Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 144 Chapter 144

Chapter 144 144. Pay off this debt

If the situation didn't allow it, Shen Qing really wished he could just dig a fissure in the ground and get in.

This, this... this is too close.

Shen Qing was so embarrassed that he couldn't help moving his body, but was held down by Ji Yanli's shoulder.

"Don't move. Hold on, don't make a sound!"

Season Banquet's lowered voice was even more charming, lingering in Shen Qing's ears, Shen Qing's face became inexplicably hot.

Sensing Shen Qing's strangeness, Ji Yanli said a little apologetically, "It's hard for you."

After Ji Yanli finished speaking, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he fired a shot in one direction.

The gun was equipped with a silencer, and the speed at which the season banquet fired the gun was fast and ruthless.Shen Qing was so close to her that he could clearly feel her strong arms.

There was another gunshot, filled with blood, the whole hall was suddenly silent for a moment, and then there were utter screams of horror.

Amidst the noise, Shen Qing seemed to hear Ji Ying's voice, "Master!"

In the darkness, his voice was particularly anxious, faintly overshadowing other voices.

"It's Ji Ying!"

Shen Qing's eyes lit up, and she glanced in the direction of the voice, "Let's go out and meet them."

"Need not."

The Season Banquet stopped Shen Qing, "Their target is me, if I go out now, the others will be even more dangerous."

Shen Qing was silent.

In other words, she has become the one who was implicated by the season banquet?
Shen Qing just wanted to say a few words, but felt that the timing was wrong, so she closed her mouth angrily.


Ji Yanli's voice suddenly tightened, and he rolled on the spot while hugging Shen Qing's waist, and slid to the other side.Season Banquet fired instantly, and something fell to the ground with a plop.

Shen Qing was hugged by Ji Yanli, and broke out in a cold sweat.And where they were just now, a hole was pierced by a bullet, and sporadic firelight shone on their faces.

Ji Yanli could clearly see Shen Qing's slightly pale face, which was almost pale.

Ji Yanli's heart tightened, and from the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of blood seeping from Shen Qing's back, which was very eye-catching.

Just now when he rolled over, the enemy fired several shots. If Shen Qing hadn't hugged Ji Yanli suddenly, this bullet would have hit Ji Yanli's chest.

The dream scene really came true.

Shen Qing wore a bulletproof vest, and the bullet did not penetrate the heart, otherwise the shot in the chaos just now would definitely have killed her.

Ji Yanli's brows were slightly startled, and he tightly held Shen Qing's hand, "Shen Qing, bear with it, nothing will happen to you."

For the first time in his life, Ji Yanli's tone was filled with unconscious distress.

Shen Qing gritted her teeth and endured the pain. At this moment, she was still in the mood to laugh, "It's not a pity for the subordinate to die, but the third master can't have anything to do. As long as the third master is fine, the subordinate will be satisfied."

At least if there is nothing wrong with the season banquet, it will be able to feed and clothe the anti-Japanese ancestors who are fighting bloody battles ahead.

Shen Qing was satisfied.

She didn't die, and Ji Yanli also avoided the fatal blow in the novel and dream.

The hall was in chaos, and there were more than one villain.Shen Qing's wound was bleeding, and he couldn't wait to clean up the mess.

Ji Yanli hugged Shen Qing, and jumped directly towards the window when the glass was shattered by the gunshots.

Only now did Shen Qing realize that there was a sharp pain in his back, Ji Yanli half-embraced Shen Qing, landed lightly, and rolled aside.

When Ji Yanli jumped out, he only cared about protecting Shen Qing, but he was stuck in the arm by the broken glass, making a long cut.

"Third Master."

Shen Qing's eyes widened, looking at Ji Yanli's bleeding arm, his heart was shocked and his heart was tumbling.

A piece of glass was inserted deep, and Ji Yanli groaned in pain.Shen Qing didn't care about her own back at this time, and quickly took the gauze tweezers that she kicked in her arms in advance.

"Third Master, bear with me, I will help you deal with the wound."

Shen Qing gritted her teeth, and used tweezers to forcefully grab the piece of broken glass stuck into Ji Yanli's arm.

Ji Yanli sucked in a breath of cold air in pain, but managed to hold back without making a sound.Shen Qing's teeth were chattering, but this time was not the time for her to be weak.

Shen Qing gritted her teeth, ignoring his deep bone-deep wound, and wrapped it round and round with gauze.Hungering and pestering, but the sockets of her eyes turned red unsatisfactorily.

She wore the bulletproof vest given to her before the season banquet. In fact, her wounds were not very serious. The person who was really seriously injured was actually the season banquet.

The lights outside the ship flickered, shining on the faces of both of them.Ji Yanli frowned because of the pain, and he stretched out a hand to wipe Shen Qing's tears that rolled down suddenly.

"But the wound hurts again?"

As Ji Yanli said, he comforted her bluntly, "Don't worry, I won't let you die."

Ji Yanli is not a person who can comfort others, Shen Qing was not comforted by his words.

While speaking, another gunshot came out.

"Come on!"

Ji Yanli's expression changed, he didn't care that his arm was half bandaged, and protected Shen Qing to escape from here.

Crossing the river and facing the sea, there is sea water everywhere, and the places to escape are limited.

Ji Yanli is worthy of being the leader of the gang, he just glanced casually, then quickly planned the route, and took Shen Qing to the opposite direction of crossing the river.

There is a blocking building there. At this time, the people of Season Banquet are probably looking for Season Banquet in the dark, or they may be fighting with the enemy.

However, Shen Qing can't care so much now, she chooses to believe in Ji Yanli's judgment.Run wildly in that direction.

Ji Yanli always protected her, occasionally turned around and shot with cold eyes, killing the figure who was chasing up.

After running to one place, Ji Yanli and Shen Qing stopped.Due to the excessive running around, Ji Yanli left a lot of blood on his arm, but he seemed unaware of the pain.

Shen Qing pursed her lips, her face paled, "Third Lord, let me re-bandage it for you."

"No. They'll be here soon."

Shen Qing didn't know who they were talking about during the banquet, but saw him raise his eyebrows and smiled, "You shouldn't have come here in the first place. It caused you to be injured."

Shen Qing's heart froze slightly.

"The lives of my subordinates are all given by the third master. Why did the third master say that he hurt me? If the third master hadn't taken him in, maybe I would have starved to death on the street."

Shen Qing's voice was slightly stilted, "If you say that you are involved, it is because I have involved the third master. If it were not for me, with the third master's skills, he would definitely be able to get out of the body."

Ji Yanli's martial arts skills are not low, if it wasn't for the fear of her getting hurt everywhere, and her actions being restricted, how could a few people force Ji Yanli into such a mess.

Ji Yanli sized her up, and agreed, "It's true that you got involved... Since you know it, you will definitely repay my debt in the future."

"it is good."

Shen Qing didn't know what was going on in her heart, but she responded directly.

Hearing the words of the season banquet, he hooked his lips and smiled.

Shen Qing didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, but only felt that Ji Yanli was amazing.After suffering such a severe wound, he could still laugh at this moment.

The wound on her back, even with the bulletproof vest, she is still holding on now, the pain is so painful that she can't laugh at all, let alone her face as unchanged as the season's banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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