Dressed as the hero's dog leg

Chapter 146 Chapter 146

Chapter 146 146. Shen Qing is Dangerous
Shen Qing braced himself up.

She opened her eyelids and took a look at Ji Yanli, then said suddenly, "I didn't bump into it, you stopped suddenly, and I bumped into it."

Seeing that she was still thinking about this, Ji Yanli couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows, and coaxed softly, "You're right, I stopped suddenly and you bumped into it."

"Well, it is."

Shen Qing was in a daze, only satisfied when he heard Ji Yanli say this.

"Senior Banquet, I'm a little cold and want to sleep."

Shen Qing raised her big wet eyes, she was so dizzy now that she didn't realize that she called Ji Yanli's name directly instead of calling him third master respectfully.

She is in a daze now, and she only thinks that the season banquet is more reliable and close.

"Don't sleep, Ji Ying and the others will be here soon. I'll take you back and sleep again."

Ji Yanli's coat was wrapped around Shen Qing's body, and Ji Yanli pulled Shen Qing's clothes tighter, "You can't sleep, hold on a little longer."

Shen Qing now has a severe headache and a severe back pain. The pain is so bad that she wants to wring her head off.

But the pain is the pain, and she really wants to sleep soundly.

Shen Qing didn't respond to the season's banquet, but pursed her lips aggrievedly, "I didn't sleep, you know how to kill me."

Ji Yanli pursed her lips, "Why did I attack you?"

"Don't ask, I don't know. You are killing me."

Shen Qing was so confused that she didn't even realize who she was talking to, "You not only murdered me, you also raped me and often punished me."

Mentioning this, Shen Qing finally cheered up a bit, "The Season Banquet...you, are you alright?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and poked his chest cautiously.

Season Banquet: "..."

Shen Qing ignored Ji Yanli's reaction, and Wuzi heaved a sigh of relief, "It's just that you're fine."

The season banquet was slightly startled.

But Shen Qing muttered again, "Ji Yanli, I want to go back to sleep... The bed I go back to is soft and comfortable to sleep on, but sleeping here hurts my head."

Shen Qing had a fever, and now she used the season banquet as a pillow for her pillow.

Ji Yanli was not angry when she heard her say that, but instead touched her hot head, couldn't help but chuckled, "The fever is so serious, and you still worry about sleeping comfortably, you will enjoy it. "

Seeing Shen Qing's upper and lower eyelids fighting in a daze.A big cold hand suddenly caressed her forehead, followed by the sound of the season banquet.

"Shen Qing, don't sleep."

Ji Yanli hugged her and said, "It's really uncomfortable to sleep here. If you want to sleep here, I'll tear down your bed when you get back, and throw you out of Ji's mansion and let you sleep on the road."

Shen Qing was about to fall into a coma, but when Ji Yanli's voice said so, Shen Qing was startled half awake in an instant.

She doesn't want to sleep on the road, or live on the street.

Shen Qing muttered, and subconsciously grabbed Ji Yanli's clothes with one hand, "Ji Yanli, you are a big bad guy."

Shen Qing had a fever, and his voice was hoarse.

Ji Yanli half held her hand and gave a slight pause, then laughed, "Well, I'm a bad breed."

Shen Qing didn't speak again.

When she felt that she was about to fall asleep again, the voice of the season banquet sounded in her ears again, "I am a bad seed, and you are also a bad seed."

Shen Qing was very unhappy.

Every time I am about to sleep, the sound of the season banquet will appear.

Her eyebrows were twisted into knots, one hand was weakly hooked on Ji Yanli's clothes, and she said weakly, "Ji Banli, I want to hit someone."

Ji Yanli smiled, "When you recover, you can beat people however you want."

Shen Qing pursed her lips, and then said with tears in her eyes, "Ji Yanli, I want to sleep."

"can not sleep."

The tone of the season banquet subconsciously softened, "Be patient. It will be fine after this time."

Shen Qing didn't know what to think of, and asked in a daze, "Ji Yanli, am I going to die? I have a headache, and I want to twist my head off."

"Won't die."

Ji Yanli felt a little stuffy in her heart, and couldn't help interrupting her chatter.

Shen Qing didn't speak again.

I don't know how long it took, but there were loud footsteps outside.

I wish they were in such a hurry that it took them more than an hour to find the season banquet.

The season banquet came out with Shen Qing in his arms.

"Third Master."

Looking at the blood oozing from Ji Yanli's arm, Jin was startled, and seeing Shen Qing in Ji Yanli's arms, his eyelids twitched involuntarily.

Ji Yanli's arm was bleeding, and Ji Ying came over, "Third Lord, I'll hold Shen Qing in my arms and ask the doctor to bandage your wound first."

"Need not."

Ji Yanli was thinking about Shen Qing's injury, "Go back to Ji's mansion, and invite Dr. Zhang to come over."

The doctor was worried that they would be injured during the season banquet as soon as they borrowed from the warlord Cheng.

Some other brothers had already driven over in off-road vehicles.Shen Qing was carried into the car by Ji Yanli himself.

With so many people, it was rare for Shen Qing to wake up for a moment.

"The Season Banquet."

Shen Qing tugged at Ji Banyan's sleeves.

Because of her weakness, Shen Qing's voice was like a mosquito when she spoke, and she pulled the sleeve of the season banquet with very little force.

Almost all of Ji Yanli's attention was on Shen Qing, and now that Shen Qing was pulling his sleeve, he felt it immediately.

"What's the matter, does the wound hurt again?"

Ji Yanli's heart tightened, and he turned to Ji Ying and said, "Call the doctor."

Ji Ying didn't dare to delay, so she turned around and called for someone.

Shen Qing tugged at her sleeve and said weakly, "Third Master, you... Let the doctor look at your arm, if you lose too much blood, something will happen."

"it is good."

Ji Yanli patted her head again, "You have to obediently let the doctor look at the injury, don't worry, with me here, I won't let him talk nonsense."

As soon as Shen Qing heard that he wanted the doctor to see the injury, the alarm bells rang out in his chaotic head, and the hands holding Shen Qing's clothes were trembling.

Ji Yanli knew what she was worried about, he slowly possessed himself, and whispered something in Shen Qing's ear.Shen Qing listened in a daze, and then fainted for some reason.

Shen Qing was rushed to the hospital for an operation, and there was a circle of Longmen brothers around the ward, and Jin Er even smoked several cigarettes in succession.

Ji Yanli, who was dressed in a crow blue robe, was tall and tall, and when he walked over, his arms were wrapped in a thick layer.

Jumping out of the window that day, Ji Yanli's arm was already stabbed by broken glass, and he carried Shen Qing all the way to the hospital.If he hadn't come in time, that hand would have been almost useless.

"Third Master."

When several people saw the Ji Banquet, they all stood up and saluted.

Ji Yanli glanced at the closed door, and frowned tightly, "What's going on?"

"Doctor Zhang said that Shen Qing's situation is quite special. He was shot and the wound was infected, and he is still undergoing a second operation. If the operation is successful, he will be out of danger. If the operation is not successful, if he is not sure, then..."

The brother didn't say anything more about the latter words.

"What did you say?"

Ji Yanli's heart tightened when he heard this, and his face suddenly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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