Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 145 Chapter 145

Ji Yanli saw that her complexion was not very good, her eyes moved, "Is the wound hurting, let me see your wound..."

Before the words of the season banquet were finished, Shen Qing immediately hid back like a frightened bird, "No need, third master, it doesn't hurt very much."

If Ji Yanli really let Ji Yanli see her wounds, wouldn't the secret of her disguise as a man be exposed.

In fact, even if it wasn't the season banquet, if the doctor had changed to treat the wound, her identity as a woman disguised as a man would have been fully exposed.

However, Shen Qing still wanted to be strict and try not to expose it as much as possible.

Ji Yanli paused for a moment with the hand holding her shoulder, and looked at her with dark eyes.

What Shen Qing couldn't bear the most was Ji Yanli's eyes. She swallowed, and pulled away Ji Yanli's hand with one hand, "The third master's arm was injured, so don't bother. The subordinates If the injury is not serious, just go back and let the doctor deal with it, but for you, the third master, this wound cannot be delayed."

Ji Yanli lowered his eyes and half closed his eyes, pursed his lips and remained silent.Shen Qing was not sure if he was angry.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't disobey him, not to mention the wound on Ji Yanli's arm was to save her.

Shen Qing's lips moved, hesitated for a while, and finally swallowed his secret into his stomach.

Time passed slowly, and the wound on his back seemed to have just woken up, and the pain was severe at the moment.

There was a commotion on the other side of the river for a while, and now the lights finally came on.It was already night, and after this fierce battle, everyone looked exhausted.

Cheng Yunting was furious.

A good birthday party turned out to be a feast for gangsters to assassinate.

Many people died at the scene, and Chen Yunting's adjutant led people to catch the assassins.There was the sound of kicking and tapping footsteps from across the river.

No season banquet was found at the scene, and a group of Longmen brothers headed by Jinyi were anxiously looking for someone.

"How about it, Mr. Jinyi, did you find the third master?"

Cheng Yunting's adjutant came over and wiped the thin sweat off his face anxiously, "The warlord did not expect such a thing to happen today. It surprised everyone. The warlord deeply apologizes."

I am in a hurry to find Ji Yanli right now, so I don't have the time to argue with him.

"Adjutant Cheng. How Governor Cheng wants to explain today's affairs has to ask our third master what he thinks. We should deal with the current affairs first."

When Adjutant Cheng heard this, he instantly understood what Jin Yi meant, and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, Mr. Jin, I have already sent someone to look for him. As long as the third master is still crossing the river, someone will definitely find him."

I pursed my lips and did not refuse.

For a while, the brothers from Longmen and the brother Bailaihao brought by Governor Cheng were looking for someone in the ferry.As a result, the entire ferry was turned over, but no one was found.

The ferry was only that big, and the Bailai people almost overturned the ferry, but no one was found.

Jinyi couldn't be too anxious, Jiner followed behind Jinyi, also looking anxious.

When the accident happened, Shen Qing was dancing with Ji Yanli, he knew about it, but he never said it.

If something really happened to the third master, then Shen Qing...

"There are clues."

I don't know who yelled.The startled people all went towards the source of the sound, near the glass that was shattered by the gunfire.

Jin was as sinking as water, and turned directly towards the direction of the glass, and Jin Er hurriedly followed.

There were only shards of glass on the ground, and some of the glass was stained with mottled blood.Ji Ying was already looking around for suspicious clues.

"found it."

A brother found a piece of fabric outside the glass.

Ji Ying took a closer look at the piece of fabric, and finally said with a sullen face, "This is Shen Qing's clothes."

The piece of clothing was stained with blood, and it was shocking to see.

"There is blood on the cloth, as if it was torn from the clothes to bandage a wound. Shen Qing should be injured."

Hearing that Shen Qing was injured, Jin Er was a little worried.

He and Shen Qing's personalities are relatively out-of-the-ordinary, and the two of them can be regarded as like-minded.

After finally finding a like-minded person, he and Shen Qing are the happiest when they are together, and more or less there is a bit of brotherhood.

Now that something happened to Shen Qing, it was a lie to say that she was not worried.

"Shen Qing should be injured."

Ji Ying held the bloody cloth strip, "But judging from the scene, she should have escaped. And judging from the traces around, Shen Qing is not alone."

Not alone, who else?
There are only a few people who follow the third master.Later, both Jin Er and Ji Ying were sent to busy work by Ji Yanli, and Jin Er's temper got away from him and went to play.

At the end of the season banquet, only Shen Qing was left by his side.Shen Qing had a simple social circle, and it was the first time he came to Dujiang, so he basically knew no one but Longmen Diao's brothers.

Whoever Shen Qing is with, the result is self-evident.

Now that Shen Qing was injured, how could the situation of the Ji Banquet be any better?

In an instant, everyone's hearts were frightened.With a sullen face, Jin took someone outside to find someone.

The sea breeze is blowing outside, which makes people feel cold.

Shen Qing's back was wet, and his head felt a little groggy.Shen Qing felt that she must have a fever, and her back was throbbing with pain.

The lights on the side of the ferry came on, and it wasn't all dark at the moment.

Ji Yanli kept talking, trying to divert Shen Qing's attention, but Shen Qing just wanted to sleep right now and didn't want to listen to anything.

He also doesn't know why there are so many things to say today at the season banquet, which is usually unsmiling.

Shen Qing was dizzy and couldn't hear what she said. He just felt his gentle voice lingering in his ears, like hypnosis, making people want to sleep.

The time was ticking, and I don't know how long it had passed, Shen Qing suddenly said, "Now, it's almost twelve o'clock."

As long as it is past twelve o'clock, it is considered a new day.The catastrophe of the severe injury of the season banquet, even if it is completely over.

Shen Qing was very dizzy, but she still cared about the safety of the season banquet.

Ji Yanli didn't know why she was so obsessed with time.

"It's past twelve o'clock."

Ji Yanli paused, "Shen Qing, listen to me, don't sleep yet. Ji Ying and the others will come right away. When they come, I will find you the best doctor in the city, and I won't leave you with scars."

Shen Qing wanted to laugh a little.

The pain is so painful, what do you care about leaving scars?
Shen Qing didn't know if he was comatose with fever, and suddenly stretched out his hand and poked Ji Banyan's chest, "Your chest is hard, no wonder, my nose will bleed."

Shen Qing spoke in a very soft voice, and the force of poking someone was like tickling someone.

Ji Yanli listened to her patiently, and was a little bit dumbfounded when he was worried, "It was you who bumped into it yourself, I didn't touch you on purpose."

What Shen Qing was talking about was the time when she accidentally bumped into Ji Yanli and got a nosebleed.

In fact, his arm was also bleeding, but he joked with her as if nothing had happened, fearing that she would suddenly faint.

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