin Er about crossing the river today."


Ji Yanli sullenly said, "Do you need to hook your shoulders to say something?"

As soon as these words came out, let alone Shen Qing, everyone present was stunned.

What's the matter with the third master's slightly questioning tone?There must be something wrong with their ears, they heard wrong!

The weird feeling in Shen Qing's heart was even worse, but when she saw Ji Yanli's dark face, her heart sank and she obediently closed her mouth.

Ji Yanli is in a bad mood, it's wrong to say too much at this time, it's better not to say it.

"Third Master, in fact, this subordinate and Shen Qing..."

Just as Jin Er was about to speak, Ji Yanli glanced at him lightly, his mouth was instantly sewn shut, and the words he was about to blurt out were also stuck in his throat, and he couldn't come out no matter what.

He felt that Ji Yanli's eyes were a little scary.Jin Er was inexplicably discouraged.

If he is afraid of who he is most afraid of in this cloud city, if the season banquet is ranked second, no one will dare to rank first.

"Shen Qing, tell me."

Ji Yanli stared at Shen Qing faintly.

Shen Qing suddenly felt like a light on his back, and said bravely, "Third Master, we were indeed discussing the matter of crossing the river just now."

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